84 - Siblings - Part 1 - Period

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Prompt - maybe you could write about them breaking the news of a new baby to their eldest child (just because you asked for ideas, is not necessary if you don't like it 😅) modern times are my favorite, but whatever will be fine


The click of their heels against the stone floors turns louder as they approach the chamber of their destination. The two of them have ruled both France and Scotland for five years, they've held the heirship of England for the past three. Of course, the Queen had became a Queen when she was a delicate six days old, but only officially attained the role after Henri had died and she took on France with him, too. Together, they took on the English threat to attain the heirship, they've managed two outbreaks of plague, famine and secrecy that nearly destroyed their unions. They've gotten past a sexual assault, dealt with the Protestant issue that tried to take both of them from their individual thrones. They've faced a coup that nearly cost them France, have been parents three times over. They've faced horrid first few months of pregnancies and births that nearly cost the Queen her life, they've faced a sickness that nearly cost the King his, they've faced the issue of a bastard child and a rumoured mistress. They've faced a malicious mother in law (in her case, not his) and have came out the other side, stronger and tempered like steel after being placed in the fire. They've worked together to win the respect of the nobility who thought people so young could not rule their countries, they've gained the respect of rulers amongst the world, so why do the next few minutes scare them so? 

"You're alright?" Francis affirms, as they continue to walk through the castle's hallways towards the royal nursery that they've became so accustomed to in the last few years, even though they themselves stayed in them as unsure five year old betrothed playmates. "You don't feel unwell?" he asked, remembering how sick she'd been over the last weeks, ones that had both of their courts worrying for her health. One was in a more malicious way -if the Scottish Queen died before the English Queen's own sickness took her, they'd have to wait another generation for England- than the other, who didn't want their country to fall under another regency rule whilst the true ruler grew to adulthood, they both knew that.

"I'm alright." she says quietly, her hand tightening around the crook of his elbow. Early pregnancy always took a lot out of her, in all four of their pregnancies, and had only lessened as she progressed, as she had in the last three of them. "Just nervous." she admits, and a little nauseous, but she didn't need to say that. He already knew, planting a kiss upon her forehead. "What do you think they'll say?" she asks him quietly as he pulls away from her head to look down into her eyes. Even in her tall court heels, he still towered over her.

"I'm not sure," he admits. "they'll be surprised, of course." he pauses, tucking her small hand into his blue velvet doublet as they continue to walk swiftly. "We've never had to properly talk to them about this, so they'll be wary or suspicious, but they'll come around, I'm sure of it."

"I hope they'll be happy." she absentmindedly admits. He nods in response. "They've never understood before." she says.

"Now they will." he says. "And they'll be happy to have another sibling. You know how they dote upon the baby."

"Still," she pouts. He chuckled, kissing her hair again, making sure not to crooked the crown she wore.

"How do you think we should tell them?" he asks, turning the corner to the large chambers that housed all three of their children, as well as his youngest siblings and Bash's daughter, but all of them had vacated it for now.

She shrugs. "How did we tell James about Anne? Or them both about Francis?" she asks him.

"We didn't." he answers her honestly. "James was only four months when you got pregnant with Anne, barely even one when she was born. He won't remember a time before her. And she was only six months when you got pregnant with our Prince, anyway."

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