32 - War

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Other men tell him that he should be ashamed of his fiery, fearless bride of who'm follows the order of no man. But how can he be anything other than fiercely proud when he hears tales of how his wife battled the waves of the English channel in a horrid storm nine times over to rescue the heroes of Dunkirk? How can he keep a straight face and a deflated chest as the bartender reminds him of all the times that Mary had hung up ribbons and chained herself to fences to attain the political vote for females? How can he feel shame when he is stationed home to recover from gunshot wounds as he is told the stories Kenna and Greer have as they create weaponry for the war effort? How can he not laugh as the recklessness of their behaviour is replicated in their own tales? How can Francis feel anything but love for Mary as their seven children play the family they were always meant to have?

Tu Es Ma LumièreOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora