34 - Bump

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"This," the Queen of France noted bitterly, looking down at her abdomen. Her King turned to her, raising a perfect golden brow in his bride and Queen's direction. "is getting ridiculous." she finished, pouting adorably, he thought. Mary looked back down at her growing bump with that same childish pout.

"What is?" he asked, the cotton undershirt he had in his hand crumpled for the moment. Mary looked back at her husband, looking at every inch of his braud, muscular chest. He hadn't lost any of the mass or muscle he had gained in the battle for Callas. Mary bit her lip in want, pulling her eyes from her ridiculously handsome husband reluctantly. No. They didn't have time for that. Besides, it took a stupidly long time to dress her growing bump. But he was so attractive and just as insatiable as she had grown to be and she was pregnant, as if she needed a reason to want him more. 

"This," she stated, pouting down at her bump. "I'm huge!" she wailed dramatically. Underneath her peach lace gown was a large bump that housed her child, and it seemed to be growing by the hour.

"You're with child, my love." he chuckled fondly, now more than accustomed to the slight dramatics she displayed as her womb grew with child. "It's normal to grow." he stated.

"But still!" she wailed. "I'm walking around with a bump the size of France!" she cried. "The midwives say that the child won't come until the middle of winter, yet it is just passed the middle of autumn! I'm going to blow up into the size of a whale at this rate!" she stated miserably, not even trying to get up. She lacked the effort, besides, the child made her horridly and rather un-Queenly off balance when she tried to raise from chairs or even walk around her castle. Although she could feel their joy, Mary could feel Catherine and Court's judgement as she grew with child and heir. She didn't want to risk embarrassment and ridicule if she showed any un-Queenly behaviour in front of them. "And you won't want me anymore." she pouted, looking to the floor. That was the one rumour that hurt more than the rest. Court smiled at her Queen's face, but behind her back, they asked amongst themselves how long it would be until the Queen took to her chambers and the King took a mistress to his own. 

"What?" Francis frowned, coming over to her, his shirt hiding his body from his wife. "Are you still insecure about that?" he asked her. Mary pouted again. "I see." he sighed, stopping in front of her. "Come on." he stated, holding out his hands to his wife. She slowly gripped his offered hands, slowly getting up, using him as a rod to keep her balance. "You know that I love you, don't you?" she nodded. She did know he loved her, but his father loved his mother in his own way, and look how their predecessors marriage turned out. "The fact that you still worry that I'll turn from you just because you're pregnant with our child is as ridiculous as it was the first day you came to me with these fears." he sighed, releasing her hands to hold her beautiful face. "I love you, I love you, I will never look at anybody the way I look at you, okay?" he asked. "I'll never turn from you just because you're pregnant and your body is changing. Somehow, you're even more beautiful to me as you grow with child as you are as when your waist is tiny and trim." he stated. Mary blushed. "I love you, ma reiene. Now more than ever." he paused. "and it breaks my heart to see you guessing that."

"I don't guess it, I just-" she trailed off. "I worry and court gossip doesn't help matters at all." she said softly.

"I understand, but just remember how much I love you any time you question your beauty because of a few meaningless words."

"I love you, too."

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