56 - Murder

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"She deserved it." Mary hissed, gulping down her wine. She winced at the taste, taking in more and more of the deep red substance. "She did." she insisted, draining the goblet of all it's precious fluid that made what she had just seen and been told not so bad.

"Did she?" Kenna asked, sipping at her own wine. "Does anybody deserve a death like that?" she asked. "I'm not saying what she did wasn't wrong, I know that it is, Mary. Trust me, I do know what she did was wrong. But to die like that? It's brutal." she winced.

Mary squinted. "She betrayed me, Kenna. Do you think it matters that he and I weren't together at the time? She knew my reasonings for doing what I did. She knew I did it for him, she knew I did it because I loved him. So much so that I was willing to rock the entire world so he would be safe. But she seeks him out, oh so timely finds him in a whore house, lures him into a sense of security then bang." she cracked her fingers. "Gets him to lay with her. Uses his sadness, grief and vulnerability for her own devises. And to make it worse," she drunkenly chuckled. "she gets pregnant." she rolled her eyes. "Do you know what would have happened if that baby was birthed? It is was going to be a boy, you know he would have claimed it. Regardless of what would happen to me because of it. That scandal could turn into an uprising because the Queen had a vulnerability. My enemies would have preyed upon it until I lost my head and my crown. How is that okay?" she questioned, filling her glass, almost as quickly draining it. "What would she have me do? Protect her from herself as she makes foolish decision after foolish decision? I cannot. I just cannot."

"Mary, listen." the mistress of horse and hunt stated, standing up. She wiped her Queen's tears from her cheeks. "I know what she did was wrong, I know what would have happened if things progressed further. But she risked her life, passing through the blood wood to get to that 'midwife's house. She willingly spread her legs-"

"In more ways than one." Mary bitterly snapped. Kenna ignored her.

"and let the woman remove her baby from her body. If she wasn't killed how she was, then I do believe that she would have died from it." Kenna stated. She cupped Mary's cheek in her hand, turning her to face her. "I know you must hate her for what she did, but she died stumbling through the woods, bleeding heavily from the termination. Did she deserve to be captured by the pagans and strung up at a tree, have her throat slit and left to bleed out?"

"She should have known not to pass through the woods in which human sacrifice occurred." Mary huffed.

"I know she should have, but she was desperate for you not to find out about what had happened, so much so that she risked her life to make sure nothing bad happened to it."

"What a cold irony, she shook my marriage before it even began and then got herself killed because of it."

"You do understand that she never wanted to harm your union with Francis? That when she realised something could affect your union, she wanted to make it null and void?"

"What are you saying? That it's my fault that that happened to her?"

"No, I just-"

"Kenna." Mary huffed. "She made her decision that day, betraying me for even a moment is unacceptable, let alone an entire morning of it. She made her decision to terminate. That's on her head, not mine. Although she may not have deserved to be strung up and bled out like her little farmer boy lover, she needed to atone. What irony that atonement ultimately meant death."

"I just want-"

"No." Mary breathed. "I just want to forget that she and her decision ever happened in the first place. She was always the one who would betray me, she did it when we returned to Court, she did it with Bash, and she did it with Francis. I want to forget she ever lived in the first place. And this-" Mary swiped the bottle from Kenna's hand. "is how I'm going to do it."


I have no idea what this is, I just had a random impulse of what may have happened if Mary didn't tell Lola not to terminate the baby and if she actually did it. As Mary and Bash said, Lola had to have gone through the blood wood to get to the cottage, so here's what I think would have happened after the fact. Comments please!

Stay safe out there,




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