94 - Daughter

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Prompt - Mary has Francis' daughter in modern times! Maybe they already have James or John (or both!) but this is the first time they've had a girl.

Side note - This is in the same universe as part 30 but an alternate one to part 37!


The last time Mary had been in this position, she had been extatic to be a mother, to have a beautiful little baby to call her own. In some ways, it was the same. But in a lot of ways, it was different. Her heart had melted, yes. But only because of the baby she had birthed, not the man she had birthed her child to. Being with Darnley -who was never, ever a loving husband or father- had dulled the moment, but now, being free of him and being in another relationship, Mary was definatley sure that her heart was going to burst from happiness.

Life with Francis was night and day compared to her life with Darnley. Darnley was a drunk who considered her a trophy wife most of the time. He scrounged off her money and slept with everything but her, most of the time. She was ecstatic to be free of him, and her blonde Prince Charming was just the icing on the cake. Francis was an old school romantic who had -literally and figuratively- swept her off her feet. He called her endearments and made sure she was always comfortable and happy. He was a proper father to her little boy, whispered sweet nothings into her ear at night and kissed her good morning. He was protective and kind and loving and just good. She really struck gold with him, didn't she?

Before long, the two had gotten married and lived in blissful domestication with James and John. Life was good, and then it had gotten even better when Mary found out that she was having Francis' baby. He looked after her so well as she grew and grew with child, her heart had never been fuller when the boys would talk to her belly, the little human who would bound all of them together. 

And now the child was here, a beautiful girl with dark hair and rosy cheeks and lips. Showing all the signs of looking just like her mother as she grew. He had been with her the entire time, rubbing her shoulders and back and holding her hand and brushing her hair back and giving her water for the entire sixteen hours of unmediated labour she had gone through to bring the baby girl into the world.

"Aren't you beautiful, hmm?" Francis hummed to his new daughter, beaming down at the sleeping little human in his arms. "The most beautiful girl I've ever seen." he murmured. Mary's heart fluttered at the sight of the husband she loved so much being so enthralled by a baby, their baby. That man and babies, she didn't know what it was. He was so good with them, probably because he had so many siblings and was the oldest out of them, apart from Bash and Clarissa. It made her want to give him as many children as physically possible.

"I love seeing you with a baby." Mary admitted, bringing his attention to her. He looked up from their daughter and smiled at her, walking over towards his wife.

"You're awake." he stated. "How're you feeling?"

"Sore," she answered honestly, chuckling. "tired. Hungry." she stated. He nodded.

"Well, I can't do anything for the first two, but Bash and Kenna are bringing take out from your favourite place, that vegan one?"

Mary's eyes sparkled. Having been deprived of food for almost an entire day -sixteen hours because of the birth and a four hour nap after the baby was born and had lived for an hour- the prospect of those fabulous imitation meats and cheeses excited her. She hadn't been able to hold down any animal products in her pregnancy, so she'd practically lived off that particular vegan restaurant her entire pregnancy.

He smiled at her obvious excitement. "She's gonna get hungry soon, so do you wanna-" he nodded to her gown. Her nap had been disturbed for a little while when their little baby needed feeding. And time had passed since then, anyway. 

She let the gown fall from one shoulder, exposing her breast. Francis helped her hold their new child, and the baby girl quickly latched onto her mother's breast, suckling hard.

"She's a good eater." Mary nodded softly, running her fingers through the wispy, silky dark strands of hair that her first daughter had.

"Must be from your side." Francis noted, hopping up onto the hospital bed. Mary leaned her head upon his shoulder, staring down at this little human that they'd made together. Not out of intoxication, like their first individual children, but out of pure love. "John was never a good eater."

"James ate all day every day." she smiles faintly. "Where are they?" she asked, looking up at her husband.

"Kenna'n Bash are bringing them with your food, don't worry." he smiles kindly, kissing her head. Mary's grateful they let her have a bath after the birth, so that he wouldn't be kissing her sweat laden hair as he had been when she was in labour. Besides, smelling of sweat and blood was hardly attractive, new mother or not.

"Look at her, Francis." Mary whispers, staring down at this beautiful little creature. "She's so beautiful."

"Just like her mother." he says smoothly. Mary's heart melts, ignoring how cheesy he could be in favour for the romanticism. She kissed his jaw, not being bothered enough to lean up to kiss him properly.

"Can we get a dog?" she asks suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence they had. He blinks in surprise.

"Huh?" he asks, a fond grin on his face. "We just had a baby and you wanna add a puppy to it?"

Mary shrugs. "Why not? Proper domestication." she reasons. "Three kids, married, a house with a wrap around fence. Getting a dog is the icing on the cake." she reasons.

He chuckles. "What kind?" he asks.

"Samoyed." Mary immediately states. "Or a malamute. Or a Pomeranian." she rambles.

"Any particular reason?"

"They're cute and cuddly." Mary states. He chuckles.

"Can we have more?" he asks shyly.  She nods.

"Absolutely. You're adorable when you've got a baby." she smiles. He chuckled, almost embarrassed. "And she's beautiful, look at her." she smiles, mesmerised by this little being that was so sweet and beautiful.

"I'm glad to hear you say it. There once was a time where you didn't want any more." he reminded her.

"That was before," she reminds him.

"Before what?"

"I realised how cute our babies could be and how much I love seeing you holding a baby." she plainly says.

"I love you." he simply says, kissing her nose. Mary closed her eyes.

"Love you." she swoons. "Do you think we've chosen a good name?"

"Anais." he says, looking down at the beautiful creature in his wife's arms. "Anais Viviana Mariposa de Valois-Angouleme, a beautiful Spanish name for a beautiful little girl. I think we chose pretty well."

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