167 - Intrusion *Modern*

344 11 2


Prompt - Modern Lola being jealous of Mary and little Jean!


"I want to see my son!" the short woman shrieks. The blonde man winces, following the small woman through the corridor. She's short, her hair is curly, her blue eyes are narrowed into small slits, her mouth is plump and her little legs carry her an impressive speed as they scale the long corridor. "He's not your pretty little girlfriends'! He's mine and I wanna see him!"

"Lola, for the love of God, keep it down!" the businessman snaps, following his onetime lover down the hall. "He's sick, he's sleeping! Leave him be!" Francis says, his voice dripping in irritation. Even still, the little lady walks with purpose towards the temporary bedroom of Jean de Valois in his grandparents' French residence. 

"No, Francis! No!" Lola snaps, gripping the bronze doorknob, turning to give the father of her child a fierce glare. "I'm so sick of your little girlfriend parading around with him like he's hers! He's mine, and he needs to know that!"

"You stupid girl! You see him every three months if he's lucky, he doesn't know you! Mary's the one to put him to bed and read him bedtime stories, she makes him little snacks for his homeschooling! It doesn't matter that you birthed him and she didn't, she's his mother, he even calls her that!"

"What?!" Lola shrieks. "You cannot allow that, Francis! I'm his mum, I conceived him, I carried him, I birthed him! He fed from my breasts, he coughed on my chest when he was born! I'm his mother, nobody else! You have to teach him this, Francis! I gave him to you to raise him right! It looks like I made a mistake, Mary may be your girlfriend, but that's all she is to Jean. I'm his mother, and only me!"

"For God's sake, he's four years old and he's sleeping! He's sick, lower your voice or I'll have my mother throw you onto the streets like the putain she thinks you are!" Francis snaps, reaching to remove her hand from the doorknob, but it was too late. His one-night lover threw open the door and revealed the image inside to the world.

In the impromptu bedroom -he had been called to France about the family business, whilst Mary and his son came along to visit the Valois and the de Guise's, Henry and Catherine hadn't had time to decorate the room for Jean's needs- was indeed the forms of Francis' son and his girlfriend. But it wasn't what Lola expected to see. The two of them were inside the bed, the four year old little boy was resting on Mary's chest. His face was pale and sweaty, and they were under a load of blankets, but they were both fast asleep on the overstuffed bed with too many pillows. Jean clung to Mary, his little cheeks red from fever and unkempt hair from naps.

Lola's face was so red that Francis honestly thought he would soon be seeing steam arising from her ears. He grins slightly, and grabs the woman lightly by her shoulders, beginning to stear her from the room.

"Let's leave them to it, shall we?"

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