165 - Adoration

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She can feel the heat of his breath skating against the soft skin of her abdomen. The slightly calloused nature of his fingers and palms from his years of bladesmithry are so comforting as they rest upon her. One holds the ivory satin of her nightgown up past her navel, the other closes around her hip and the small bulge her stomach has swollen to. His hair is so soft and gentle as it gently lays upon her body and skin, it's so gentle and silky against her, so comforting that she's not even irritated by the fact her husband has awoken her in the middle of the night for the third time this week.

"I love you so much, so much already. You and your mother mean everything to me, I'll protect you both with my life." The blonde King of France continues to whisper to his unborn child that lays warm within his mother's womb. Occasionally, he'll kiss Mary's growing stomach, or brush his fingers over her skin. She's not that far along yet, maybe three and a half months? Yet, regularly, the Queen of France and Scotland awakes to find her husband holding and kissing her stomach. Francis has been doing this very same thing since she was six weeks gone.

"We love you." she whispers, keeping her eyes closed. The King jerks in surprise, inhaling sharply. He blinks rapidly, pulling away to look her in the eye. Mary giggled at his look of shock, before it melted into sheepishness. Adorable, golden, sleepy sheepishness.

"Mary," he breathes. "you scared me." he says. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" he asks, looking every inch the perfect golden puppy dog he was only with her.

"Yes, but it's alright." she says, smiling softly at him. The Queen reaches out to run her fingers through his pretty golden curls, all messy and ravished because of sleep. "What're you doing still awake? Didn't you have a long conference with General Lavalle last night?" she asks with concern, rubbing the edge of her fingers over the slight bruises under his eyes. "And a meeting with the Duke of Cane in the morning?"

"Yes, but the man kept me up until the small hours, you know how careful he is with details ever since the flare of King Rudolph's temper." the King says, taking his Queen's hand from his cheek, holding it delicately in his own. Francis' hand dwarfs Mary's, but hers fits to perfectly in his, his larger hand cradles and protects her thin, long fingers, keeping it from the dangers of this world. "And after, I just-I just couldn't get off. Not with the babe so close to life." he says, looking down at the bump her abdomen had swollen to. Mary giggles at him.

"We appreciate the concern and the doting, but my love, you must rest. Our enemies look towards us now more than ever, with the birth close and the-" potential loss of an international Queen with claim to England, as well as an imperial heir, "the words were unsaid, but they both heard them. "We must show strength." Mary decides. "Now more than ever."

"You're right, I know that. I just can't believe our child is so close to our arms. To finally have a family, my excitement is too large to think of politics."

"You don't have to," she says, after a pause. "not tonight. Tonight, we can just be as we are. Let the crowns rest outside the door."

"Now that, I can do."  


Hello!! What better way to come back than some fluffy Frary family?

It's been a while, guys. Just popping in to say hi and to explain my absence. As you all know, I was struck down with an ear infection in August. A failed antibiotic run caused a sinus infection from hell and a pretty rough case of tonsillitis, because I'm the luckiest person in the world. So that took me out for the last couple weeks. I'm on another case of antibiotics, and they're pretty hardcore, which put me out of action at the keyboard for another little while. However, in my time away, I've been planning a large modern Frary piece that should be up in a few days. That combined with a lack of inspiration was the culprit, so yeah. Just letting you all know. Cause of that, I'm not really caught up on which story books I'm updating, so I'm gonna be trying to get a few pieces out on this and Frarytales, since these are (mostly) unconnected and simple to write. On Frarytales, I'm gonna be working on a multi ending for 3x05, so keep an eye out as I mend and break our Frary hearts!

Thank you all for being so patient and kind in the comments, it really means a lot since I am still pretty sick right now. However, I've had a strike of inspiration, so keep your eyes pealed while I update as much as I can!




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