61 - Test

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"Ugh," Mary groaned, leaning down onto the toilet seat once again. Her stomach rolled once again and she winced in displeasure. Absentmindedly, the back of her hand slid to her brow. Well, she didn't feel hot. That was a good sign, but why was this happening if she wasn't sick?

"Baby?" Francis asked through the door, knocking on it. "Are you not feeling better?" he asked her. Mary shook her head, before realising that he couldn't see her. She groaned loudly, spitting into the toilet again.

"No," she called back. "It's worse!" Mary called, before another wave of nausea forced the young woman's head into the toilet bowl again. She tensed, regurgitating another wave of her stomach contents into the toilet bowl once again. The door opened and in he walked.

"Oh, God, you look awful." Francis tutted. He knelled to his wife's side, rubbed her back up and down until the nausea continued to get worse and worse.

Mary mumbled something, falling to the side of the toilet, finally opening her eyes to look at her husband. He smiled a sad smile at her, brushing her hair back from her face. She weakly gripped his hand in a grip that was just as weak as her body felt.

"Don't you think we should go to the hospital?" he asked her. Mary shook her head.

"No, it's alright." she stated softly. "It's just a stomach flu or somethin'" but she could barely get the words out before another horrid wave of vomiting overtook her and she continued to let out the contents of her stomach. Francis tutted, rubbing her back as she continued to heave out the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl.

"I'm calling your mom." he decided, standing up to his full height after Mary had finally stopped getting sick in the toilet bowl.

"No," she moaned. "I'm alright." she stated. "I don't need a doctor."

"Baby, you've been throwing up non stop for three days straight, you have no fever and you can't hold anything down, I'm calling her." Francis decided firmly, walking out of the room to grab his cell phone.

Marie de Guise -nee Stuart- walked into her daughter and son in law's impressive home not a trifecta of hours later. Once upon a time, Francis never would have dreamed of calling this woman who had never been much of a mother to his wife, but the former addict had finally gotten on the straight and narrow just after their first anniversary, and now the woman was a general practitioner who worked in a clinic specialised in drug rehabilitation in her spare time. Marie did know her stuff when it came to sicknesses, however.

"Oh, look at you." Marie tutted at her only child, walking into her bathroom that was connected to the master bedrooms. The woman may be married for several years and owned her father's business companies, but somewhere, deep down, Marie did picture Mary as that young girl she had once been. But that young girl hadn't had anything to do with her mother, for Marie had been too high or drunk to really give a damn about her child. She relied on the Valois clan for any raising that she needed, who lived in the grand home next door.

"I'm fine." Mary moaned. "It's just a bug, probably." she moaned again, spitting more bile into the toilet. Marie shook her head, crouching down next to Mary, fully aware of the tall figure of her son in law leaning against the doorway, never having rid of the habit of keeping an eye on his wife whenever she was around her mother. A few times, in their engagement, Marie had risen hands to her daughter, leading to her -at the time- fiancee getting involved.

"I don't think so." she said, pressing a hand to her daughter's forehead. "You don't feel warm. Come here," she gripped Mary's jaw in a gentle grip, pushing a thermometer in her ear. "You don't have a fever." she stated, pulling the white little thing out when it beeped. "You're not sweating. Any headaches or chills?"

Mary shook her head no, tensing as another wave of vomiting suddenly cascaded out of her mouth. Marie tutted, patting her daughter's back until she stopped regurgitating.

"Are you pregnant?" she asked her. Mary snorted.

"Of course not." she rolled her eyes, collapsing to her side. "That's ludicrous." she finished, wiping her mouth.

"Is it?" she asked, raising a brow. "You told me you two started trying when you turned twenty four, it's been a few years now. It's not impossible for you to be." she stated firmly.

"Yes, it is." Mary snapped. "We've been trying for years and just nothing. Nothing. No miscarriages, no nothing. I can't be pregnant." she informed.

"Why haven't you gotten checked out by a gynaecologist?" she asked her daughter, pushing matted hair from Mary's face.

Mary shrugged. "What's the point? If we can't have kids, then we can't. Getting poked and prodded by needles and being humiliated in consultations won't do a bit of good." she finished.

"Mary, there's no shame in medical intervention. You of all people should know that." Marie spat back, before calming herself. "That's not what we should be focusing on. You've been having unprotected sex, yes?"


"Have you got a test?"

"For what?"

"Pregnancy, dummy." Marie rolled her eyes. Mary rolled hers right back.

"No. Finished them all by the second year of trying. What point was there anymore?" she asked. Francis shook his head, folding his arms. He had been having this argument with Mary for literal years about getting checked out to test their ability to have children. For some very odd reason, his wife believed that if they couldn't get pregnant naturally, then they simply couldn't get pregnant at all. It didn't matter that there could be other options for them out there, like IVF or anything like that. She had a stone cold belief that if they couldn't get pregnant without medical intervention, then medical intervention was completley out of the question. Since then, with every passing month of her courses coming and going, each bit of hope they once had for getting pregnant had long gone, at least on her end. Now, Mary had completley given up on getting pregnant, they had been trying for so long and all. No matter how many times he or his mother tried to convince her otherwise, Mary was set on her beliefs and nothing could change her mind.

"You're being stupid." Marie plainly said, looking over at her son in law, who stared back at his wife. "Go to the store, go get a test."

Francis obeyed silently, getting off the door frame and leaving the room. When he returned, pregnancy test in hand, he found the mother-daughter duo bickering.

"Will you just take the damned thing? Just to make sure that we can rule out pregnancy?" Marie asked, sounding rather exhausted by the whole matter now.

"No." she hissed back. "I'm not pregnant, mother. I've been trying for years, taken hundreds of tests, what's the chances of this one being positive?" his wife had replied, before silencing when Francis appeared in the doorway. He threw the test to her, she caught it with a cold glance.

"Take it." Marie demanded.

"No." she hissed back.

"Mary, we haven't been using protection for years, there is a chance, granted, it could be low, but there's still a chance. Will you stop being so obstinate and just take the pregnancy test? Please?" he asked her. Mary blinked in astonishment that he would take her mothers side in a matter such as this one.

"Will you two stop annoying the fuck out of me if I do?" she rolled her eyes.

"Yes." Marie stated. Mary rolled her eyes again.

"Fine, but it's going to be negative." she hissed. "Get out." They both did, only entering after they heard a small beep and the door opened a crack. Mother in law and son in law trotted into the bathroom to see Mary turning the test over in her hands.



Couldn't pick whether to have the test be positive or negative, so imagine the rest and let a girl know what you've came up with!

Comments and requests down below please!

Stay safe,




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