105 - The Scarred Prince

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The night was dark and empty, a pathway the only decoration on a unkempt dirt road, woods and hedges raggedy on either side. Owls and foxes were quieted by the moon in all her imperial majesty. The trees danced in a willowy routine known only by them, observing every field mouse that had the cowardly courage to skitter by. Not anything looked out of place, besides a quartet of black horses, a footman and an equally dark carriage.

The carriage rolled by, the sounds of the wheels groaning on the hard pathway and the horses' hooves the only sound illuminating the dark road. Every now and then, a screech of wind and a lunge of dripping wet greenery. The heavy rain was so loud it was silent, the little pitter patter of the liquid slipping down the dark carriage the only distinguishable sound in the otherwise silent world.

Inside the carriage sat a far more endearing sight than the dark, wet scenery outside her four small walls. A young mistress in all of her enchanting majesty sat soundlessly, lit sensually by the dripping candles encased in small chambers all around her. She wore a gown of dark crimson satin, her skirt wide and train long, encasing her slender, tall figure perfectly. A tight waist was pulled in by a corset and a tightly woven bodice that shimmered in the dim light, embellishments covering the corset and creeping down the skirt. Her chest and shoulders were left bare, a piece of matching embroidery gripping each pale bicep, a cape of satin falling down each side of her to the floor. Delicate arms to middle fingers were covered in red lace, how the sensual burgundy shade had suited the young mistress.

Thick raven curls fell from her head, billowing long past her bodice and falling to her skirt, right around her hips. Chandelier earrings made of rubies and twisted silver fell from each ear lobe, the cold metal and jewels skimming each pale shoulder, a matching necklace covering her chest, and the triplet was completed by a headpiece resting perfectly in the raven sea of hair. The triplet was concluded by a round of jewels around her fingers and wrists, sparking each time one moved out of place.

A small smile covered her demure, plump lips, hands holding one of her only constants, a medium sized book that hummed every time a page was turned. The young woman was forever reading, a book never not in her grasp, always reading of new places and worlds creating a peaceful serene in her mind. She was educated and independent, long since being accustomed to being alone. She never really was, however. She held a world of adventure and education in her hands.

A haze of lavender and jasmine followed her body, the pretty blend of scents mixing perfectly, perfectly matching the calming, intoxicating aura that the young woman held in herself. With the beauty of an enchantress and a heart to match, the young woman was rather content that her business with this man would be over before it even began, and she would be on her way back to be with her father before his time came.

The year was seventeen hundred and twenty seven. A serene time where the magic of the past and the mystery of the future was wrapped in a beautiful present. She could smell the wet oak and apples and berries from the outside path in which her horseman travelled. The young beauty shifted in her carriage, trying to get more comfortable in her seating. Try as her father's coach makers might, they never could grasp the idea of a comfortable carriage seating arrangement, or at least, it never worked out in practice. 

A groan brought her attention to her feet. She looked down and smiles shyly at the beautiful dog that lays upon her feet. A gift from her father three years ago, the little black puppy had grown into a beautiful male dog. Her Sterling was tall with the biggest blue eyes, long black hair that flowed in the wind whenever he ran. Protective and fierce, feisty and downright fearless, her constant companion did her well, she knew. She shushed him, gently leaning over to rake her nails over her other dogs' hair. A small boy with the softest, fuzziest hair who wished for nothing more to sit by her side and observe the world with her. The two couldn't be more different in personalities, the only thing they had in common was their hair, but they were well matched. Usually, father set a pack of wolves and guards to travel with her, his only daughter becoming accustomed to the twelve grey beings keeping everybody away from her, but not this time. Apparently, she wouldn't need it.

Why it had to be her herself that conducted this matter of business was beyond the young woman. Couldn't diplomats deal with this strange, enigmatic Prince who lived within the wrong Kingdom, who never left his Palace, nor his grounds? Why did it have to be her, herself who went into a strangers home to conduct matters of state?

It wasn't as though the young beauty was afraid of this strange, mysterious Prince. Not at all. But the stories of this man were rather unsettling. Just five years ago, when the two Kingdoms ruled by their individual sets of parents, were united in complete alliance, the Prince was far from this enigmatic, mysterious, nameless, faceless figure the world painted him as. 

No, she had heard stories that he was a charming, handsome man. A generous, giving, good man with a beautiful wife and a true intention. The two of them were disgustingly happy for years, before and after marriage. There were talks of a royal heir between the Prince and the new Princess Olivia. But, a horrid fire had destroyed a wing of the Prince's Palace, taking the pretty Princess within. Ever since the death of his wife, the Prince stayed within deep mourning, never showing his face to anybody. 

Stories emerged from the staff within the palace, she didn't know if they were borne of fact or fallacy, but she had heard that the Prince's face had been morphed into that of a monster of children's nightmares. They say his face was horribly disfigured within the fire that killed his wife. People began to think that this mysterious creature had murdered his beautiful bride, the stories becoming so twisted and flicked that Mary didn't know where the possible origins of truth could possibly be. 

But she would have to find out the truth soon. Princess Mary would have to meet this mysterious Prince Francis soon. Because, the carriage slowly halted to a stop, and she came face to face with a large, imposing palace. One soaked from rain and darkened from night and ash. One that called out for the young Princess to turn around and leave as fast as her horses could carry her.

But she could not. Because she could see the figure standing in the window, illuminated by firelight. The Prince had seen her.

And she didn't know if he would ever let her go again.


Who knew that looking through the files on a computer could lead to finding so many unfinished pieces? Thought I'd give a lighter, more mysterious little piece after the more dramatic ones I've been posting lately. Let a girl know if you'd like to read a part 2 to this! After all, this is birthed from my love of my favourite Disney story 'Beauty and the Beast' and one of my favourite adaptations of it, La bella y la bestia, starring Blanca Suárez, so I'd already have a couple ideas to go on for it. And if anybody hasn't watched it, go do so, it's really good!

The next chapter is gonna be the modern one I wrote about in the previous AN. I know, I'm inpatient, but I couldn't resist quickly finishing this little piece up and posting it for all of you in Wattpad Land! I'm gonna try and get it up either today or tomorrow! Also, if anybody hasn't read my Frarytales rewrite of the Francis/Lola argument scene in 2x07, go read it please!

Stay safe, the world is crazy right now,




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