73 - Honeymoon *Modern*

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Prompt - Can you write some frary on honeymoon? please


"Francis," Mary wined, her arm swinging wildly around her, the other gripping tight to her husbands' hand as he guided her through an unknown area. Francis being the type of man that he was -all impulsive and secretive, yet slightly childish- had insisted that she wear a blindfold whilst he took her by the hand to see one of his next surprises. They had gotten married just three days ago, and had jetted off to France for the honeymoon. Ever since, Francis had been pulling out surprises for his new wife from left and right. "Don't let me fall over anything." Mary said, finding it hard to be happy with him when he had her completley disorientated.

"I won't, I won't." he chuckled, manoeuvring his wife through the confines of their small Parisian apartment that they had been renting for the last day and a half. His hand tightened around hers, and she was manoeuvred another obstacle. 

"Francis!" she wined again. "I'm going to-" he cut her off, his breath hot and sweet upon her cheek as he whispered into her ear. Her knees wobbled at the sound, her lips parting. And, although it was unnecessary, her eyes slid closed. She wanted him.

"Don't worry," he whispered, his words melodic and seductive. "I'll never let you go." at that, she smiled. Mary gripped her husbands' hand tightly in her own, hearing the soft squeak of something opening, before cool air hit her face and her black satin blindfold was undone from her eyes.

She blinked three times, her eyes adjusting to the light after so much darkness.

"Wow." she breathed, her breath taken from her. The small Parisian village they were staying in looked like it belonged three hundred years in the past. They were on the balcony, and she could see the beautiful high street, darkened by the moonlight, yet lit from the candles people had lit, and the streetlamps that were lit, one by one. It was beautiful, but that wasn't what captured her breath. No, the balcony had been transformed by a fairy tale wonderland. String lights, mason jars, butterflies, the whole shebang. The warm glow of the lights against the darkness of the village was stunning. It was made better by Francis' childlike grin as he waited for her reaction. "Francis," she breathed, looking at him. He smiled wider. The miniature table that had been set up for morning coffee and breakfasts was white and perfectly imperfect, with steaming chocolate and almond croissants, macaroons and fresh strawberries dipped in dark chocolate. The scent, as well as the steaming hot chocolate in mugs, make her melt inside. Her favourites. "Oh, my love, it's so beautiful." she cooed, pressing a kiss to his soft, wine-sweetened lips.

"Do you like it?" he asks softly. She nods softly, nudging his nose with hers. She smiles softly, hearing a musician strum in the background.

"Did you do that?" she asks. He shakes his head.

"Purely by chance," he affirms. "pretty good timing, don't you think, darling?" he asks. Mary flushes again and smiles. She's unable to think of the right words to tell him how much she loves him, appreciates him, needs him. She kisses him, instead. And he seems to understand.


I love happy frary!

Probably the last update for a couple hours, I'm probably gonna just plan for tomorrow's updates (if I can get some writing done, your girl's got a bad sprain in her wrist and typing gets kinda hard after a while). But in the meantime, make sure to comment and leave feedback and any other requests you guys wanna see, let a girl know!

Stay safe, hope I'm doing an alright job at keeping you all entertained in this weird time,




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