17 - Hormones

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"What's wrong?" the King of France asked, coming in to see his pregnant wife and Queen pacing around their bedchambers. She was holding her slightly bulging stomach, breathing in and out quickly. A sheen of sweat was around her skin, and she appeared to be in a great deal of fright. "Mary, what is it?" he asked, his concern only growing when she glanced at him, then continued pacing. This time, she started muttering to herself.

"I-I can't do this." she stated, swallowing thickly. "T-this. I can't." she stated.

"Do what?" he frowned. He came over to her, gripping her arms to get her to stop. "Mary, you're not making any sense." he declared.

"I-I can't do this," she looked down at her stomach. He frowned. She'd spent a year desperatley begging God for a child, and now that her womb had quickened, she was having second thoughts? That didn't make any sense.

"Mary, you're not making any sense, still."

"I-If this child comes out a boy, which I pray that it does, then I will be reduced to nothing!" she suddenly wailed. Francis frowned.

"What? Mary, the moment that the baby comes out, your position in France will be unattainable, unquestionable and secure! Scotland will have an heir, and England will be more-or-less yours! What are you talking about?"

"I-I-" she whimpered, looking away from him. "If I give you a son, I won't be the only one to do so, will I?" she asked, looking back at him. "I will never be the to you! I will never be the mother of your son! I-I will never be the mother to your children! H-he'll always be there!" she wailed, tears streaming down her face.

Ah, that's what this was about. Ever since the christening two months ago, and the scare with the bleeding, Mary had started to struggle with the infant that resided in the nursery. He and Lola's son had somehow caused more animosity than if Mary hadn't conceived his child at all. But she had, so he didn't understand where this sudden fit was coming from.

"My love," he began softly. "I know that you feel threatened by Lola and John, but there really is no reason to worry. I have barely any contact with Lola as it is, and John will never overrule or come before our children." he stated. "You're pregnant with my child, it's only a matter of days until we make the announcement and then your position becomes secure. In France and in Scotland."

"I-I just want to be the to you." she sobbed, holding her stomach. Ah, he started to understand now. Any unborn child did tend to make the mother act erratically from time to time . "I was never your first anything!" she cried.

"My love, you are my only wife, the only one I will ever have. You are my Queen. You will be the mother of my children, regardless of the fact that Jean is in existence or not. You will be the only woman for me for the rest of my life. I love you," he silenced the next lament with his lips, bringing her close for a tender kiss. He waited a long while to pull away, leaning his head back to look his wife in the eye.

"Better?" he asked softly.

Mary sniffled. "A little," she admitted. "I'm sorry, the child is-"

"I know," he smiled softly. "I understand," he insisted. "I love you, you and this baby, so much." he brought her in for another embrace.

"We love you," Mary softly cooed from the crook of his neck.


If you didn't get it, this one is about Mary's hormones being all out of wack because of pregnancy. Also, I couldn't resist not fixing the miscarriage from 2x04, so happy reading!




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