18 - Sickness *Modern*

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"Mommy?" the little Dauphin asked, coming over to his mother as she sat upon the grand chair in her study. The young Queen of France read over an edict draft not yet given to her husband with rapt attention. "Mama," the Dauphin James asked, reaching up to tug against his mother's thick and long skirt. His fingers threaded through the many layers of leafy green tulle and gold floral lace. He tugged three times. That caught the Queen's attention. She looked down at her eldest child with a smile.

"Sorry, love." Mary stated, pushing away the piece of paper and looking down at her son. She pushed it away and brought James into her arms, taking in the doe blue eyes and the pretty pout. "What is it, my love?" she asked, brushing back the sweat slick tendrils of his black curls. He let out a whimper and Mary's concern grew. She brushed a hand over his brow and grew alarmed when she felt the heat of his skin. He wined again, curling his head into her neck.

"I don't feel good, mama." he stated quietly, bringing his blue blanket gifted to him by the long dead Marie de Guise before he had been born, closer to him with one hand, the other clutching the golden teddy bear granted to him by his grandfather, King Henri ii. That day had been the older King's last day as monarch of France, for he had long since abdicated in favour of Francis. He chose to live out the rest of his days in a small chateaux on the coast with Catherine, for the man had accepted his fate to cancer. He did have a good few years left in him, but it was Francis who could rule the country better.

"You're warm, baby." she stated quietly, bringing him back a little to oversee his face. Cheeks and nose flushed, skin pale and clammy, slick with sweat. He lolloped into her limply, making a small wine as he forced his limbs to curl into his mother's body. "Don't you feel good?"

"No, mama." he stated quietly. "My throat hurts and so does my nose, and I don't wanna walk." he pouted. Mary cooed at him.

"Sounds like you have the beginnings of a cold, my love bug." she stated softly. It was rather common for children to catch bugs with the turn into winter. "Come now," Mary stood, cradling his little body to her like she had done when he was a baby. "Mama'll make you feel better." she stated, walking out of the room with her child in towe.

The little Dauphin was bathed and placed in his pyjamas by the time Mary found the time to send for her husband. She had fed him broth and vitamin water, before some medication had finally found it's way down his throat and into his little stomach. Mary reluctantly pulled herself away to pump for her newborn little Francis to eat as his elder brother napped for a little while. He had just woken up again when the young King Francis entered his son's nursery.

He found the little boy awake and whiny and clingy, dressed in blue pyjamas and clinging to Mary. Tiny fists rubbed against his big, pretty, doe blue eyes. His hair fell in a thousand different directions, dark curls dishevelled from the couple of hours upon the pillow.

Mary looked up at her husband as he entered the room. Francis' eyes softened as he saw the three year old little boy upon his little bed. Tiny arms clung to Mary, yet one outstretched towards his father when he saw him poke his blonde head through the door.

"Papa!" James coughed into his elbow. The sound clawed at Mary's heart. It sounded sore and raw. If there was one ting the Queen of France hated, it was to hear her little boy in pain. "Papa, come. Please," he stated quietly, his voice croaky and high pitched with sickness.

"Mon petit," Francis cooed, coming over to take his son from his wife's arms. The parents shared a worried glance for the sweet baby they had made, for when James got sick, it got far worse before he got better. Thank his de Medici genetics, Mary thought bitterly, stroking his back and kissing his hair, cooing softly at him. "You're sick?" he asked.

"Yes, papa. Make it go away," James wheezed, curling his head into the crook of Francis' neck and shoulder. He wrapped his little arms around his father, searching the King's chest for his heartbeat. He closed his eyes, blindly searching for his mother as she took his little hand and kissed his little fingers.

"I can't, mon amour. But papa can make the doctors give you something to make it better, yes?"

"Will it taste affreux, papa?" James asked. Mary smiled

"It will not taste of le bonbons, mon petit." Francis tenderly kissed his hair, stroking the pout from his eldest son and heir's pouty lips. "But it will make you better. And papa will send for those little strawberry candies you like so much after you have it. You want to be better, no?"

"Yes, papa."

"Then will you take it?" Francis asked, sharing a glance with his wife. James ate vegetables rather well, but when it came to taking horrid tasting medication, the Dauphin became as stubborn as a mule.

"Yes, papa." James' voice was again drowsy. Mary shared a fond glance with her husband as they both let their child succumb to his slumber once more. Francis let him down from his lap and arms, gently laying him in the soft bed. The Queen of France wrapped the heir up in his bed sheets.

Together, the young King and Queen looked upon their son and heir fondly, hoping that he would feel better when he woke up.



These next couple one shots are gonna follow the pattern of sickness and comfort, since your girl is a little sick right now and I'm tryin' to make the best of it by using it as inspiration for Frary.

Also, if you guys could check out the final installment of 'ceaseless' in it's little trilogy, it would really mean the world. Also, I've recently published a oneshot called 'dark on me' that I would like a little feedback on, so hint hint ;P

Next one should be up today, and I'm gonna try and get another fix it up tomorrow.




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