93 - Family *Modern*

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Sebastian's eyes widen, before he starts laughing at the state in which his wife is in. He reaches out for a towel to clean her up with, but she just snatches it out of his hands and furiously wipes herself down with it. She yelps with mortification, drawing the attention of the others who sit in the conjoined living room area.

"You made a devil child, Mary!" Kenna de Portiers cries out in mortification, continuing to wipe down the milk that her best friends' eldest son had spat out all over her. 

From one of the overstuffed rocking chairs that had been placed in the grandeur living rooms, Mariposa de Valois-Angouleme laughs at her friend, lightly rocking back and forth upon the chair, holding her second born to her chest as she continued to feed him. The blonde, newborn baby boy suckles strongly, oblivious to why the entire room erupted with laughter.

"It's official-" Kenna throws her hands up in frustration. "John's my favourite, James hates me!" she yelps out, standing up from her chair to rush over towards the kitchen area of the enormous, grandeur Valois-Angouleme estate, wetting her cloth and patting it all over her beige chiffon shirt, trying to get the milk to not stain her new clothes.

"I told you not to wear anything nice. Although these two are rather amazing, they're messy." Mary gently reminds her friend. She chuckles, though, running her fingers through the blonde wisps that are upon her second born's head. She glances over at Sebastian as he nestles into the chair his wife had been sitting in, placing the nipple of the bottle back into James' mouth. James' dark hair seems even more dark against the paleness of her brother in law's hand.

"You're not a devil child, are you, sweet boy?" Greer cooes, coming out of the bathroom with her little Rose attached to her hip. She puts the dark haired little girl down, and the girl jets off, crawling over the lush carpeting that's littered with toys. "No, you just like annoying Auntie Kenna." she smiles, coming over to stroke the four day old little boy's tiny hands. James smiles gummily around the nipple of the bottle.

"Yeah, yeah, you can mock, just 'cause you got picked to be godmother and I didn't!" Kenna snarks, having given up on padding her shirt and just stripped it off, standing there, completley shamelessly, in her black lace bralette, bathing her shirt in warm water.

Greer sticks her tongue out at her.

"Also, girl, what's up with that?" Kenna asks the new mother as John finally finishes suckling. Francis gets up to take him, pulling a rag over his shoulder to burp his second born child, whilst his wife fixes herself and tries to get comfortable.

"Stitches?" Greer asks, as Mary squirms in place in an effort to get comfy.

"Yup. Four." she says, finally finding a comfortable position so sit inside.

"How did they let you push them out? I thought multiples had to be cut?" Greer asks, taking a freshly burped and fed James over to his mother. Francis gently places them in Mary's arms, laying them side by side on her chest. The new mother smiles down adoringly at her twin boys.

"I don't know, I'm grateful they did though. I don't want a big ass scar." (Foreshadowing a future oneshot, everybody!)

"Same," Greer shrugs. "You were a big baby, weren't you?" she cooes down at her daughter, who squeals at the sight of a toy sloth on the floor, crawling over at great speed to go and get it.

"Hello? Answer me, babe!" Kenna exclaims from the other side of the large room.

"You and Bash are godparents to this little one." Francis says as Mary glances down at John. "And Leith and Greer got James."

"Ha, you got the devil child!" Kenna snarks.

"We got the cool one." Greer says back. "John just lays around and drinks milk."

"Stop bickering over which baby is better." Francis chuckles. "Need I remind you that they're four days old?"

"Easy for you to say, James hates me!" Kenna says dramatically. Mary chuckles at that. "He does! He just did a massive spit up all over me!"

"Wait until motherhood comes your way, girlie. Then talk to me." she smiles, looking down at the two different coloured heads that lay upon her chest. Mary slings an arm around their backs to hold them steady. She can feel their breaths against her skin and smiles at the gentle waves of air, her heart melting as she feels John lay a little hand upon James'. These two little humans, so adorable and new and tiny, fully relying on her to keep them safe and alive, products of the pure love between she and her husband.

She looks up at him, her eyes shining with love as Kenna and Greer continue to bicker about who's the better baby of the two, and Sebastian and Leith continue to laugh at the ladies. Francis feels her eyes and smiles down at her, quietly leaning down to kiss his wife and his sons as they take this moment of finally being a proper family.

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