47 - Quarantine *Modern*

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Prompt - Can you write some frary in quarantine??


"I am bored!" Mary Valois wined, throwing herself onto the overstuffed couch in their living room. Her husband turned to her and rose a brow, one perfectly plucked and dark blonde. She didn't know what he was doing, but he was kneeling at the TV and looking down. She rose a brow right back at him. "Are you -I don't know- praying to the TV?" she asked, looking at his like he had gone insane. He rolled his pretty eyes and scoffed.

"I'm trying to find something that'll keep you quiet for five minutes." he huffed. "Babe, we've been stuck in the house for five days. That's barely anything." he reminded her, making her groan heartily.

"I know, don't remind me!" she wined, throwing her body back against their puffy couch, kicking her legs up in the air. "I wanna leave!" she pouted as he was the one to look at her like she had just broken out of the loony bin.

"You are the most impatient person I have ever met." he stated, as matter of factually. She smiled innocently at him.

"Why, thank you." she smiled brightly. "Also, you can't talk about impatience! Remember when the power was cut off for a week and we had to use candles and couldn't cook? You were the impatient one then!" she reminds him, pointing an accusing finger at his direction. He rolled his pretty blues again.

"Well, can you blame me? We had to read, we couldn't watch a movie or cook anything for days, days, Mary!" he pouted. Mary smiled at him.

"See, you're impatient, too." she sung at him, kicking her legs around again. He huffed.

"So what?" he asked. Mary giggled at him, not responding. He chuckled and turned around, throwing something to his wife. She yelped, catching the black bottle in her hands with surprise.

"Hey," she wined. "Could'a killed me, ya know?" she pouted, looking from his back and to the bottle. He shook his head, glancing at her over the bottle he had thrown at her.

"The answer to the worlds' problems isn't to get drunk, Francis." she told him, sitting up straight, talking to him like a teacher talks to a child.

"Blasphemy!" he cried out, turning over to face her again. "God, do I even know my own wife if she says that to me?" he asked, looking rather heartbroken. She giggled, jumping as Bash suddenly stamped on the floor from his bedroom directly over the living room.

"Hey!" he yelled, stamping loudly, probably wearing his winter snow boots just for extra emphasis. "Quiet down, will ya?" he yelled.

"Shut up!" Francis yelled back at him, still sitting by their TV. "It's our fucking house, brother!" he yelled. "You just live here!"

"And you're interrupting me!" he yelled back.

"Shut up, Bash! Go have phone sex with Kenna again! Isn't that what kept the two of us up last night?!" he called back. Mary giggled and flushed at the memory of being kept awake by her very, very bored and very, very, very lovesick half brother in law who was currently entangled with Kenna in a rather passionate relationship.

Bash paused, then mumbled something, then they could hear the floor squeaking, telling them that he had taken off his boots and had thrown himself onto the bed again.

"God, can you believe him?" he scoffed towards his wife. Mary giggled.

"We were just as bad when we got together, don't begrudge him." Mary reminded him.

"I will never get over the trauma of hearing my older brother have-" he shuddered, closing his eyes to block out the mental sounds.

"Okay!" Mary interrupted him. "There's no need to bring up last night." she chuckled. He mumbled something, throwing another glass bottle. She caught it easily. "Well, I'm glad you don't think me one of those goons who won't drink beer cause of this virus." she chuckled, gripping the other bottle that he had thrown at her from their alcohol box that they kept in the living room.

He laughed. "Or one of those dicks that're hoarding toilet paper and pasta like we're in some kind of fucked up apocalypse?" he rose a brow. Mary nodded for emphasis.

"Even those. Thanks for not thinking me an idiot." she smiled happily. He chuckles and nods like it's anything to thank him for, puts something in their DVD player, before coming over towards her. "What did you do?" she questions curiously as he sits next to her.

"Put in some movie my mom got us last Christmas." he answers her, noodling his fingers though a couple locks of her hair. She pouts, but lets him.

"Your mom only buys us movies where somebody gets poisoned, gets pregnant and has a baby, or gets cancer and dies." she replies, not even trying to deny it because Catherine does. Those are literally the only kinda movies she buys for them. Mary can't for the life of her figure out why, perhaps it was a sign for the future?

"True." he laughs heartily. "But this one looked good." he replies. Mary raises a brow at him. "Come on, my dad helped her out with this one, it's about some couple and a boat." he stated.

"Informative." she drags it out. He chuckles, tugs her into his arm as the movie stars.

"Shut your pretty mouth and watch the movie." he tells her.

It starts out innocent enough, first he's leaning his head upon her shoulder, next they're holding hands as the two main characters fight over something Mary didn't really understand, then he's running his fingers over her skin. Getting bored, Mary leans her body into his and he wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his lap. Mary's mind wonders from the movie as Francis occasionally plants kisses onto her neck and shoulder, seeming to be getting bored of the movie as well.

Then he kisses her, or she kisses her. It starts out gentle enough, before it grows deeper and deeper and more intense. Then he's wrapping her deeper into his arms, pushing her body back down onto their couch that was so big that it could be a bed. He presses her down with his own body, her fingers winding into his pretty curls. He kisses and kisses until it's dark and the movie has played two times over and they've for sure gotten Sebastian back for keeping them up last night.


I really love how this one turned out, which is surprising for anybody who has read my stuff for a long while. Hope you enjoyed my first proper attempt at happy/domestic frary as they're making the best of the bad situation we're all finding ourselves in right now. I still have around 4 prompts left for me to rewrite, as well as a few random things I've thought of over the last couple days, but I'm not really inspired to write any of them right now. I've gotten part 2 of 'Harm' half done, but it was incredibly awful (not even me being a perfectionist, it's literally so bad) so I'm gonna have to rewrite it and finish it sometime soon, just know that it's coming sooner rather than later, hopefully. Anywhoo, keep the requests/prompts coming and hopefully I can give you guys a little escape from this situation we're in and you can give me some escapism from it too.

Love you all and stay safe out there, everybody!



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