119 - Liasion *Modern*

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Prompt - I wanted to know if you can write about Francis married but that he and Mary remain secretly together??

Side Note - This one's a little more rated R than my usual forte, so please let a girl know if you've enjoyed it or not.


Her hot breath lives and dies upon my shoulder. I blink at her in the reflection of the mirror, continuing to run my oil-covered fingers through my hair. The heat of her exhales does nothing to arouse my body to her, as she obviously hoped it would. That flame had been extinguished months before the wedding. I continued to stare into the reflection, as if her and her body weren't trying to tear me from the picture of my own image. My hands continued to busy themselves with the various oils and products I use when I wish to perfect my image.

"I really don't get why you're so obsessed with how your hair or beard look when you go out." she mumbles, her eyes trailing the curve of my neck and shoulder. "It's just you and your brother." she finishes, placing her hands on the backs of my hips. The fingers play with my belt and jeans, trying to run across my hipbones.

I roll my eyes at her voice. I lean back, perfecting my posture, reaching over towards the blue bottle of my finest perfume. She got it for me several months ago. She leans back as I spray the sides of my neck with the stuff. "It's nothing." I mumble. "I might go and see my mother afterwards, you know how she is." I say, running my hands through my hair again, before walking out of the ensuete bathroom. My legs take me to the bedroom, where I slip on a blazer and grab a water bottle from the small fridge.

She leans on the door frame, the one I had just skimmed past to get away from her. "You're going to see your mother after you go drinking with your brother? Do you want Catherine to skim you alive?" her half hearted joke doesn't bring a smile to my face. I don't react, just continue to stuff my phone into my pocket, as well as my wallet. I walk towards the door, picking up my keys.

"It'll be fine. He just wants to talk about Rowan and Delphine. I doubt we'll drink more than a couple beers." I say, walking out of the room. Her footsteps follow me. I grit my teeth in irritation.

"Okay, okay. That's fine. Just be careful. I don't want the police to call me at four o'clock in the morning, telling me that you've been drunk driving." she states.

"Don't worry, I won't." I say. 

Lola nods. I approach her slowly. I go to kiss her, but a wave of betrayal flows through me. One I haven't felt since the first night with her. But it's not the same kind of betrayal. I don't feel like I'm betraying the female in front of me, I feel as though I betray the woman who waits for me a few miles away. 

I end up kissing her cheek, walking out of the house and over towards my car. I grip my phone, as soon as she can't see me anymore. I tap the icon and hold the phone in front of my ear, waiting a few rings, before hanging up and getting into the car.

I drive for almost an hour. My heart pounds the closer I get, finding my body beginning to tremble in anticipation of her touch, like a drunkard observing a full wine glass after weeks of sobriety. My body begins to sweat already as I struggle to focus on the darkened roads. The excitement of my fantasising of yet another night with her threatens to take over my eye. I cannot let it, she won't be happy if I don't turn up tonight. Never mind the fact, that I'd probably end up in a car wreck. 

I know it's wrong, I've known since this all started, but I cannot help the yearning I feel for each and every encounter we share. I don't remember how all this started, but it's been going on for a while. So long that I'd feel so empty and close to death if I don't continue with her. The need I have of her is equal to that of air or food or water. She understands me, she knows what I need in this world.

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