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He watches her as she gets to her desk and scowls when he notices her change in hairstyle. What did she do to her hair? He wonders and wishes for a closer look. He takes the telephone and summons her to his office.
Lisa's heart palpitates as she walks to Ethan's office. She's hoping she's not in any trouble because according to her watch, she's two minutes early. She knocks and only gets in after he allows it.
"Would it have been so hard for you to listen Lisa?" Ethan says while leaning back on his chair and focusing solely on her.
"Did I do something sir?" Lisa asks nervously.
"Did I not say I want to see your hair?" Ethan asks trying not to sound mad.
"You did," Lisa answers.
"Then why do you have that on? Sure, it suits you and I love the face beat but I prefer your hair."
"That is inappropriate sir. You cannot dictate what I do on my hair as much as you cannot be complimenting me. It's inappropriate that I was scared when I walked in here because I knew you wouldn't approve of my weave. What is also inappropriate is the feelings I have for you and the fact that I haven't been able to get you out of my mind ever since I first saw you that time when we locked eyes for what felt like forever"
She covers her mouth when she realises what she's confessed and once again wishes that the earth could open right there and swallow her up. What the hell has gotten into her? how could she say that to her boss who happens to have two wives?
"Monalisa" Ethan whispers and she almost doesn't hear him.
"I... I'm sorry. Please just forget about everything I've just said. I know that you're married and to two women so I shouldn't have said that. i... I have a boyfriend too and I love him" Lisa blubs in one breath that she's breathless after and is almost panting. The action almost makes Ethan laugh. He realises that she's something else.
"Close the door" Ethan once again whispers, and she does with her heart beating out of her chest. He orders her to sit on the couch where he also gets to sit next to him. The glasses have been darkened, just in case someone decides to snoop so no one can see into it from the outside. They can however see outside.
When his arm brushes against hers, it sends shivers down her spine and has her throat drying. What is this feeling? For a while, Ethan doesn't say anything but merely looks at her, making it difficult for the poor girl to breath. He knows the risk and how Nathan will react if he finds out about this. but he still can't stop himself. He sighs before taking her hand into his, feeling the shockwaves which validate the chemistry between them.
"I have never felt like this," Ethan admits. "Never this soon. When I saw you, I saw a void in me that suddenly had someone who could fill it and you know what sucks? the fact that you and I just met... and it feels it's been a lifetime. If I were to have you today, I'd die a happy man tomorrow and that's so scary. I have two wives Lisa, four kids and now I wish i... I hate to admit it but I wish I had met you earlier and given you four kids instead." Ethan says and Lisa feels her heart flip and little butterflies playing in her stomach. He's never poured his heart like this, never fell in love with someone on the first ten seconds of meeting them and never wanted to risk it all for one person. Ooh how he wishes it was possible to turn back the hands of time.
"Technically, there's no way you would have given me four kids because I'm twenty-three now so maybe one," she says and this time, he doesn't hold in the laughter and lets it out.
"Such a kid," he murmurs, and Lisa just smiles. "Is that boy the boyfriend you just mentioned? The one who kept gawking amorously at you during that time waste of a meeting" Ethan asks and Lisa nods. "Interesting"
"Is it?" Lisa asks a little unsure.
"Yes. Anyway, get back to work now. I'd love for us to keep things professional until the time we can't keep our hands off each other. I'm still trying to make sense of everything because at this point, my interest isn't in bedding you." Ethan says and Lisa nods.
"As you wish"
"Don't sleep with him," he tells her when she's about to open the door.
"That's unfair Ethan and you know it. I wouldn't tell you to not sleep with your wives. I'm a grown woman with needs," Lisa says then walks out, not waiting for him to reply.
Jessica has just put Nathaniel down when she decides to go have a chat with her husband. Something has been bothering since the minor argument they had prior to her giving birth. He's in the kitchen making tea.
"Can we talk?" Jessi says, choosing to get right onto it.
"You shouldn't be up Jessica. You just gave birth" Nathan says, helping her sit down on the couch and putting a cushion on her back for support.'
He goes back to the kitchen where he gets his tea and joins her on the couch.'
"What do you want to talk about?" Nathan asks with his full focus on his wife.
"King. Every time I mention him, you get mad and we go to sleep like that with you not talking to me even in the following morning. Do you still hate me for what I did because from what I'm seeing, you haven't forgiven me," Jessi says hoping, that he won't brush her off and will instead allow them to talk about it this time.
"I don't hate you," Nathan replies.
"But you still blame me for it" Jessi says
"He'd still be here if you hadn't conspired with Randy to kill him. I still love you, but I cannot forget it"
"Then why did you marry me if I remind you of it?"
"I said I love you or you didn't hear that part? I'm with you because I love you and cannot imagine my life with something else. I cannot just forget that you shot my father or act like it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't because of Randy. I hate that he turned you into... but it's the past and I should be over it. I'm sorry Jessie. I don't know why it's so hard for me to make peace with my father's death" Nathan says, making his wife sigh. Jessie stretches her hand towards her husband and holds his in hers.
"You and King were very close. You stayed with him over the ten years when your dad lost your mom so it makes sense. I'll be with you through it all baby and I think the first step to healing is letting go," Jessie says and Nathan nods.
"I'll... I'll give up his stuff to charity or something. Thank you for this talk" Nathan says and plants his lips on hers. He's grateful they've had that conversation.
Ethan decides to visit his twin to check on him and the new addition to the family. He knows spending time with him will take his mind over the myriad images of Lisa that has managed to occupy it. He finds the now daddy of three in the lounge with the bundle of joy in his arms.
"Where's mom? I thought she'd be here" Ethan asks as he sits on the couch and immediately switches channels on the TV.
"She's having dinner with Princess. How's it going? I hope Lisa hasn't been giving you a headache." Nathan says, making Ethan chuckle.
"It's been good, no headaches so far. is he sleeping?" he asks, pointing to the baby in his arms.
"About to. Are you OK? You look like you have a lot on your mind," Nathan asks, and he shakes his head.
"I'm OK, not much in my mind hey" Ethan says, dismissing him with a chuckle.
"Really?" Nathan asks with squint eyes. "You're not convincing and I'm your twin, I can feel it."
"Well I'm not ready to talk about it yet," Ethan says and hopes he won't push the topic any further. Thankfully, he doesn't.
"As long as you're not planning to kill yourself. We still need you," Nathan says, and he laughs.
"You don't have to worry about that. Don't you miss working?" Ethan asks and he shakes his head.
"Nope. I'm enjoying being home with my wife and kids. I don't miss the stress,"
"I hope my company isn't sinking Nathan!" their mom says making her way in.
"hey, what happened to dinner with Princess?" Nathan asks, making Miley roll her eyes.
"I lied. I went out to some crappy date which was a complete waste of time. A sixty plus man only wanted to tap, fucken crazy if you ask me. What the hell was I thinking? I need a drink and I'll tell you all about it," Miley says. She drops her bag on the kitchen island then goes to open the fridge for her drink.
"Hold that thought while I go put this one to sleep. And mom, no starting without me or I'll hate you," Nathan says, and Miley rolls her eyes again.
"I know how much you love my stories, so you have nothing to worry about"
"Good" Nathan says as he makes his way up the stairs. Ethan goes to the fridge too where he grabs a beer and the two wait for Nathan.

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