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They are obviously given eyes when they pass on their way to the parking lot but they both don’t care. it’s nothing new to the two except now people have a reason to talk. Some of the assumptions are true since they’re in a relationship while others think Lisa is in some trouble with the law. When they get into his car, she turns to look at him.
“Where are you taking me?” Lisa asks.
“Where my father reunited with my mother,” Ethan says and squeezes her thigh. “Are you hungry?”
“Not yet,” Lisa says. Lately, she hasn’t had much of an appetite, but she can’t tell the man that. usually when she eats, she forces the food down her throat because the last thing she wants is to faint because of malnutrition.
“What did you have for breakfast?” Ethan asks, starting the car and finally having it move.
“Fruit and some cereal,” Lisa murmurs.
“Why aren’t you eating Monalisa?” Ethan sternly asks.
“I am eating. Fruit and cereal are food!” she snaps.
“Don’t raise your voice at me Lisa. What’s going on? Are you stressed about something?” Ethan asks, his voice softer now and she sighs.
“There’s nothing stressing me. I’m fine really,” she says but Ethan isn’t convinced. “And I’m sorry for snapping. I missed you”
“Don’t try flattering me,” Ethan says, and she giggles.
“I’m not. I hated waking up alone,” Lisa says while looking down.
“Then marry me,” Ethan nonchalantly says, and she coughs, having choked on her own spit.
“It’s the only way you’ll get to wake up with me there, baby,” Ethan says.
“Where’s the ring?” Lisa asks
“Is that a yes?” he asks and Lisa giggles.
“I mean, I expected you to also be on one knee and to pour your heart out to me,” she says. He chuckles.
“But you know how much I love you and taking you on this trip shows that. I love you Lisa and I’m tired of not being able to claim. I want to with this ring in my pocket and all you have to do is say yes,” Ethan says.
“Yes,” Lisa replies and he halts the car abruptly in the middle of the road.
“Say it again,” he orders.
“Yes Ethan. I’ll marry you. I love you and though I hate the thought of having to share you, I can’t lose you. I don’t want to so I’ll take you however you come, as stupid as that sounds,” Lisa says and he exhales.
“Thank you. I thought you were going to say no,” Ethan says and she chuckles.
“I’m not that scary,” she teases with a wink.
“It’s in my pocket. Is your bag still with that boy?” Ethan asks and she nods.
“I found it on my door this morning.”
It’s not even halfway through the journey that she falls asleep. Luckily for Ethan, the journey isn’t that long and knowing he’s with her is enough company.
“Babe, wake up,” Ethan says whilst shaking her softly. She first opens one eye then the other before stepping out of the car. She stretches a little then looks around.
“Sun city?” she asks and he nods.
“I don’t know why my parents love this place but I guess it resonates with their love in a way. if it’s not the case for them then it might be for us,” Ethan says and she smiles.
“Let’s do it then,” Lisa says, making the man chuckle.
The day starts with lunch, something that Ethan feels Lisa needs. They have lunch at The Grill with Ethan being the one who orders for her and she finishes it, much to his satisfaction. He only allows her to have one glass of wine, not wanting her to be tipsy because of the activities he’s planned for the day. His impulsiveness worked out for him. He’d initially planned it for the following week but with Lexy knowing, he knows it’s a matter of time before Amo finds out. Anyway, he wants to do this before that storm hits him.
“You said you’re not stressing but I’m not convinced. I’ve booked us a couple’s spa-treatment at the Royal salon wellness spa. You can also call it preparation for the storm we’ll have to face because our love won’t be easy.” Ethan says.
“Are you trying to scare me?” Lisa asks and he shakes his head.
“I wouldn’t dream of it but I should also be honest with you. Things would be easier if I didn’t have two wives, but this is our reality now. I want you to promise me that whatever challenges we’ll face, we’ll do it together,” Ethan says whilst cupping her face.
“I promise,” Lisa says while looking into the windows of his soul. He brings their lips together for a chaste kiss then breaks it.
“I love you,” he says.
“Before I say it back, where’s my ring?” Lisa asks with her arms folded.
“Don’t ruin my plans Lisa. You’ll get your ring,” Ethan says.
“You said it’s in your pocket,” Lisa reminds and he chuckles.
“I know what I said. Let’s go for those massages baby,”
They both feel like a shit load has been lifted off their shoulders. They feel relieved, free even and relaxed. They’re rejuvenated and man, if only it was the end of the week. They then head to the Royal Baths for some lounging because all Ethan wants is for them to relax. They lounge by the deck chairs and she doesn’t know how but they happen to be the only couple here.
“How did you pull this off? It’s so intimate” Lisa asks. He had given her changing clothes at the spa, them changing into beach wear. She’s in a one-piece black swimsuit with a black mesh dress on top while he has swimming shorts on.
“I have to threaten a few people,” he says with a shrug. “DO you like it?”
“I love it,” Lisa says then takes out her iPhone for pictures. She’s surprised that she’s gotten to be someone who likes pictures this much and only has Ethan to blame. It all started with him. There’s a server who comes with a tray that has cocktails and some snacks, placing it on the ground next to the couple then leaving them to enjoy. They talk, kiss and even make out in the pool all day.
When her stomach grumbles, he knows it’s time for them to get to the last activity of the day. He leads her to the room he booked for the day where they shower then change into what they came in.
The drive leads to the gardens of the Palace of the Lost City where he’s planned a private, candle lit dinner at the Palace Gazebo. He hadn’t had much time to prepare outfits for this. getting there, he covers her eyes with his hands.
“Ethan!” Lisa whines but he’s not having it.
“A little moment babe. Be patient,” he says. When he finally uncovers her eyes and she opens them, her jaw drops. The view of sunset is amazing but not much more than the setting in front of her.
“Baby!” Lisa says while wiping her tears.
“All for you nunu,” he says then pulls a chair for her. when she’s sat down, he goes to his which is right next to hers. “Open the lid”
The woman does as she’s told to find a black velvet jewellery box which has exactly what she’s thinking. The tears fall again when she opens it and sees her beautiful ring. It’s a platinum band with a medium sized diamond which has her name imprinted in italics on the inside.
“It’s beautiful,” Lisa says. He takes the box then goes on one knee next to her. Lisa faces him and nods before the man says anything. “Yes, yes, yes”
Ethan chuckles and slips the band in. it fits like it was made on her finger.
“You sleek man. It fits!”
He chuckles. “Of course, it does. I love you Lisa”
“I love you too,”
He kisses her briefly until it’s broken by her grumbling stomach and the two laughs at that. Ethan merely raises a finger and waiters come with their starters.
“You were hard to track,” he says while looking around her little hiding place.
“I’m not hiding!” she snaps, and he chuckles but not in amusement.
“She left me,” Bonnie says and the woman looks at her with a raised eyebrow. “Yes, she did. It turns out she doesn’t love me as much as you had claimed.”
“I’m sorry?” Thuso says, not knowing where he’s going with this.
“Sorry? I don’t want your sympathy dammit!” Bonnie bellows, startling her.
“Then wh…what do you want?” Thuso asks while stepping back so they can be a distance between the two. The man invades her personal space however and pins her to the wall.
“You. I want you until I can forget about her. I’ll use you until she never crosses my mind when my eyes meet yours,” Bonnie says and she curses at herself for loving this. She can feel it in her clit or maybe it’s because of the close proximity.
“What?” she wants him to say it again. All she had is he wants her so a repeat is the only thing that’ll make it seem true for her. she doesn’t want to think she’s hallucinating because God knows if she is, then she’ll hate her heart more for doing that to her.
“You said you love me, don’t you?” Bonnie asks and she nods. “Then I’m here so you can please me. I want to take whatever frustration I might have on you and it’ll only stop when I don’t love or hate her anymore. Be my remedy.”
He smashes his lips on hers and she gasps at the contact, feeling it electrify her and having her give in to her. she replies with just as much fire but it’s different. She’s giving her all into that kiss, all that she feels for her and the reality of it has her feeling like she’s on ecstasy. He’s here, kissing her right after telling her he wants her. He needs her and in that kiss, she confirms that she’ll be exactly what he needs.

A/N: Major S/O to those darlings who vote and comment. It's much appreciated and kind of makes me feel like I'm not writing for ghosts😂 Thank you, XOXO

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