Chapter 24

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•Jungkook POV•

I arrived back at Seoul and right now I'm already in my other house getting Ready for the Fight I took my phone from my pocket then I Quickly Text Y/n to let her know that I arrived At airport safety After that I dialed Namjoon's Number
It Takes time to Pick the phone up so After a Couple of Missed Calls He finally answer my call

•On Call•

Jungkook : Hyung I arrived already I'm Just gonna change my clothes then get my Guns ready don't let them know that I'm here Got that?.

Namjoon : okey Copy That We'll make them Distracted For now So be ready to attacked

Jungkook : I was born Ready Hyung  I'll be there in a minute..

Namjoon : Okey I'll call the Others to in form them to keep them Distracted

Jungkook : good

•End Call•

With that I end The Call Then quickly went inside my room and put on my Black Clothes I always wear Every fights or missions I Encounter With Put on my Black cap then my Black vest I put on my Ear piece to Communicate with the Others by just using this Thing Then after that I went  underground in my secret room Where I keep all My Guns and other stuff I Took the guns That I needed then I make sure that Its a full loaded I also Took my 2 Knifes and Put It on my Belt real quick Its not too visible for them Because its really secure with my vest After that I Insert My 2 pistols On the Other side of My Belt taking one of My Favourite Big gun Before heading Out from My house By the way My men's are also ready now So I took my Black Ferrari and hopped inside ...

My men's took the Other Cars Then follow me Behind I Drive faster than ever then Making a Perfect Turn to the other Street not so long we arrived I took my Big gun from the Passenger seat before slamming my car door closed I signal my Mens To go then they all run.. actually they already know What To do So I have nothing to worry about they are fully trained by us so they are really good at Fightings and holding, firing the Guns already when They all are inside I talk on my ear piece With my hyungs Quickly replied

Jungkook *ear piece* : This is Jungkook I'm in front of The Entrance..
Yoongi *ear piece* : Jungkook Namjoon and Hoseok is fighting with the guy right now I can't really see who is it Because he was Wearing a mask but probably they're Boss.. But Jungkook?
Jungkook *ear piece* : What?
Yoongi *ear piece* : Namjoon is badly injured but still Fighting with that Guy
Jungkook *eai piece* : Shit what about Jin?
Jin *Ear piece* : I'm fine just a Couple of wounds..
Jungkook *ear piece* : Okey Taehyung Jimin?
Taehyung *ear piece* : Yes Jungkook?
Jimin *ear piece* : listening..
Jungkook *ear piece* : go upstairs and Try to snipe the guy make sure that you wont kill him just maybe shoot his Legs or some parts of his body
Taehyung&Jimin *ear piece* : Okey copy that..

After telling them What To do I Take a Look on my gun Smirking a bit before running inside When I was Entering the house I saw some of my mens are laying down in the cold and Dirty floor with a Pool of blood while some of My mens are also trying all They're best to fight our Enemies A lot Of dead body From our Enemies I was Shooting the Guys who was getting into my way and then the enemies That was fighting with the Others when I arrive at the very messy living room I saw Jin and namjoon trying to defeat the Guy Namjoon was Trying to keep Fighting injuring all the wounds he have

I Clenched my jaw then fire my gun Bullets at the guy but he didn't got shoot not even one's... I got more angry by that "how Does he didn't got shoot from all those Bullets" I Press my gun to fire again but I got run out of bullets I Throw my gun away I look towards the guy with anger and he was just standing there looking at me getting his knife ready I took a glance over to jin hyung who was helping namjoon Hyung I noticed that the guys Minions was about to attacked jin and namjoon Hyung and they didn't have any Guns or knifes with them so I Shouted Jin Hyungs Named then throw him the Two pistol guns I have in my belt

He quickly Catch it then Gave the other one to namjoon Hyung they both start to shoot the guys... Meanwhile to me and This guy me and him was staring at each other and I can saw behind his mask that he is smirking I Clenched my jaw more before getting my knifes out from my belt pockets positioning myself getting ready for this intense fight but when I was about to attack him he Suddenly Spoke making me stop in my tracks

??? : Before we proceed to this one on one Fight Let's Make a Deal Jeon Jungkook..*smirk*
Jungkook : Why don't you take off your mask and don't be a dick let me see your face I was wondering what you look like. Who are you?
??? : Woah woah Too much questions jeon
Jungkook : It's not too much.. I just Ask One question are you dumb? Did you attend school's?
??? : *Mad* shut up and Listen to whatever I say..
Jungkook : Why would I? I'm not your sla-
??? : This is a deal..*Smirk* if I win with this Fight I Can Have You Precious Girl with me and be my wife *smirk*

The moment he say that I was Shocked and Stunned at the same time really really mad I don't know what to say.. No I won't let that Happened no one can took her away from me I won't let him

??? : Why are you out of Words Jungkook? *Smirk* are you afraid that I might win and Have Y/n? D-
Jungkook : No cause I know You wont win ..She is Mine and Only Mine I own her and You cant have her nor let her be your wife because she is too Beautiful and precious to have a dick husband like you and also whatever your surname was it won't suit to her it Only suit with a her soon Name "Jeon Y/n"

I smirk and I feel like I already win I can saw his face his really mad right now He Tighten his grip on his knife and Run towards me

To Be Continued~

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