Please Kill Me.

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I could hear his footsteps coming like two thundering drums banging directly into my ears

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I could hear his footsteps coming like two thundering drums banging directly into my ears.

If I shut off the light and hide under my blanket he might not find me.

Please don't let him find me.

The creaky hinge to my bedroom door alerts me to his presence and I can already smell his sickening cologne.

"Little Liam" a voice says in the darkness, but I refuse to come out from hiding "Did you miss me?" he spoke again in his funny accent. I force myself to stop breathing just to be a little more quieter, he can't find me. Not this time.

The bed dips as his heavyweight slides in next to me, slipping under the covers to reveal his naked, hairy, grown body right before my face. Coming up for air I am greeted with a disgusting smile that makes my insides churn, the true face of evil.

I could scream, but nobody would come to my rescue.

I could cry, but that wouldn't stop him.

I'm powerless, there's no escape.

"Touch it." He said with a warning behind his voice, one that I know so well.

"I... don't ... want to." I pleaded, but I knew he was going to make me anyway.

"I'm not paying for what you want, I'm paying for what I want. Now touch it." he was stern and showed no sympathy towards me. He came here to get what he wanted and he didn't care if he ruined me in the process.

I didn't touch it. I kept my small hands firmly by my sides protesting by refusal, the only way I could. The anger was rising in his ugly face, I was going to get into so much trouble for this. They might even kill me.

Please kill me.

"Fine. You won't touch it with your hands, you'll touch it with your mouth."

He grabbed my hair and yanked my head downwards, forcing my face into his crotch.


Abruptly I was pulled from my subconscious, not wanting to relive my hellish childhood through the constant nightmares. My heart raced and sweat bled through my skin as I panted back my breath, feeling the familiar bile rise at the back of my throat.

Push him out of your mind Liam, don't think about him.

Water from the shower washed away the night terrors but nothing ever makes me feel truly clean, I keep lathering more and more soap into my body subliminally trying to wash him out of my mind. I have a few stern words with myself in the mirror before leaving my room to face the music of this unhappy household.

Jax is sitting in his armchair, he rarely moves out of it. Eight thirty in the morning but he already has a can in his hand and he's swearing at Good Morning America wearing nothing but white boxer shorts that no longer look white.

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