#48 That picture best be a fucking joke.

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I hadn't had any phone calls from Jordan or Zak so I assume Ben pulled through. I lay on my bed with my headphones on twirling the friendship bracelet around my fingers, telling myself I was doing the right thing no matter how hard it was. My door flung open and my eyes widened at the sight of her in my door way.

"What the fuck?" I said jumping off my bed and rushing over to her. 

"what are you doing here?  I told you not to come here! I told you not to come in the house!" 

In that moment the fear climbed higher than ever before, only this time I wasn't scared for me, I was scared for her. I felt helpless to Jax but with her standing in front of me, in the lion's den I felt more powerful than ever to stand up him. To protect her.

"Did he touch you? Did he hurt you?"  I couldn't help but search her entire body for any marks that could of been caused by Jax. My voice echoed through the room with a severely frantic tone. Anger was hidden behind concern. I can't believe she came here.

"No. I'm fine, he's just a little... unnerving." She replied with a careless shrug.

Relief washed over me knowing she wasn't hurt and he hadn't tried anything. She seemed fine, I just needed to get her out in the same state. 

"He's more than unnerving Liv, he's dangerous. You need to leave now and never come back." 

She shook her head and I instantly knew I was going to have a fight on my hands.

"I'm going to come here every day Liam. Every day you won't talk to me, every day you tell me we can't be friends." She spoke so sternly, wanting to get her point across loud and clear. Why was she doing this to me?

"Liv, you've seen what he's like." I pleaded.

"I'm not going to give up on you Liam, if that means risking harm to myself every time I have to come here then so be it."

I couldn't give her what she wanted, I couldn't be friends with her because like Jax, I was dangerous. I would make her life miserable and I could possibly hurt her again. The one person in the whole world I would never want to hurt. But Jax was more dangerous than me, he would exploit her physically and sexually and mentally, in anyway he could. He is malicious and evil. I couldn't have her coming here again under any costs.

"Is that me?" she said pointing up at the portrait I had painted.

Shit, this is embarrassing. She was never meant to see that, she's going to think it's weird.

"No." I lied, feeling my cheeks burn with intense red heat.

"Yeah, she looks nothing like me. She's beautiful." She laughed and her face resembled the portrait, beautiful and beaming happiness around the room in a powerful way that made my heart race and gave me flutters in the lower half of my stomach. 

"That is how I see you.... beautiful." I looked up at my painting, smiling to myself because of the effect this girl has on me. My insides had turned to jelly and I felt consumed with hope, hope of safety and love. It was illuminating and warm. But it also felt a little awkward, in a good way. Pushing away those scary tingles she gave me I turned my expression to a more serious one. 

"Don't come here again Liv." I warned.

"Only if you agree to being my friend again?" Her voice as full of hope. 

I wanted to be friends with her again more than anything, but the truth was that I was terrified of her, more so that I was with Jax... or him. I was scared of hurting her again. I was scared of her hurting me. I was scared of these emotions I felt for her and how strong they were. I was scared to let her in. I was scared of her betrayal. But I couldn't let her be around Jax.

"If it will stop you from coming here again I will." 

Her face glowed like the portrait again and it melted me, she stood closer and wrapped her arms around me. I inhaled tropical scent of safety and Olivia. Holding her close felt like home and once I had my arms around her I never wanted to let her go again. 

"C'mon let's get you out of here." I said, desperate for her to leave no matter how much I wanted her to stay. I interlocked our fingers, wanting to linger the close contact and touching for as long as possible. My heart raced with every step closer to Jax we took.

"That was quick." he muttered from his armchair, we ignored him.

"Is it my turn now, you little whore?" 

"Don't call her that Jax." I warned but he didn't stop there, he stumbled over to us and placed his dirty hand on her ass. I felt the anger sizzle inside me like a short circuit had been triggered. I didn't hesitate to punch him hard on the face. I think it shocked him because I don't usually fight back. He staggered backwards clutching his bleeding lip and I knew what was coming, I could see the boots on his feet and I prayed he wouldn't unman me in front of Olivia.

Jax regained himself from my punch and stumbled towards me ready to throw a punch but Olivia raised her arms and sprayed something into his face. Jax immediately coiled over in pain.

"Ow, this fucking stings you bitch. You're gonna pay for that." He groaned, practically rolling around the floor holding his pepper sprayed eyes.

I took that chance to get Olivia out the door, we ran down the street a little. Enough to know he wasn't following us and then I stopped.

"I'll see you later Liv." 

"Wait, you can't go back in there. Stay with me tonight. Please." Over the profanities Jax was shouting at us I could hear the fear in her voice but I learnt early on I couldn't rely on Liv like that. Soon her parents would come back and I would have to go home eventually. I might as well get the beating over and done with. 

"Liv, this my house. This is where I live. If I don't go back in there now and face it, I'll have to face it tomorrow or the next day or the day after. I'd rather get it over and done with now. Plus my moms home soon, if she comes home and he's mad and I'm not there -" I trailed off.

"Liam I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."

"No Liv, this could of happened over a can of beans. I used to blame myself too but then I realized that nobody is to blame here, except him. I'll be fine, you go home." I wiped away her tears, not wanting her to cry for me.

"Don't cry for me." I whispered. "I'm glad we're friends again." I said truthfully and walked back towards the house. 


I felt like my body had been put in between a vice and then proceeded to be squeezed so tightly, it hurt to breathe. My ribs felt crushed to dust and I lay on the floor clutching my torso, thinking how it's a miracle that I'm still alive. Jax had stormed out of the house, leaving me lying in a puddle of pain on the floor. 

I searched the cabinet in my bathroom for my pain meds but I was out of them so after taking time stamped pictures of my injuries I flopped down on my bed where I planned to push through the agonising aftermath of Jax's heavy boots.

I picked up my phone, debating on texting Olivia to tell her I was alright but then I deleted the message because I didn't think she would care enough to know. So instead I ended up scrolling through my instagram feed.

"What the fu-" I said out loud to myself.

Jolting upright in the most painful way when I spotted an image Jordan had uploaded of him and Olivia in the diner, both smiling over food and he captioned it 'Date night' with a heart. I was not in the mood to see this shit, I didn't think he would actually take her out and what's more I didn't think she would accept yet here I am staring into the eyes of them both. 

L: That picture best be a fucking joke.

J: Can't wait for our second date. You're right she's a lovely girl.

Z: hahahahaha

L: Why are you at the diner with her?

J: Date night <3

L: Fuck off.

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