#63 I hate drunk girls.

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I got stuck in a game of beer pong with some nerd from physics class who claimed he could beat me because it was all down to science. It mustered up quite a crowd and well played to the nerd because he actually had me admitting defeat which as you can imagine sent my friends into a huge spree of taking the piss out of me. Luckily I flipped them off and downed another beer.

As the game came to a close I noticed a group of guys looking up towards the treehouse so I neared closer to them and could hear their broken conversation about going up.

"The treehouse is out of bounds. Spread the word." I warned and they nodded their head and dispersed in the other direction. Quickly I allowed my eyes to scan the back yard. At every party I hide out in the back yard because drunken girls are too full on, they touch me, they grow more confident and they come onto me, it's honestly just uncomfortable. I learnt quickly that if you stay away from the dancefloor and the snacks not as many girls approach you.

"Did you hear we're getting a replacement on the soccer team?" Jordan said which instantly peaked my interest.

"No! Who? What position?" I exclaimed.

"Kieran the physics nerd, he's taking over yours." He let out a ripple of belly laughter clearly feeling pleased with himself. I just rolled my eyes.

Ruby stumbled over to us, her long legs on display thanks to the belt she wore as a skirt. My whole body tensed immediately, preparing myself for her unwanted contact.

"Hey Liam." She moved her hand around as she spoke and liquid spilled out from her plastic cup which she ignored but took it upon herself to sit on my lap.

Fuck, I hate drunk girls.

She slung her arm around my neck and whispered in my ear. "Why don't we go see if one of the bedrooms are free." the feeling of her breath on my skin made every hair stand on end in a haunting way. I stood up, moving her aside and putting a much needed distance between us.

"I'm not interested Ruby." I said bluntly, walking off and leaving her standing alone to soak in yet another one of my rejections.

Through the kitchen window I could see Olivia pouring herself another drink and the sight of her made me smile, she instantly calmed the nerves Ruby just caused me to feel. I made my way to her and entered the kitchen unnoticed.

I watched her trembling hand as she tried to hold the bottle steady and get the liquid into the glass without making any spillages. She was mumbling something incoherent under her breath but whatever she was saying she seemed passionate about. I snuck up behind her.

"You've had a lot to drink."

"Liam!" She dragged my name out for an extra long time and handed me the drink she just struggled to pour. She grabbed another cup and started filling it again, this time for her. "I've had a lot to drink, yes."

She spoke so funny like she was trying to taste every word she said and I pricked my mind trying to think of a time I've seen her this drunk. Her whole body swayed from side to side and I readied my hand to catch her if I needed to but I think she realized she couldn't stand on her own two feet and sat down on the kitchen stool to stop her from tumbling.

A group of people watched on as she tipped a cup of beer to the back of her throat and then slammed the cup down on the counter. I smiled at them hoping it would deter their attention away from her exaggerated movements and slurring words but they didn't look away.

"You don't like Ruby talking to you, just tell her to stop."

The group of people giggled and my eyes widened in horror as glanced towards them. We're not doing this here, not when she's in this state and could say anything with all of these people around.

"Liv!" I said sternly and shook my head at her like she was a small child I needed to tell off.

"Oh relax Liam." She spoke down to me like I was overreacting but I didn't want her to say anything else so I decided it was best if I got her out of here.

"I think you've had too much to drink, I should put you to bed." A huge smile instantly grew across her lips, it was a silly smile showing her drunken innocence "I think you should put me to bed as well." She teased her bottom lip between her teeth and it took every ounce of my control not to grab her and kiss her in front of these nosey onlookers. Instead I was a good boy and linked her arm to aid her upstairs.

"Get out!" I said to the couple making out on her bed and waited until they scurried out of the door before locking us in together. I led her to the bathroom and sat her down on the edge of the bath.

When I turned around to use the faucet she stood up behind me and I instantly turned around to face her. She practically jumped on me, throwing her arms around my neck and her lips on mine. I hadn't anticipated her touch but I didn't have time to react to it anyway. The kiss was messy and I could taste the beer on her tongue but I didn't care because it was Olivia.

"Liam let's have sex. I'm ready. We can do it here up against the wall. I just want to have sex with you." She strung out in a slur.

I instantly backed away, not expecting this to move forward so fast. All this time she thought we were waiting for her which makes sense because out of the two of us she's the virgin. But I thought deep down she knew we were waiting for me. I'm not ready to do that with her and I don't want to just fuck her up against the wall like the others. I want her, I want all of her.

I reached up and rubbed the back of my neck, thinking how I can approach this without making her feel rejected.

"Oh here we go." She muttered with an eye roll. I looked at her with confusion but she didn't offer me an explanation, instead she stepped forward and grabbed the bottom of my t.shirt.

"Liv." I protested but she yanked the material higher.

"Liv." I tried again but she pulled the t.shirt over my head and let it drop to the floor.

"I love this" She whispered as she ran her hand from beneath my navel up to my chest.

I could feel the warmth of her hand on my skin, the smoothness of her fingertips as they gazed over each of my abs. My body stood to attention and my mind clung to promise of having that one day. I ached with a strong desire to grab her and give her what she wants but I needed to possess a great deal of control in this situation and maintaining control has never been one of my strong points.

"Liv, stop." I pleaded.

She ignored my plea and lent in to plant feather soft kisses down my torso, leaving her sweet mark on my skin. This is too much, I've never let anyone get this close. My breathing hitched beneath her lips and I suppressed back a couple of deep groans that threatened to escape. I've told her to stop, she's not stopping.

"You need to stop." I tired again but my voice sounded pathetic and I wasn't sure if it was laced with fear, seduction or panic. My mind was so cloudy with confliction right now and I was getting lost in myself, half of me wanted to pull away and the other half of me wanted to give myself to her.

Liv ignored my plea again, instead she reached out and unbuttoned my jeans.

I took a step back, pulling away from her as she made attempts at the zipper on my jeans. My heart raced and the blood pumped around my body at super speed. I'm not ready for this and she's in no fit state to consent. I pulled my protective layer back on, locking my chest away from her prying eyes and wandering hands.

I hated myself for not being normal, I hated enjoying her touch so much but hating it at the same time. I hated knowing when we do eventually have the opportunity to hook up I won't be able to go through with it because I'm so shit scared of intimacy. I hated having to reject her when she's the only one that has accepted me.

"I can't." I said pathetically. "I'm not going to take your virginity in a bathroom during a party when you're completely wasted." I tried to let her down gently but my own self loathing was getting in the way.

"Okay. But when I'm sober, I'm ready. I want this." I pulled her in closer to me and clung onto her body, planting a soft kiss to her head. I didn't reply to her statement but I honestly just hoped it was the alcohol talking.

She might be ready but I sure am not.

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