#13 Don't let the darkness back in Liam.

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With three minutes left on the clock I run down the pitch chasing the ball, Ben has it but he's heavily guarded and he needs to make a pass. He looks towards Jordan to throw off the other players, the opposing team scatter in his direction leaving me undefended. With a scratch of his nose Ben kicks the ball to me and I dribble it down the pitch towards the goal.

Their goal keeper is ready, watching my eyes to see where I'm going to kick the ball but I'm careful enough not to give anything away. Everyone is waiting on me to take my shot. I look down in the left corner of the goal but swivel my body to the right, colliding my foot with the ball in the powerful hit. The ball flies through the air. 

The opposing goalkeeper jumps to the left but the ball is flying right and it's too late for him to change his stance now. The ball flies past him and hits the back of the net. Score! 

The guys surround me, jumping on my back and lifting me into the air as a loud roar surrounds the pitch from the bleachers. This moment is pure happiness. This moment is what allows me to forget.  My eyes scan the bench where Olivia was sitting and my heart sinks to find her no longer there. It's like she couldn't wait to get away. I don't blame her after what she saw in the locker room.  Don't let the darkness back in Liam, you won. Stick with that.

"Great game today Liam, I'm going to apply for a scout to come check out one of your games. What schools are you interested in?" Coach said as the other players left for the showers. 

"I have my mind set on Stanford Coach." I admitted, helping him gather up the water bottles and soccer ball. 

"I'll look into it." Coach replied as we parted ways. 

The ground cleared out and I was the last one to leave, besides the players who were still showering and changing, but I only do that when the locker room is empty so I'll wait until I'm home. As I'm pulling the helmet out from under the seat of my motorbike I hear a familiar voice behind me.

"You played amazing out there today."  Olivia said, handing me back my t.shirt.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling like an idiot at her compliment, or just at her. I wanted to tell her I looked for her after the game but I decided against it. I didn't want her to think that I was interested. She rubbed her absent wrist looking a little disheartened.

"No more handcuffs, thank God." I said honestly. It hasn't been that bad being attached to Olivia at the wrist but I was thankful it was over. 

"Yeah" she said with a small smile.

"You need a ride?" I asked gesturing towards my bike. 

Her eyes darted to the sky and she looked a little alarmed, it made me laugh out loud. She nodded her head and I clasped the spare helmet under her chin. I don't know why I was willing to give her a ride, I've never given anyone a ride on my motorbike because I try to avoid all forms of touch but with Olivia it wasn't so bad. Plus I was trying to hold onto the time I spent with her, these past two days have been uplifting. Tomorrow things could go back to normal, they needed to. I'm dangerous to be around.

When I arrived home Jax was smashing things up around the kitchen, anger radiated from him as he banged the cabinet doors shut and I decided it was best to stay out of his way. 

"Fooking TV doesn't work." He shouted as he heard me close the door behind me. 

"The bill hasn't been paid." I told him. 

He stumbled closer to me, with an awful stench of alcohol dispelling from him making my nose twist with disgust. He stood close to me, too close. Fanning his breath out over my face, showing me his yellow stumpy teeth and informing me that he had smoked a cigarette not too long ago. I held my breath, trying to not to breath in his toxicity.

"What you say, you son of a bitch? Why do you think we let you stay here? Fooking pay the bill or get out and don't come back." He squared up to me, and spoke with a threatening tone I knew not to mess with.

"I'll pay it." I said, trying to keep the roof over my head. 

"Too fooking right you will." Jax walked off back towards the kitchen.

"Jackass." I mumbled under my breath but unfortunately it was loud enough for him to hear.

He picked up a plate and threw it at me, on instinct I ducked down low and threw my hands over my face to protect myself from the smash. Little bits of pottery fell apart around me after clashing against the front door. He launched another one in my direction. 

"Jax stop." I shouted as he kept throwing them. 

I ran up to my bedroom to get away from him, closing the door behind me. I heard his footsteps follow close behind me. My heart raced and I needed to get out of here. My mom probably wouldn't be back tonight because it's the weekend. I heard a thud against the door and the whole thing shook inside the frame.

"I'll kick your fooking door down you dumb piece shit" He shouted through the wood that separated us.

"Jax stop." I pleaded again, backing away from the door. Preparing for what was about to come next. 

He thundered against the door, hard. "Think you're going to get far in life just 'cause you play soccer. You're a joke. You've got nothing going for you. You're gonna get nowhere." He bashed the door again. 

I grabbed my sleeping bag and threw it out of my window, watching as it landed on the lawn. After taking a deep breath I yanked open my door and Jax fell forward into my room. His ugly face illuminated with the fury he felt inside.

As fast as my legs would carry me I ran down the stairs taking two or three steps at a time and out of the front door, putting space between Jax and I. 

Think of her. Think of her.

Eyes with a hue of the forest in spring and when they sparkled against the light it was like a fresh sheen of morning dew. The sweet flush that crept over her face even at the most innocent comments. The smile that shows off her perfect teeth and brings out the smallest dimples on either side of her lips. 

I kept walking, towards her house. I'm so frustrated with myself for being so drawn to her, I need to let her go, get her out my mind. Stop using her as an escape. 

Yet here I am, climbing up the wooden planks to sit in her tree house just to get the tiniest hint of being close to her. As I landed I tripped over some dustbins that are not usually there. They made a big clang and I quickly picked them up, clutching my heart in case anyone heard. 

There was no movement from the house so I just continued my mission of climbing up the planks to reach the top. The comforting scent of cedar wood filled my senses and helped me shut out Jax and everything that is happening in my life. The higher I climbed the more the nostalgia hit me, the safer I felt.

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