#16 Why are you like this Liam, God Damnit!

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"Where are we going?"  a small, squeaky voice trembled from my body.

"I'm taking you out." the ugly man with the strange voice replied as he focused his attention on the road. I've never been in a car before, it's scary.

He took me to the aquarium, bought me fish balloon and showed me the sharks. I didn't understand why he was taking me out and treating me nicely. I never get to go on nice days out like this. He held my hand the whole day and showed me different sea animals with the fakest smile plastered across his face, showing everyone around us that we were happy, normal, safe.

"Have you had a good day?"  I didn't answer but I gave a reluctant nod. He smiled satisfied.

"Do you love me?" he pierced his dark eyes into me, warning me to answer the question correctly. I looked at the families around me, hopelessly. I could scream for help but I don't think my mouth is loud enough for people to listen. He grabbed my wrist tightly because I took too long to answer so I gave the slightest nod as I breathed through his spicy cologne.

"Do you know how two people show they love each other?" I could see the excitement building in his horrible face. I knew what he was getting at, more stuff I don't want to do. This is what this day trip was about. Encouragement. Bribery. Not love. My subconscious screamed at myself to wake up as he explained to a ten year old me about sex and penetration.

My eyes fluttered open as the bedsheets stuck to the cold sweat on my bare skin. My heart raced and in that moment I was just thankful that I never let him get that far.


I could taste the darkness in the back of my throat, it threatened to strangle me but I tried hard to push it out of my mind until I could distract myself.

"I met a girl she's from portugal and her accent is the equivalent to the heart eye emoji." Jordan said lustfully.

"Nah, I like British." Zak chirped in "Oh Zak, take me right here right now." He threw on a funny accent that instantly made my skin crawl and brought back the flooding memories of my last nightmare. I playfully punched him on the arm.

"That sounds Scottish." I said masking my fear behind fake amusement. Someone really wants me to experience the darkness today, huh?

"I'd take a Scottish girl." Zak admitted.

"You'd take an alien girl." Ben said hitting him on the chest. We all laughed but mine wasn't quite sincere as I fought with the demons inside my head.

I needed to find someone now. I looked around the corridors and out of the corner of my eye I noted Jemma wave at me. Bingo! I approached her and shot her one of my crotch warming smooth smiles.

"Hey Jemma."

"Hey Liam." She lent back against her locker chewing gum, right in front of my face she blew out a big gum bubble so big it popped leaving small strings of white on her lips.

My mouth fixated on her lips, not even in a good way. I made a mental note to avoid the kisses, unless she lost the gum but overall I just didn't want to kiss her. I hated kissing them.

"You fancy hooking up?" I asked, still fixated on the way she chewed her gum.

"You know I've a boyfriend, right?"  I did not know that.

I shrugged. "I don't mind." I said nonchalantly.

"Okay." She said with a smile, popping another bubble.

So easy.

I led her towards the boys bathroom, locking the door behind us so nobody could walk in on us. It wasn't the most pleasant place and the smelt like stale piss but I'm not going for romance here so it will do. Besides it's unsanitary to eat in the bathroom, so maybe she'll finally lose the gum.

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