#32 I really wanted her in the bed with me.

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I went to Jordans for a bit after the bus dropped us off, hung out playing fifa and listening to the tales from his latest hook up.  He dropped me off at home just after ten and as I walked up my garden path I could hear screams coming from inside the house.

Home sweet home.

I tried the door handle but it was locked so I banged against the wood and waited to be let inside and met with my fate.

"Get off me." I heard mom shout, followed by a series of smashes and bangs. 

I banged my fist against the door louder this time, moving the whole frame with each collision. No answer, just more screams and struggles coming from behind the door. I peeked into the window, trying hard to see in against the yellow stained net curtains. Jax had mom pushed up against the wall, hand over her throat and fist in the air. 

Shit, I needed to get inside.

I looked around for a large rock but I couldn't find anything and the struggle seemed to get louder so I threw my bare fist against the window and felt the glass shudder around my knuckles. I kept punching away the shards until I could put my hand through and unlock the door. My fist was bleeding heavy and I could feel sharp fragments stuck inside my skin but I ignored the pain and made my way over to Jax. 

Both of them were completely oblivious to my presence and high off their faces. I pulled on Jaxs shoulders, inching him away from moms neck. He released her and turned his menacing eyes around to face me. I clenched my fist, it was dripping blood onto the floor and throbbed with pain. I tucked it up inside the sleeve of my t.shirt to try and slow the bleeding while I dealt with the aftermath of stopping Jax.

"Fooking boys back." Jax whistled through yellow stumpy teeth and breath thick with a cigarette stench that made me coil away in disgust.

Jax wrapped his fingers around my jaw, gripping tightly with his fingertips as he brought his face closer to mine and dug a sharp point into my throat with his other hand. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the knife, feel the fear or experience the pain that was going to come along with it.

"Don't think I won't hesitate to cut you up boy." Jax said, wafting another undesirable stench in my direction. My eyes floated past him, pleading with my mom to put an end this, to help me in some way. But she walked away, grabbing a bottle of beer off the side and headed to kitchen without a care in the world. 

The knife dug deeper and I kept myself as still as humanly possible so I didn't provoke him in any further way. He brought his knee up and gashed me right in the windpipe, allowing me the room I needed to coil over and struggle to catch my breath. I breathed deeply, as I held the tender place he just hit but relief washed over me that he no longer held a knife to my throat. 

I tried to escape, walk off before he could do any serious damage but I felt his fingers in my hair, pulling me backwards and making me hit my head against the wall. He threw his elbow across my throat this time, holding me in place and suffocating me. I wanted to scream for help but he took away my voice. As I looked into his dark, evil eyes I felt a sharp pain stabbing through my thighs and overtaking the pain I felt in hand. 

Jax finally released me and I hobbled towards the door clutching my leg, which had already soaked my black jeans in blood. He watched me leave but didn't stop me because his torment was over and it was time for him to return back to his drugs. 

As I walked through the street the rain hit my body, claiming every dry bit of me and making my clothes cling to cuts causing more pain. I counted down the houses towards her, using her as a distraction to take away my pain. Needing her to save me again. I wondered how I would climb the tree house with a big tear on my leg but I knew I had to try because being close to her was the only way I could experience even the tiniest amount of happiness.

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