#38 Closing the world out and letting my world in.

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I lingered outside her door for about fifteen minutes before knocking, just waiting for the clock to hit six. I didn't want to seem too eager. For some reason I was whirling mess of nerves, just the thought of purposely hanging out with her alone for the first time made me jittery inside. I rung the bell and waited, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans.

God, calm down Liam, you've hung out with her loads of times. This is no different.

"Wow, you're exactly on time." She said as she she opened the door, stepping aside to let me in.

Sheepishly I stepped inside, not really knowing what to do with myself. I rubbed the back of my neck and looked around at her house. It had a similar layout to mine but was decorated much nicer, this one felt like a home. I wondered if I should compliment her on it, or maybe that would be weird.

"Don't be nervous. Just treat me like one of the guys."

Shit. She could see right through me.

"I'm not nervous." I lied.

She gestured for me to follow her upstairs, leading me to her bedroom and the butterflies fluttered low in my stomach, giving me all of these girly feelings that I didn't like. Her room was very relaxing with pastel lilac shades on the wall and little fairy lights lighting the walls. She had more possessions than me. I picked up a small snow globe from the bedside table and watched as the flakes of glitter fall delicately inside the glass dome.

She sat going through her movie collection but I was busy taking in my surroundings, inspecting the little window of her life she's allowed me to look into. I picked up a white photo frame and traced my fingers around the image of her with her parents. They look so happy, like an actual family. So much love and care in one picture. My eyes floated across the polaroids that hung from fairy lights and I noticed the picture of her and Harris first. It made my mood dip and I released a loud sigh.

"You're acting like you've never been in my room before." She said, pulling me away from the pictures with her words.

"I haven't really. The past two times I've been drunk or ... not in the right frame of mind. This is the first time I've seen it properly."

I mentally kicked myself for bringing up the past two times I was here, I don't know why I did that.

"What you in the mood for?"

I walked over to her chest of drawers and pulled the top one open and my face lit up like a fat kid in a candy store, greeted with many different colours of matching bra and panties, all delicate lace. It instantly gave me a visual that woke up a part of my body that I had deemed as useless these past few weeks.

"Liam!" She shouted, alarmed to see me rooting through her personal collection.

She raced over to me with a bright red face and almost slammed the door shut on my fingers. I shot her one of my cocky grins, the one that girls seem to fall for and shook my eyebrows suggestively. I don't know why I was pretending to be so bold, if she tried anything I would run a mile. Maybe it was because I knew she wouldn't try anything.

"You asked me what I was in the mood for." I replied bravely.

"I meant the movies." She said with a low tone and death glare.

"Anything I don't mind. Action movie."

I threw off my shoes and jumped down on her bed, making myself comfortable. She darkened the room by switching off the lights and closing the curtains and then lay down next to me really slowly, holding her limbs stiff next to her own body. I watched with amusement, fascinated by her weirdness.

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