#44 Don't feel guilty because of my damage.

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I finally managed to drag Olivia away from her chemistry homework and persuade her to come bowling. She looked around the bowling alley like she was seeing it for the first time and I made the assumption that it was her first time here. We lived in a small town with not much else to do so my friends and I came here a lot, I was a pretty decent bowler but I was prepared to go easy on her if this was her first time. Doris handed us our shoes and I made Olivia take a picture with of our feet in front of the pins, I thought it was best to keep our faces out after last time. I keyed in our names in the scoreboard and decided to make things interesting.

"Let's make a bet." I suggested.

"You like your bets don't you." she said, raising her eyebrows in my direction.

God, I thought we were over this. I didn't reply, I just shot her a disapproving look.

"Name the stakes." She mused.

"If you win I'll apologize to your friend. If I win, you gotta do a little fashion show for me."

"A fashion show?" she giggled.

"Yeah catwalk included." A cocky smile tugged at the corner of my lips and before my eyes her face grew wary. She would never agree to this.

"What sort of fashion show?"

I beamed a big smile at her which she returned, I know I was only toying with her but she didn't know that. She would never agree to this bet because she knows she'll never win it.

"We'll start with that top drawer of yours and we'll end there too. I often find myself wondering which one of those lacy underwears you're wearing, the visual will help my visual."

"You're actually disgusting."

"Ouch!" What good is it being friends with a girl if you don't get any perks?" I pretended to be hurt by her comment but watched as she thought over the terms and conditions. I was surprised at how much thought she put into it, I expected her to shoot it down straight away. Does she really think she can win against me?

"Okay." she finally said.

"Okay, what?" I asked skeptically.

"Okay I accept."

Seriously, is she insane? I come bowling all the time, she's never been. Why would she think she even had a chance, unless this isn't her first time.

"You're that confident?" I asked warily.

"Yeah I used to come bowling every weekend with my parents, I'm a fantastic bowler. Did I not tell you that?"

The smile fell from my face at the realization of her hustle. There was no way I was apologizing to that boy, I wouldn't really make her do the fashion show but I know she would make me apologize to him, hell that's the only reason she's agreed to it.

"No you did not." I muttered through unimpressed lips.


The ball rolled down the oiled lane with ease, clanging loudly against the pins and knocking them all down with the tantalising sound of victory. I threw my hands in the air and moonwalked back to the table. She rolled her eyes at me, not loving my celebrations whenever I scored big. I was slightly in the lead but she was about to take her shot and probably knock me on my ass.

"Hey, you want nachos?" I asked flicking through the on screen menu.

"Nah, I'll just eat yours." she replied as she walked towards the lane.

"I can order you some?" I offered.

"I'm fine, thanks."

I watched her take her shot and sure as shit she wiped my leading score off the scoreboard and my mood soured slightly. There was no way I'm apologizing to that dick, I need to win this game.

I stood up to take my shot again, determined to put me ahead of her. I willed the ball to hit all the pins but I failed at my attempt at a strike much to my dismay, I managed to get eight pins down but thankfully avoided a spit. On my second round I managed to knock down the two remaining pins putting my score three points below her.


I could recognize that deep southern accent anywhere. A Tall waitress stood at our table with Olivia, she had long copper hair and her face was dusted in freckles covering most of her skin. I couldn't remember her name but she smiled greedily in my direction, like I was about to be her dinner. I remembered how handsy she was with me so I instantly sat myself safely beside Olivia, hiding behind the table, out of her reach. Her eyes floated between Olivia and I.

"Are you on a date or something?"

I grabbed Olivia's hand, interlocking our fingers. I could see her looking down at our hands in surprise but thankfully she said nothing. I read her name tag, it was always easier when they wore a name tag.

"Sandra, this is my girlfriend Olivia." I placed a kiss to the back of her hand, I know that was probably unnecessary but I just really wanted to do it. Sandra let out a loud huff and walked away. Leaving me to apologize to Olivia and tuck into my nachos.

She wouldn't stop looking at me and I knew she was waiting for a full explanation on what just happened. I'm still not used to having to explain myself to someone but she confiscated my nachos until I gave her some answers.

"Okay, okay... she's crazy. Slept with her once two years ago, she claimed I was the one. Stalked me and everything. I had to change my number because of her. I only remembered her name because I read it from her name tag. Now give me back my nachos and take your shot."

What I didn't tell her was that I took Sandras virginity, unknowing she was a virgin and that is why I vowed to never go with a virgin again.


We were on our last turn and I needed a strike to win, the pressure was building because I needed to win this bet. Prudently I picked up the ball, slotting my fingers into the three holes and keeping my focus on the pins, willing them down with my mind. I lined my feet up with the centerline, careful not to cross the barrier that separated the line lane and the starting platform.

This was the most important shot of the game, I wasn't going to let him think he's won if I apologize. There's too much riding on it. With a deep breathe I raised my arm back and swing it forward, releasing the ball and letting it roll towards my fate.

Knock them down. Knock them down.

I felt her join me next to the lane, eagerly waiting for the outcome of our bet to be revealed, just like me. I held my breath with so much suspense and anxiety. The ball rolled perfectly straight, heading for the center pin with a generous speed that was sure to do some damage to the standing pins. It was looking promising.

"YEAH!" I shouted loudly. I grabbed her by the waist and held her high above my head, twirling her around with excitement.

"Oh my God Liam, put me down, put me down! People are watching!" She swatted my back and I complied with her wishes, lowering her back to her feet.

"I won you know what that means?" I don't have to apologize to Harris.

She swatted my chest and I jolted backwards on impact, feeling the smile drain from my face.

Fuck sake Liam! She's only playing, stop being such a pussy.

"Sorry I forget sometimes." She admitted sincerely with a twang of guilt hidden somewhere in there.

"It's okay. It's my problem, not yours." God, don't feel guilty because of my damage. "Let's get pizza before we go back to yours." I suggested changing the subject.

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