#6 Keep calm Liam, it will be fine.

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It had been a long day, Ruby made several attempts to talk to me and I shot her down with each one. We fucked, doesn't mean I owe you anything. I felt slightly uneasy about carrying her panties around inside my jacket, it wasn't sexy. I don't even like Ruby.

All day my mind has been leading up to this moment. For the next hour and a half I would be in the company of Olivia and although I couldn't talk to her or be nice to her it still made the butterflies fly just being close to her. To me, she was home. I got to the classroom first, she's always slightly tardy. But as always she walked in bringing the light into the room and took a seat beside me.

I threw in my earphones, trying to shut her out again but I noticed that there was something different about her today, her mood was off. She refused to look at me which I've come to learn is pretty normal but she seemed tense or mad about something and it intrigued me as to what that was.

Mr Hibbert pulled my attention away from Olivia by loudly clapping his hands at the front of the classroom.

"Today you'll get your first assignment" he started.

He fumbled around inside a box and then pulled out a pair of metal handcuffs shaking them in front of everyone like he was a magician who had just performed a neat trick.

"Over the next two days you will become your partner and experience how they live their life. During school hours and school events you will be handcuffed to your partner. The handcuffs will be placed on you first thing in the morning, I have then arranged with everyone's class schedules to sit every lesson with your partner. You will eat lunch how they eat lunch, you will learn what they learn. At the end of the school day you will get them taken off. Throughout the day you are allowed four ten minute breaks from the handcuffs to use the bathroom." he continued.

I didn't panic. We'll work it so we remove the handcuffs and only put them on to get them taken off again at the end of the day. No one will know so we won't fail the class. I can handle five minutes of her brushing up against my hand.

Keep calm Liam, it will be fine.

"On Thursday you'll mimic the right side partner and on Friday you'll switch to mimic the left side partner. On Friday after school the soccer game attendance will be mandatory and you will remained handcuffed throughout. If your partner plays for the team the handcuffs will get taken off right before kick off, you will then take your seat on the bench not the bleachers."

The shackle was placed on our table with a cold clang. Olivia made no attempts to pick it up but I went for it instantly because I needed to check out how sturdy it was. The metal was strong and of good quality, like these handcuffs had been sent directly from the sheriff's department or something. I opened and closed the clasp carefully, listening to monsterous clicks that would eventually lead to my imprisonment. I yanked the chain as hard as I possibly could but the metal holding the two halves together didn't bend so I banged it down on the table in a failed attempt to break it, it didn't even dint.

Okay, now I was starting to freak out. I couldn't do this, stay interlinked with Olivia all day for two days. She would notice how I react to certain things, I wouldn't be allowed to escape her to distract myself from everything that's going on like I did today with Ruby. She would be beside me, constantly bumping shoulder to shoulder, hand to hand. The darkness threatened to choke me and I was ready to scream.

"I'm not doing this. It's against my human rights and I refuse." I called out placing the handcuffs back down on the table and using my most intimidating stare.

"Mr Maines, every assignment is mandatory if you want to pass my class. This assignment makes up 30% of your grades and you have to follow through with it to be able to write a paper at the end of the year." 

I got pulled into a staring contest, hopelessly weighing up my options and refusing to let Mr Hibbert win. He was getting on my last nerve with his insanely invasive questions and now this task which is a step too far. But I couldn't fail this class, I needed soccer. It was the only chance I had of escaping Jax. I felt the anticipation grow around the classroom, all eyes on me waiting to see what I did next.

"Whatever" I said coldly picking up my bag and preparing for my departure from the classroom. If I stayed I would smashed something, maybe even Mr Hibberts chubby little face so it's just safer for everyone if I left.

As I reached the door a naughty thought crossed my mind and I couldn't help myself. I placed my hand in my pocket and pulled on the soft, pink material. Shooting a cheeky glance at Olivia who watched me with those scrutinizing green eyes that see everything. I threw the panties at Mr Hibbert who caught them on instinct.

"Olivia wanted you to have these."  I announced before exiting the classroom.

Teasing Olivia really uplifted my mood, tomorrow was definitely going to be a challenge for me but I had time to mentally prepare myself for it. I threw in some hours at the arcade after school and made a quick pit stop at the grocery store before heading home.

As I opened my front door I was greeted with the sight of Jax pinning mom against the wall, using his elbow across her throat. They both seemed high out of their minds and I hesitated with a sharp gulp as I viewed the boots before I stepped in to pull him away.

"Get off me you piece of shit." Jax spat out shaking me off and shoving me backwards with my back crashing into the hard plaster. I winced on first contact. Jax stood in front of me, clenching his fists at his sides and a steaming face ready to kill.

He then launched at me, and in that split second I saw a flash of chunky gold wave in front of my face from the rings he bears on his hand. I was numb to the physical pain now, not fighting back made it over quicker. My mouth filled with blood leaving a irony tang taste that I repulsively spat away. Jax grabbed hold of my hair and yanked it downwards I heard the pull as I followed the direction he wanted me to go in, on the floor in submission to his abuse. I closed my eyes, shutting him out.

Think of her. Think of her.

Think of that time she won monopoly and threw the money into the air making it rain colourful paper, how I was so close to winning but I couldn't be bitter because of the giant smile on her face. Her dimples. Her eyes. That sweet blush that appears on her cheeks when I'm being an arsehole to her. How she smells of coconut and cocoa and how shiny her hair looks.

With his foot he thrusts another one into my ribcage using full force, I'm finding it hard to breath now and my arms are not doing a great job at shielding me. Another thrust. His boots are heavy and have a sharp metal rim around the edges that display intimidating stoods. The boots are the worst. They crush me from the outside in.

"I ... can't .... breath." I struggled to say through stifled groans.

Tears clogged behind my eyeballs but I couldn't let them escape because he'll see the weakness in my eyes, I don't cry on the outside anymore. Jax laid the last one down, right in the center of my chest, stamping on me like I was an unwanted pest invading his territory. It felt like my windpipe had collapsed and I had serious internal bleeding. Everything hurt. Everything felt broken. Jax spat down into my face and left the house in a furious rage, slamming the door behind him. Mom still remained crouched down with her head in her hands, crying.

"Are.. you... okay?" I breathed out.

"Why you have to go piss him off like that? You get what you're deserve." Mom said, getting up and following Jax out the house, leaving me alone, unable to move from the floor.

I have no idea how long I lay on that floor for, minutes? hours? I blacked out a few times from the pain and I hurt internally  but somehow I managed to get myself up and up the stairs to assess the damage in the mirror. There was a large bruise forming right in the center of my chest and smaller ones surrounding it from where the tip of his foot penetrated.

I knocked back some strong pain meds, took pictures of my injuries and grabbed my sleeping bag, I needed to get out of here. This time I knew exactly where I was I going, up the cedar planks to my safe place.

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