#35 Shit. What did I tell her?

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When I blinked through the darkness of predawn I could feel him all over me, I know in reality it was Olivia but thanks to the realness of my nightmares my mind thought it was him. Being away from her all week tore me apart, I got into so many fights, done so many things I regret and I haven't slept properly in days thanks to the nightmares. Relying on drugs to keep me afloat because the girls don't work and the fights only calm me for a few hours when I'm overwhelmed by the guilt instead of the pain. It made perfect sense to me that the second I got drunk out of my mind she was the first person I wanted to be around.

"You have to let me in or let me go."

Her words from last night came back to haunt me. I feel ill. Mentally and physically. Trapped and I can't breathe. Maybe it wouldn't feel as bad to let her in. I wouldn't need to tell her everything, just enough to stop the questions. She muttered something intelligible under her breath and then rolled over to face away from me.

I slipped out from under the covers, cursing myself for taking my clothes off in front of her, again. Quickly dressing and escaping the room before she woke up and caught me. I needed to go home and shower off his presence, I'll deal with Olivia later.


I hovered outside the Psychology classroom debating on going inside as the nerves pummelled the inside of my chest, not knowing what questions she was going to ask and how much I would have to reveal of myself in a room filled with nosey kids. Taking a deep breath I let my bravery shine through as I pushed the door open.

"Nice of you to join us Mr Maines." Mr Hibbert said sarcastically.

"I know." I replied just as sarcastic.


Some of the girls waved me over to their table so I willingly went, wanting to make myself look busy for when she walked in.

"Sup?" I asked them, leaning down on their desk. They were so giddy around me, it made my eyes roll.

"Heard you've not been with many girls recently, not like you. What's up with that?" One of them said as she flicked her hair behind her.

Jeeze, what is with everyone asking personal questions and why are people talking about my sex life like it's their business?

"I've been with plenty, I'm just done with girls at this school." I lied.

"Everyone take your seats." Mr Hibbert shouted.

She was already sitting in her usual seat, looking casual and carefree, a contrast to what I was feeling. She was dressed in light blue jeans that had rips in the front that hinted at her smooth, tanned legs underneath. A blush pink oversized jumper that hung low over her shoulder and her golden curls feathered around her face delicately.

I threw my earphone in and hit play on my music, not looking at her in the hopes she wouldn't ask me questions because now that I was here I was bottling out.

"I want you all to take three pieces of paper. Write down two facts about yourself and one secret. Don't put your name on them and don't let your partners see them. Once you've wrote three things down bring them to the front. We'll shuffle them about a bit and then you're welcome to come to the front and guess which one was written by your partner. Lets see how well we know each other."

I reached out to grab the paper at the same time of her and our hands awkwardly clashed, it was the first contact I had since being next to her in the bed and I didn't hate it. I backed my hand away offering her to take the first one. She complied.

This was my chance to 'let her in' without having to talk about anything too deep and I was definitely going to take it. I grabbed my paper and pen ready to grasp this task with both hands.

BAD BOY ABUSED (male pov)Where stories live. Discover now