#10 It's all true baby

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Darkness filled my room as I pulled my blankets higher, hiding away from the day. Spending the day with Olivia yesterday didn't go so bad but today was her turn to mimic me and that filled me with an apprehension that churned my stomach making me feel nauseous.

Mom was crashed out at the bottom of the stairs, intoxicated with alcohol at eight thirty in the morning. I stepped over her and searched for breakfast in our empty cupboards. Thankfully Jax was nowhere to be seen. On the kitchen counter there were some unpaid bills threatening to turn off our power, I rolled my eyes knowing nobody besides me would make the effort to pay them. Slamming the cupboards shut and went to school feeling hungry.

Jordan didn't pick me up today, I opted to take my motorcycle because I had picked up hours in the arcade to pay the bills. I only possess three things in this life that I really care about, my jacket, my bike and my phone. I don't need anything else, I don't want anything else. Jax would only break it or sell it anyway.

I was the first person to arrive at the psychology classroom, the good thing about wanting to escape your home so much is that you show up on time or early to everything. A vibration from my pocket grabbed my attention when I pulled on the phone I was greeted with an influx of group texts from Zak and Jordan.

Z: Stuck with Olive all day. How will you cope?

L: She's not that bad. She's quiet.

J: The quiet ones are the worst!

Z: I think this one's just quiet.

L: Be nice to her at lunch and don't make things awkward.

Z: I'm always nice.

L: I was talking to Jordan.

J: Can't make any promises.

I looked up and noticed her in the doorway staring at me, how long had she been there?

I shot her smile and a nod but then I mentally chassied myself for being too nice to her. She looked casual and carefree dressed in tiny denim shorts that showed me all of her beautifully smooth, long legs. She paired it with a simple tank top and converses and although her fashion wasn't anything fantastic it still hung off her in a great way making her look amazing without even trying.

She didn't react to my greeting and disappointment sagged through my slightly. What do you expect Liam when you're such a dick to her?

Mr Hibbert called us to the front and I took a deep breath, preparing myself to be locked within Olivia's touch. Three sharp clicks and I was bound under Olivia's captivity. My heart raced and the darkness threatened to rise to the surface. Swallow it back down Liam.

"You ready for this?" Green eyes glowed in my direction, as if she was reading my soul and could sense I wasn't ready for this. How can she see through me when the barrier I wear is so strong?

I shot her a fake smile, one that didn't reach my eyes. "Yeah, it won't be as bad as yesterday. Besides I'm getting used to these constraints." I lied throwing in a wink to try and fool her that I was confident and cocky about the situation.

"Okay so here's the deal, I have a geography pop quiz that I have to do well on or coach will have my balls. That's the first lesson. After that I'm pretty much free to ditch until math which I can't miss because I'm failing. You good with that?"

I laid out my plans straight and could see her brain working through my words, arguing with herself on if she should accept them or not. I knew she wasn't okay with ditching school but she also didn't seem to voice her concerns. I waited patiently for an answer. Finally she nodded and my face lit up with amusement, she really was innocent.

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