#21 Olivia was dangerous to me.

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Time to face your fears Liam.

I edged forward and placed my hand on her shoulder "Liv?"

The air felt thick with awkward tension, knowing we both had words that we longed to say to each other but neither of us spoke them. She didn't look at me or answer me, she just kept her gaze focused on the dark screen. The silence was deafening and the only thing pummeling through the quiet was the sound of my racing heart and the dread rolling around my mind at the questions that I knew were going to follow. Time to grow a pair and break the ice.

"Here's the deal, Jordan has cameras everywhere but they don't pick up that far corner. So if we're going to do something then it will have to be over there because I'm not into making him a personalised porno."

She finally turned to look at me, alarmingly fast. "We're not doing anything Liam." She was horrified at my suggestion and her little nostrils flared with anger in the cutest way but her expression softened when she saw the big smile plastered across my face. I loved toying with her.

I watched her chest move up and down as she took a deep breath, preparing for what she was about to say next and I knew it was coming just from the look on her face.

"Liam we need to talk about last night." she said confidently with a determined tone, she wasn't going to let this go.

In an instant the smile was wiped clean off my face, the darkness pooled in drowning me. I felt like clawing at my throat to get it away but I knew it wouldn't budge even if I did. I stood strong as she pummeled bullets at the walls that kept me guarded tightly inside.

"Liv... don't." I warned, but really I was begging. I couldn't do this, I couldn't break down in front of her. I couldn't show her weakness and let her use it against me.

"Liam you were in my treehouse with a sleeping bag. Were you sleeping up there? Do you sleep up there? I know this wasn't the first time I've found wrappers to those sports bars you e-"

"Liv. Stop. I can't."

Why was she doing this to me? My breathing accelerated and I felt like I was choking as the darkness consumed me, she reminded me of every reason I ever had to go to her treehouse and I didn't want to think about that. She was making dents in the bricks and stripping away the barriers that I fought hard to keep up just to stop her from finding out the truth.

"Liam... I saw you, you can't deny this."

I can't do this. Not here. Not yet. I needed more time to find a excuse. I could feel my walls crumbling. Looking around, trying to find a distraction or an escape from this conversation.

"Someone will hear you." I tried my luck but I think we both knew nobody would hear.

"Liam..." She stepped forward, closing the gap between us a little "Please tell me what's going on... you can trust me."

I closed my eyes, attempting one more time to lock away my vulnerability that was spilling out like the vein that held everything together had burst and protruded out of my body in a blood fall of emotion. I was bleeding out. Olivia gripped the edge of my leather jacket and pulled me closer to her body, closing up the slither of space between us.

I melted against her, letting take the weight of all of my heavy emotions. I threw my arms around her waist, holding tightly, never wanting to let go as I absorbed all of her comfort. She stroked her fingers through my hair like a mother would for a small child if they were hurt, giving me something my mother never gave me. The smell of safety entered my body, making me feel warmed, loved and wanted. I nuzzled into her neck to inhale her scent further, filling up to the brim with it because I can never get enough.

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