#71 You can't handle the intimacy.

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The rain covered every inch of my body, soaking into my clothes like I was sponge but I was thankful for it because out here, in the rain Olivia couldn't see me crying.

Hey I'm outside I've had a bad night. Can I stay with you?

I leaned my body weight against the door ledge, letting the strong wood support me because the whole world spun and the painful sting buried in my hair made everything fuzzy. Her reply was almost instant.

Sure I'll be right down. X

My vision was fading slowly fading to black but I managed to keep myself upright long enough for Olivia to get to the door. I stood before her, a crumbling, broken mess and her eyes showed me nothing but complete compassion as she looked over every inch of my body, assessing my outer damage.

"Jeeze Liam, your lip!"

"Yeah, this actually hurts more." My fingers found the stabbing pain that filled my head, it felt damp and sticky and made the pain sting more. When I pulled my fingers away from the gash they were bright red.

The pain of Olivia placing a cool flannel over the cut made me wince back to reality. I sat on the sofa feeling suddenly drowsy, I can't remember walking into her living room or Olivia handing me a bag of frozen peas for my lip.

"It's not deep but I still think you should get checked out at the hospital. Do you feel dizzy? You might have concussion. I can come with you."

I couldn't go to the hospital, I didn't have insurance and there would be too many questions. Besides I was more concerned about not being able to hide the cut from my friends.

"No, I'll be fine. Can I hide it with my hair?" I voiced my worry.

"Yeah you should be able to. How's your stomach?"

"Not that bad, I've just got a banging headache." I lifted my t.shirt to get a better look at the bruise forming. It was fist shape with the indents of his rings but I've had worse so I shrugged it off.

"I'll get you some pain meds." She muttered, standing up and allowing me a look at her body.

I didn't notice before but now things are a little clearer my hungry eyes instantly fell on the nakedness of her body. Her legs shined with dampness and a tight towel hid the midsections of her body, teasing me with what lay beneath. I watched her hips sway seductively as her sexy figure leave the room.

My fingers twitched, I wanted to run them through her wet hair, grab her, kiss her and unravel that towel. She makes it so hard to stay away.

I pushed my body off the sofa and followed her out, watching from the doorway as she stood on her tiptoes and searched through the upper cupboards, causing her towel to rise up higher but stop just below the curve of her ass. She filled a glass of water and I moved closer, desperate to satisfy my craving of her lips on mine.

She spun round, feeling my presence and our eyes met, hitching my breath on instinct. My hand caressed her cheek, damp from the fallen droplets of her hair.

"You make this so hard." I warned pressing my forehead against hers to get as close as I possibly could without overstepping.

"I make what so hard?" Her voice hinted to me that she was as affected my me as I was by her.

"Not having you." My eyes focused on how inviting her lips looked, they soft, moist and appetizing. I wanted to feel her want for me through a long, passionate kiss but I knew that would suck me into temptation and all my demons would resurface.

BAD BOY ABUSED (male pov)Where stories live. Discover now