#14 You're obviously into her Liam.

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"Put the keg over there." Jordan said pointing across the lawn as we set up Zaks house for our celebratory win party. He fumbled with the sound settings trying to get it right and I sat at the kitchen counter picking at a bowl of nachos.

"What's going on with you and Olive? Tapped that yet?" Zak asked, grabbing Jordans attention. They both sat down next to me and watched my facial expressions as I raked together my answer.

"Nothing is going on, we're not even friends." I said furrowing my brow and acting really defensive about my feelings for Olivia.

"You're obviously into her Liam." Jordan said, grabbing a nacho and shoving it in his mouth. I stopped and thought for a second, why are they saying I'm into Olivia and worse why are they saying it's obvious? I thought I was giving nothing away.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.

"You treat girls like shit. You have no time for them. In fact you're like that with everyone except us and the team. But you're different with her." Jordan said casually.

I felt the colour draining from my face. I am different with her and now my friends have noticed. I needed to get her out of my system and be done with her completely. I can't have this. I can't handle this.


The party was in full swing and I had already consumed a lot of beer and everything was feeling heightened. Jordan was forcing me to do a keg stand, so I stood on my hands and looked at the drunken bodies that surrounded me, chanting excitedly for me to 'chug.'

Through my upside-down vision I spotted her, sitting in a dark corner away from everyone. Trying to slip in unnoticed. She looked super hot in a sparkly navy skirt and that stopped by her thighs, but her legs were hidden behind long black boots and she wore a small black camisole that zipped from top to bottom. I broke away from the keg stand and made my way over to her. This is it. My attempt to get this girl out of my mind once and for all.

"Heeeyyy it's you, my partner in crime" I said through my drunken slur. I stopped before continuing thinking how I was going to do this. I was feeling determined before I was this close to her. But now that I can feel her proximity she's pulling me out of the darkness and into the sun. Did I really want to just get her out of my system and be done with her?

Yes. It's better for her Liam.

I reached up and glided my hand across her cheek, closing the gap between us by a few inches. Her cheeks heated up under my touch and my insides started going crazy, butterflies waking from their slumber.

"Shall I check if one of the bedrooms are free? We can head upstairs and I can stop all of those rumors that you're a prude." I threw her a cocky wink but behind my confident exterior I was feeling angry at myself. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to treat her like the others, I needed her in a different way. One I didn't know how to articulate.

On the impact of my words her face dropped and the smile she once wore had vanished into thin air. Shit. She's not happy with my suggestion.

"You're joking, right? Why would you think that I would ever want to do that with you right now or EVER? You're a man whore who fucks everything that moves and I refuse to be one of your conquests. You're just a dumb jock who has nothing going for him in life besides soccer and even then that's a hobby not a talent."

Her voice was thick with rage and Jaxs words came back to me from last night 'Think you're going to get far in life just 'cause you play soccer. You're a joke. You've got nothing going for you. You're gonna get nowhere.' The darkness swirled in, suffocating me and leaving me struggling to breath. I couldn't react like that in front of her. So I turned and walked away without saying another word.

I needed to find a distraction, lucky for me there were plenty of willing distractions around. I noticed a brunette locking eyes at me and I made quick work of introducing myself. I can't remember her name but that didn't matter. My eyes darted towards her lips as I psyched myself up to make contact, secretly counting how many times our lips needed to touch before she opened her legs to me. Thankfully it was only three.

In her I tried to let it go. The hurt Olivia had caused with her words, I could hear them from Jax but I struggled hearing them from her. With every thrust into this girl I replayed Olivia's words in my mind, is that what she really thinks about me? I finished up but I still felt like shit. This girl didn't work for me.

What was happening to me?

The party was wrapping up and quieting down, the only players left in the game congregated outside under the twinkling stars. Most people opted for a late night swim in Zaks pool but I knew that wasn't an option for me. I spotted Olivia laying on the grass, looking up at the bleakness of the navy sky.

I plucked up enough courage to walk over to her, I don't know what I expected from her or what I needed from her, I just knew inside something was eating me up and I couldn't cope with feeling like this. I needed to make everything okay again. I lay my head next to hers, looking up at the sky in complete silence, listening to the mingling of our breaths.

I didn't know what to say to her, I just searched for words in my head that weren't coming. I couldn't apologize, I don't do that and I don't want to give her the wrong idea.

"I'm sorry." She finally said, pulling us out of the tense silence. "I didn't mean what I said. You're the most talented soccer player I've ever met and I don't think you're dumb. Sure you just about scrape your grades but that's because you either don't show up for class or spend the time talking over the teacher about your shenanigans... not because you're dumb." she continued, she sounded nervous.

She turned to face me and I turned to face her. Her face was almost touching mine and it sent waves of desire whirling around my body as the adrenaline built. I knew by the look in her eyes that she was being sincere with her apology and it subsided some of darkness. This is what I needed, to know she didn't really mean what she said.

"I'm a dick when I'm drunk. I'm not fully sober and I maybe slightly high right now but I wouldn't put you in that position, drunk or not. Everyone knows you're not that kind of girl." I was also truthful with my words. I wanted her but not in the way I've had the others and I wasn't capable of doing it any other way.

I think she accepted that as my apology and that filled me with warmth because I wanted nothing more than to utter the words 'I'm sorry' to her. We lay in a comfortable silence just looking up at the stars in the night sky.

"Liam?" She asked with curiosity in her voice.

"Yeah?" I replied, wondering where she was going with this.

"How did you know where I lived?" she asked.


"I seen your address on our first psychology lesson when you filled in the data sheet." I lied. I hate lying to her.

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