#74 Intimacy. Closeness. Love.

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The puck bounced off the edge of the air hockey table, banging against the side and then gliding across the table. Luckily I stopped Jordan from scoring a goal with my striker just in time. 

"Ahh, that was just luck." He teased disappointedly. 

I chewed the inside of my cheek as I mentally prepared myself to get this out in the open.

"I'm going to ask Olivia to be my girlfriend." I said nervously as I pushed on the puck with my striker. Jordan's mouth fell open slightly and my puck glided through his fingers with complete ease. He looked down at the air hockey table with a disheartened expression.

"Was that a distraction tactic or are you being serious?" He asked with a know-it-all voice.

"I'm being serious. I need your help." I admitted. Jordan threw down his striker and walked over to me, assessing my face for any sign that I'm not being truthful. Then he nodded, accepting my words. "I'm gonna need loads of candles and roses. Oh and your boat." He still stood looking a little flabbergasted by my admittance so I snapped my fingers a few times in front of his face to shake him out of it.

"You've really grown up Liam, it was only a few weeks ago I was telling her you probably would never ask her." He looked me up and down suspiciously.

"What? ... When did you? ... why did you?" I stuttered out hopelessly.

"It doesn't matter now, we had a little chat the night of the Harry Potter marathon, that's all. She's expecting an invite to prom by the way." 

He smiled slyly, relishing in knowing something that I didn't and it drove me crazy.  I haven't seen Olivia much since that night because her parents have been home but she never mentioned her conversation with Jordan. 

"I hope you didn't say anything incriminating."

I hope she didn't say anything private.

"You know I did bro." Jordan teased.


We stood in the secluded cave just over the water from the dock. It was basically just rocks that formed a tunnel but I knew I could make it look beautiful. Jordan came with platters of food cooked by his chef, he threw a red blanket down and started setting up the food picnic style. Zak helped me scatter roses and light candles.

"This is a really big deal Liam." Zak cooed. 

"Oh you have no idea." I replied, adding more red roses to the rocks.

And they didn't have any idea. Tonight I'm going to something I've wanted to do for a while. Tonight I'm going to let her in completely. I'm terrified but I'm ready.

"What you want writing with the petals? Will you be my girlfriend?" Jordan asked. 

I thought about it but knowing that question was sitting waiting for her on a plate I would probably back out of bringing her here.

"No. Just write Prom?" I said straightly. "I'll ask her that myself." I added.

Once we were done setting up the caves we stood at the entrance of our rose petal path and gave one last lingering look around. It looked magical, romantic and perfect.

"This is some girly shit, the pair of you utter a word to anyone about this I'm gonna kill you." Jordan teased, slapping me on the back playfully. I flinched.

"So you know what do now? I'm going to get her out the house and you go to her house and do the same to the bed." I muttered out as soon as I swallowed down my darkness.

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