#19 Give it up Liam, she's not coming.

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"Liam you're the nose scratch, I'm the forehead sweat wipe, Ben you're the ear pull, Zak just make sure you catch the balls before they go in the net."  Jordan gave us a very abrupt pep talk before kick off, not that we even needed reminding of our secret codes to communicate who we're planning on passing the ball to. We were gonna kill it, just like we always do.

As we stood in the line up, waiting to shake hands with our opponent I allowed my eyes to hopelessly search the bleachers, just in case she changed her mind. I couldn't see her but I could see her friend and my heart dipped a little knowing she didn't show. The whistle blew, not allowing me to spend any time dwelling on Olivia's absence.

We were playing Alderidge high and their team had some extremely talented players on, I didn't doubt their expertise but it made for a very tense game which I enjoyed. The harder the game the better my mind focuses. 

I had the ball at the tip of my cleats, looking around for a free player to pass to. Jordan was heavily guarded, he always is because he struggles to get away. Ben was open, so like the tactics we've all grown accustomed to I turned my body language towards Jordan, fooling the other players the ball was heading that way. But with a swift tug on my ear I booted the ball with great force to Ben who was ready and waiting. He collided and blur of black and white flew to the back of the net. Scoring us our first goal of the game. 

The bleachers went crazy for us and while our players congratulated Ben affectionately I took a moment to scan the bleachers again. 

Give it up Liam, she's not coming.

When the game resumed after the briefest celebration I narrowly missed two goals thanks to the impeccable skills of their goalkeeper. On the last second before the half time whistle blew they managed to score a goal placing a 1-1 on the scoreboard. 

I took a swig from my water bottle and wiped the sweat off my neck with a towel. I couldn't stop myself from looking for her again. I knew she wouldn't be there, I was just tormenting myself.

"Come on you pussies!" Jordan shouted more motivational words our way.

Ruby waved at me during her cheer routine and I rolled my eyes, keeping my hands firmly by my sides so she couldn't mistake a wave, or make one up in her mentally challenged mind. With another swig of my water I joined the players back on the pitch ready for round two.

Our win was so close I could even taste it, I got the ball and dribbled it down the whole pitch, passing stationary bodies of blue that soon chased after me when they caught wind of my plan. I avoided everyone, heavily digging my cleats into the turf as I ran towards the goal. Once I got close enough I pulled my foot backwards and collided the tip of my cleat with the ball scoring Chestington High another goal. 

I felt a heavy weight on my back and fingers in my hair, even stubbly kisses on my cheeks but it was okay because I was expecting that exact reaction. The game continued and the other team scored another goal. This was a tense game and there wasn't much time left on the clock. I allowed my wandering eyes on last lingering look across the bleachers and then focused my disappointment into the game.

With one minute left on the clock I booted the ball towards the net in one last hopeful attempt to win the game without it going to penalties. I felt everyone stiffen and hold their breath around me as the ball flew through the air in what seemed to be slow motion. 

And there it was. 

My victory. 


Jordan dropped me off home after the diner, I was full from burgers and milkshake and I honestly just wanted to escape to my bedroom and digest. As soon as I opened the gates of hell I knew my wish was not going to be granted. Jax and mom stood arguing in living room. 

"You fucked him and stole his wallet, you gotta give it him back bitch. He's a wealthy client and we need his re business." Jax shouted in her face so close I could see splatters of his spit landing on her skin. She winced away as he threw his fist back. 

I grabbed his fist before he could launch it through the air and into her face. He spun around looking furious, I could feel the non existent smoke blasting out of nostrils. Instead he pulled his fist back and slammed it into my face. He then brought his knee up and pushed it into my stomach, causing me to coil over breathlessly. 

Mom crouched down on the floor watching his attack on her son but she stayed quiet, making no attempts to help me. He pulled my head up by my hair and then landed me another punch to my face, clanging his gold rings into my skin and cutting my lip in the process. 

He stormed past me and out of the house, probably heading to one of the local bars. I held my stomach struggling to catch my breath after he had left me winded. Lost blue eyes searched moms face, begging for something I desperately needed. Comfort. Love. Gratitude. Anything.

She blinked at me blankly, looking at me like I was a stranger with no emotions behind her eyes. I stood myself up with difficulty, grabbed my sleeping bag and left the house, leaving her behind to sit and wallow in what just happened. 


 I sat tucked up in my sleeping bag at back of her treehouse with only the dim light of my iphones torch to light the darkness. My head was still processing what had just happened, my heart ached and it wasn't because Jax had put his hands on me, again. It was because my mom offers nothing to help, even if she's scared she doesn't console me when he's gone. She never has. I'm completely alone in this world. 

The weather outside reflected my mood, making everything wet, cold and miserable. The pitter patters of raindrops bounced from the ceiling and wet wood and Earth filled my senses. I huddled down further, clutching any bit of warmth I could get from my old sleeping bag. Everything sounded louder in here, the thunder that ripped through the sky and the rain that echoed out against the wooden walls. It was quite scary but going home was scarier. 

Lightning broke through the darkness painting the sky in a shocking white and right at that moment a face appeared in the doorway of the treehouse. Two green emeralds staring back at me, exposing my secrets. Time stood still, my heart stopped beating and evaporated into a puff of smoke. I had been caught. I flinched under her gaze, frozen with the fear, unable to hide. My voice box escaped me as I blinked blankly at her surprised face. 

"Liv, is anyone up there?" A males voice shouted from below us.

"No dad." She shouted back, without tearing her eyes off me.

"There's a lightning storm you need to get down." The voice shouted again. 

Olivia looked at me like she couldn't understand what she was seeing. Like she was questioning herself if she was hallucinating and I hated every second of being under her scrutiny. I hated her seeing me so ... vulnerable.

"Liv"  her dad shouted again, with more force behind his voice this time. His concern was growing "Liv, don't make me come and get you." 

I looked back towards her house, and flinched at the thought of him coming up here and seeing me as well. She noticed and climbed down leaving me alone to catch my breath and shake off this shitty feeling of anxiety. 

I need to get out of here.

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