#57 Liar

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After the lock in we went to Livs to catch up on a few hours of sleep, I was letting my worries get the better of me and snapping on Olivia for no reason. It made me feel like an asshole but after a power nap I felt in a better frame of mind. I invited her to the beach to hang out with the guys, thinking she would say no but instead she agreed and much to my disapproval she asked if she could bring her two friends. I knew what was coming, endless questions, judgement glances and side comments about our relationship. The whole situation made me radiate discomfort. I helped her off my motorbike as she scrambled to find her feet on the ground, we walked together down the pier.

"Should we tell our friends about us or not?" she said with a shaky voice, betraying her confidence.

"I don't know." I answer shortly because it was the truth. I don't know if them knowing about us would make things worse or better. I just knew my heart was having heart palpitations already and I struggling to get my head around it myself.

"Can we hold hands?" She asked shyly.

I looked down at her with a smile tugging on my lips. On instant I interlocked our fingers, feeling her warm hand holding me together as my insides fell apart. It made me realize that I was anticipating the fear to be bigger than it actually was. The fear of the unknown was bigger than what was actually happening. I needed need my walls with Liv, she already climbed them all and as for our friends, it's none of the business. So in my bravest moments I granted her the permission she needed to push through my damage.



"Don't ask me, just do it."

Her brow furrowed, leaving a little 'V' shape in the pad of her skin between her eyebrows. It was sweet and I wanted to plant a kiss on it and stop her from overthinking but I refrain and don't wait for her to figure out my riddles because even I can't do that.

"I can see your brain overthinking. If we're going to try this, for real, then I need to actually try. I'll need to experience the unexpected or I'll never get over my fear of it." I spoke with a casual tone, trying to fool her into believing I was truly okay with this but I honestly think she could see right through me, she always sees me. As an afterthought I added "Just don't try and touch me when I'm having a nightmare or I'm out of control." She nodded letting me know that she understood and my shoulders relaxed.

As we approached our friends on the beach every eye darted down to our interlocked hands with a vicious perplexity but holding hands with Liv just felt right so I suddenly didn't care about the judgement stares, side comments or questions.

"Are you like together now?" Tia asked and I felt her squeeze my hand slightly for comfort.

"No we're not together." She replied nervously.

"Are you fucking?" Zak asked with a certain distaste to his facial expression as his eyes bored into our hands like he was willing them to part because it was abnormal.

"No!" She exclaimed, horrified. I bit back my smile at her innocence but then I decided to find my voice and help her out.

"Liv and I are dating." I shut them down with my words, letting them know they shouldn't question the matter any further. Their faces burnt with a curiosity that wasn't getting fulfilled quick enough.

"Since when?" Tia annoyingly asked, not affected by my intimidating glances or threatening voice.

"The Lock in." I replied curtly.

"Where are you going on your first date?" She pressed further.

"We haven't discussed that yet." Olivia spoke up, before I put her friend in her place.

Silence stretched between us all for a short while as our friends took in the unusual sight and processed the information we had just granted them. After a beat her friend spoke up yet again.

"You should let me plan it."

"Why would we do that?" I scoffed.

"I know Olivia pretty well, we've been friends most of my life. I think I could throw together a great first date for her. One of your buddies can join forces with me, they know you pretty well. It will be great bonding for you both to be surprised, something to talk about. And hey, if it's not a great first date then that can be a memory to laugh about with the grandkids."

My friends instantly jumped back and shook their head but I ignored them and seriously considered Tias words. I've never been on a date, wouldn't know the first thing about planning one and I don't want to disappoint Olivia. Maybe it would be best if our friends planned it, I might not be as nervous.

"Fine." I agreed. "Jordan you'll help plan." I ordered.


Under the blazing sun we practiced our penalties with two makeshift goal posts we created in the sand. Zak took his position as goalkeeper which made it a challenge for us because his keeping skills were epic. Jordan had arranged to meet Tia at the diner to plan our first date and he's very bitter about it because he doesn't even plan dates for himself.

"I knew you were into her but I didn't think you would actually drop the Liam lifestyle for her. Good thing you've got no commitments because you would never last out long enough to wait for her." Jordan said as we waited for Ben to take his shot.

We looked towards Olivia not too far in the distance, she sat patting sand around Harris's body, making a sand sculpture around him of some sort. Her hair shined against the sun beams and her green eyes looked bluer today as they reflected the ocean in front of us. She had a beautiful carefree smile across her face that I instantly echoed.

"I haven't been with anyone since the tournament." I admit, causing Jordan to dramatically spit out the mouthful of lemonade he just took.

"Liar." He says when he regains himself.

I ignore his comment but raise my two eyebrows up at him and walk off to take my penalty shot, leaving him with my words.

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