#27 Oh my god, she's sitting at my table.

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I piled as many combinations of food onto my toast as I could and then shoveled it into my face. This fry up was something I really needed after smoking a joint last night and then running around a soccer pitch all morning. Coach was a hardass on us today because of the party last night but I didn't drink that much so I could keep up, besides I was more than happy for the distraction. 

Olivia sat pitch side, looking worse for wear. I wanted to go over there, hand her pain meds and make her swallow down a bucket load of water but I refrained knowing what she thinks of me. At the budding thought of Olivia I found myself mindlessly digging my fork into the sausage with a little more rage behind it. I'm not even mad at her, I'm mad at me... for being like this.

"Easy there tiger, the pigs already dead." Zak said, raising his eyebrows at my plate. 

I just shot him a look that told him to back off without using my words. I wasn't in the mood for anyone. I was starting to think I needed a distraction, sports week is usually enough to keep me distracted in itself because I'm away from Jax so the darkness is tamed and I throw my whole self into the game. But this rejection from Olivia was something I was struggling to cope with.

"Just talk to her." Jordan whispered loud enough for only me to hear.

"There's nothing to talk about." I shot him down sharply. 

He took a deep breath and a sip of his milkshake as he thought over my words but didn't follow up with anything, sensing I wasn't in the mood for his bullshit. 

"Well look who it is, Chestington Highs soccer team." I turned around to be greeted by the captain from Torrance High, the team we're playing on Friday in the tournament. My guys stiffened beside me instantly and testosterone emitted from our table in waves.

He stood looking smug and confident with his arms draped over two girls, I'm assuming they're cheerleaders for his team. But my fists twitched to rub his cocky expression off his face.

"Michael." Jordan greeted him with low tones and an intimidating voice. Michael threw his head back releasing an evil cackle. 

"Better watch your back on Friday." He shot a glance towards the cheerleaders and a suggestive smile crept across his lips "and your girls." he looked directly at me "especially you." he mimicked a gun with his two fingers, pointing at me and then raised them slightly and sharply like he shot me.

"Is that so?" my voice was intimidatingly deep, full of warning and I shot him one of my famous death glares keeping my soulless expression cold, impassive and void of any emotion. A look I have perfected from years of use. I raised out my seat, using my hands flat against the table to take my upper body weight and leaned closer towards him as I spoke. His smile grew wider at my unspoken threat and I felt hands around my wrists.

"Don't bother he's not worth it." Jordan said as he tugged me back slightly. Luckily for Michael he walked away before I had the chance to release all of my pent up anger I had accumulated over the past two days.

We wrapped up the diner, making it back to the hotel in time to sit our theory lessons. I was hoping she wouldn't be here for this but there she was, already there, waiting. I felt her there before I saw her and I held my breath like I was holding all my emotions tightly inside my lungs with the oxygen I had just inhaled. 

I felt her eyes watching me as my coach talked about our game tactics, I wasn't even paying attention to the theory behind the game I was just watching her from my peripheral vision, feeling her eyes all over me. There was so much tension trapped inside such a small board room, I wanted to open the windows and let some escape but the air was so thick I couldn't move. How was everyone just continuing like this feeling wasn't there, it sure felt big enough for everyone to feel. 

When coach had finally stopped rambling on about injuries and what to do if an injury occurs on the pitch he broke off for lunch and everyone headed towards the dining room, including her. She escaped the room quicker than me, like she couldn't wait to get out of there and I followed behind her, keeping a good few paces back. 

For the first time since last night I allowed myself to look at her, okay my eyes might have focused on her ass as she swayed her hips from side to side as she walked but at least I was looking at her and that was progress.

The dining room was a small cafe style room with little brown tables dotted around. They put on a buffet style lunch for us daily and the food isn't great but I've never been one to turn down any form of nutrition so I loaded my tray without complaints. I stood by the selection of puddings, there weren't many and they were quite small thanks to coach's healthy diet and I secretly weighed up my options of slipping away with more than one serving of chocolate cake. 

I decide against it, I'm not that selfish and took my seat at one of the two seater tables instead. I'm not there long before someone joins me, sitting down at my table uninvited. I look up from my dinner plate and get swept away by a forest of green.

Oh my God, she's sitting at my table.

"Liam." She started but I held my hand up to silence her, not wanting to hear her list my flaws again like I don't already know what they are. I stood up grabbing my tray and walking away from her, showing her how serious I am about avoiding her. 

I basically swallowed my lunch down like a pill and left the dining room immediately to put space between us. I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling, it was time to get over her. I held her number in my hand staring at it for a few minutes before tearing it in half and throwing it to the floor. The stars and moon would have to collide before I forgave her harsh words.

I searched through my contacts until I reached her name and I didn't hesitate before I hit the delete the button. Theoretically deleting her out of my life. Like it's that easy. I reached into the left pocket of my leather jacket, pulling out a small black and white friendship bracelet that was woven together with soft cotton. I stroked over the textured bumps caused by the weave, one sharp tug and this thing will completely snap. 

I linked my two hands in either side, ready to pull the bracelet apart in one symbolic action. My mind conversed with my hands, willing myself to have enough courage and will power to do it. This bracelet meant so much to me, it was my beacon of hope on a bad day. She gave me it when I was five and I had been introduced to the horrific world of unimaginable abuse. Nobody had ever shown me love before, cared for me or even shown me kindness until I found her. This bracelet was more than just weaved cotton to me, it showed me that not everyone brought the darkness. Some offered so much light that it was enough to drag me out of the darkness.

I put the bracelet back inside my pocket. I couldn't do it. 


I hung out with the guys for the rest of the day but I think they knew I was dragging the mood down because I was still fighting with my inner doubts. I needed to get out of here, go clear my head and really think about this whole Olivia situation, if I could handle hearing her out.

"I'm going to the waterfall, cover for me if someone checks attendance." I told Jordan as the lights out whistle blew. 

He nodded curtly and then turned over to go to sleep. 

Time to sort out the shit floating in my head.

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