#30 No Kissing.

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Friday, which only means one thing... tournament day.

A thin layer of frost covered the pitch leaving the grass a few shades lighter and crispier. You could see the competitiveness floating in the mist particles a few inches above ground, it was that thick. I watched her from across the pitch as I stretched my muscles to avoid injury, she sat pitch side rubbing her hands together for warmth and looked radiant under the frosty sun. 

"I fancy myself a bit of that ass." I looked up to be greeted by Michaels ugly face, he pointed his chin towards Olivia, obviously watching were I had directed my vision. 

"She wouldn't touch you." I scoffed as I changed my stance to stretch my other leg.

"Won't stop me touching her." he wore an evil smile and I knew what he was getting at, he stood so close to me I could smell his breath and it made my stomach heave. He stood up and walked across the pitch, joining the group of Cheerleaders that supported his team. 

He showed his attention to one cheerleader in particular, she wore a green and yellow uniform and had long dark hair. He draped his hand around her waist and smiled like an idiot at her, he obviously liked her. Coach blew the whistle and the two teams lined up ready to shake hands. 

Michael outstretched his hand to initiate the handshake and I reluctantly took it after a  few moments of hesitation. He mouthed 'she's mine' at me before we linked our hands and I felt the rage course through my body. I was going to not only win this game but win this war too. 

The whistle blew and every player stretched out across the pitch with determination in their eyes. I didn't take my focus off Michael, watching his every move like he was the only player in the game. When Jordan passed me the ball I manage to score one goal but our celebrational score didn't last long when Torrance HIgh scored not too long after us. 

As the whistle blew for half time I made my way over to Olivia, grabbed my water bottle and let the liquid cool me from the insides out. The cheerleaders had started performing in the center of the pitch, alternating between our school and theirs. Michael stood at the sidelines, watching his girl as she chanted in support of their team.

"Great game so far." Olivia said politely.

"Thanks" I replied, not turning my attention away from the cheerleaders. 

The longer I stood with Olivia the more I played Michael's words back in my mind and climbed higher and higher in hatred for this man. How dare he threaten to do anything against her will, or anything at all. The cheerleaders in green were just finishing off their chants and I was ready to explode with anger, I needed a release and I knew one that would give me the sweetest of victories.

"I'll be right back." I said, handing Olivia back my water bottle.

I crossed the pitch and approached the Torrance High cheerleaders, feeling Michaels eyes on me and also Olivia's but I tried not to think about her. 

"Hey." I said to the dark haired girl. 

Close up she wasn't bad looking, in fact I would even go as far as to say that she was pretty but she wasn't Olivia. She looked like she had too much hair on her head, swooped back in a really long, thick pony to match her squad. I don't think it was all natural, in fact it looked plastic and tacky. Her lips shined so much I could see my reflection in them, they didn't look kissable and I hoped she was shallow enough to not want me to ruin her gloss. 

"Hi" She said sweetly as she twirled her hair around her fingers and pushed her breasts out.

"Did you get arrested earlier?" I asked smiling to myself because I knew that this was going to be easy, she was already showing how affected she was by me. She furrowed her brows in confusion and my smile grew wider.

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