Chapter 1 - beginning

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                               Chapter 1

Fucking finally. It was seven in the morning, Friday. The sun was already shining on the clear blue sky. There were no clouds, meaning the stars will be visible in the sky tonight.
It was still a bit cold even when the sun was up, and he had more than thirty minutes to walk to school. But he enjoyed his morning walks. Just him, his music, and the sky.
The neighborhood was quiet. Not many cars came around this area but he was sure that just a few blocks later is traffic. So he appreciated the peace while it was there. All he had to do today is survive and after that, his reward is his comfortable bed. 
He felt like he was hit by a truck. The hero training was really difficult, Aizawa sensei put extra pressure on them and Katsuki was reaching his limit too.
As he was lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice how fast the time can go. When his mind finally came back to reality, he was next to the school gates. With a sigh, he wished this day was already over.
When he arrived in his classroom, some of the students were already there. His head wasn't ready for any of their bullshit today so he tried to block every noise. It was 7:45 when he arrived, that was pretty late for him. After looking from a window at the people walking around, his classmates eventually had the decency to show up.
Ejiro was next to him in an instant, happily talking about his morning routine. Other ones from his group joined too. They made a circle around him, and for a while, he thought that a murder is going to be committed today.
His head turned back to the window, which looked more interesting than the fact that Kaminari was talking about his amazing plan on how to prank Aizawa sensei. To him, his teacher deserves a break. Teaching a bunch of idiots can really make you crazy these days. 
Talking about the devil, the man walked past the doors with his black coffee. His appearance made everyone shut up, his group already going to their seats. And the class can start.
Math was easy in his opinion, but his tired head was having enough for today. Sometimes, he thinks his teacher really hates them. The two classes before the math flew by way faster. He hates how time just slows down when it comes to boring lessons.
Anyway, It was time for lunch. The only time when his mind can stop working. Since this morning, he got that bizarre feeling in his gut, telling him something is going to get fucked.
He ignored it, for now, walking into the full cafeteria. His classmates and teachers were already here, cheerfully talking to each other. He looked for the empty table, it was almost in the middle of the room. God damn, he better hurry up so nobody takes that spot. The hot curry and some water will be his lunch for today, his stomach can't absorb more without throwing up. As he was almost near the table, the weird feeling came back. "The fuc-"
A black box, near the side of a Rubik's cube, was thrown in front of him. When that thing hit the ground, a red light came from it. He stood there, looking at it quietly. The whole cafeteria went silent too. When he wanted to pass by it, thinking it's a stupid prank, someone started to shout out of fear behind him.
He turned around quickly, and that was a mistake. Just a few centimeters away, pointing at him was a Beretta 92X.
"Don't move or I will put a bullet through your skull." This voice belonged to a head taller guy. The man wasn't looking at him, examining others around him. The black waistcoat the guy wore looked expensive, and the watch on his arm wasn't cheap either. Green curly hair and tattoos on the back of his neck were the next things he noticed. This guy was a villain, pointing a gun at him. Taking a deep breath, he counted his opinions.
The best one was to get away from the gun and with his quirk, it would be easy. From the corner of his eyes, he could see teachers already moving. The odd thing was, that this guy was the only guy in the cafeteria full of heroes and students in training to become a hero. Was this man an idiot?
"What?" Present Mic shouted but the boost of the voice was missing. Heroes looked confused and the man pointing a gun at him had his attention on them. This was his chance.
He took a small step back and got ready to fire his explosion. Nothing came out. What?
Why wasn't his quirk working? Aizawa was on the opposite side of him, but it wasn't his teacher doing. Was it the quirk of this villain?
When he looked back up, the guy was smirking. He still didn't face Katsuki but he could see a bit of a smile from the side.
His eyes landed on the small box that was thrown in front of him before. What was that thing then? His arm stretched to take it but a deep voice stopped him. "Don't touch it." The tone made a shiver run down his spine.
His friends were looking at him with fear in their eyes. Nevermind, everyone was looking at him. He was standing in the middle of the room with a gun close to his face. It was indeed an interesting show.
"What do you want from our school!" Somebody shouted from behind him.
"Nothing that should concern you boy, I will get it soon enough." The man looked at his watch and tsk.
That's when finally, he turned to who he pointed the gun at. Katsuki thought when the guy will turn around, he will see the disgust and hate in his eyes. But no, the villain looked stunned. They looked at each other until Katsuki showed him his middle finger. The smirk on his face was there once again. It made the guy look very attractive. Damn, even those freckles didn't pull out of the man's hot looking face. The emerald eyes started into the ruby ones for a while longer. None of them wanted to break the eye contact. That was until the door to the cafeteria was shoved open.
A guy with black hair, turquoise eyes, and scars walked in. "We got what we needed." Was the only thing he said before leaving. The green-haired man smiled at him before waving at him like they were friends and started to leave.
When the door closed after the man, nobody said a word. His own brain tried to understand too. Where they just attacked by villains?
Aizawa rushed to him asking if he was alright. All he did was nodded and stared at the door.
The school was canceled after that. Parents of the children were informed of the situation and went to pick up their kids. For now, they all were transferred to their large training area. Police were called and detectives got to work. Later they found out the villains stole some of the important information that they kept in this school. They couldn't use their quirks because of the black box that was stoled from the army or was illegally made.
Either way, his parents aren't home, meaning they won't come for him. Because of this attack, they had to stay in the school longer, which for him, wasn't good. He was hungry so when he gets home he will have to cook but by the looks of it, it won't happen any time soon.
After what he assumed were another two hours, he was finally able to leave. His friends were taken by their parents so he had to stay here and stare blankly at the wall.
His phone showed 5 pm, plus walk to his house was one hour, plus he had to go shopping. The closest shop was at least twenty minutes away from school and not in the direction of his house. Well, fuck his life.
But he didn't have a choice so he had to suck it up and deal with it. The walk to the shop was slow, and even worst, the stupid feeling that he felt in the cafeteria came back. When he grabbed what he needed and headed home, his mind didn't let him rest. The villain that attacked today was pretty hot. He was well built, especially the arms. Who knows how well it would feel to be pinned down by them. Alright, what the fuck. He wanted to slap himself so hard. "Fucking teenage hormones."
It was getting dark. With a groan, he walked faster. With every step he was closer to his house, he felt like someone was following him. He wanted to stop and look around but his house was right next block. It was already pitch black and the stars were visible, just like he said they would be. He looked one more time at them before unlocking the front door. When he wanted to put the key in the hole, he stopped.
Footsteps sounded from behind him, making him turn around.
"Hello there, gorgeous."

A/N Welcome to my new story!(≧▽≦)

I'm not sure how often I'm gonna post it, but I will find a routine. (v‿v)
Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day!( ╹▽╹ )

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