Chapter 13 - stranger

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Izuku let him rest on his chest for a while, caressing his hair. "I'm not going to be available for a week." He looked up at Izuku with a questioning look. "Can I text you?"
The question to where and what Izuku was going to do died in his head. It was better not to mix in those kinds of things. "Of course gorgeous."
Izuku offered him a ride home, which he gladly took. He almost fell asleep on the way back. His sleep schedule was totally fucked up, and that made him less functional.
They arrived around midnight, and Izuku insisted to carry him home. So he let himself be carried, Izuku's warm lulling him to sleep. They made it into the house without waking up their parents. Katsuki guided Izuku to his room on the second floor, helping him opening the door since Izuku had his arms full. His room was thankfully clean, the darkness hiding the dust on the abounded desk. Izuku gently laid him on the bed, kissing his forehead and turning the night lamp on.
The sheets felt cold, his body already missing the warmth of Izuku. "Stay with me tonight." His voice was pleading and sleepy, very cute in Izuku's opinion. "I don't think that's a good idea." He let out a whine in protest, trying to drag Izuku into the bed. Izuku murmured something under his nose and laugh when he hit the sheets next to Katsuki. "Just for a few hours." It was enough, he hugged Izuku back, nuzzling into the chest, searching for the warmth that left him.
Hand on his back pulled him closer, Izuku's head was on his fluffy hair inhaling his scent.
He woke up to his alarm. The annoying thing screaming at him to get up, which he didn't want to. His bed felt empty without Izuku. The man left early because the spot where he slept was cold.
When he arrived in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, he pouted. He forgot to wash his make up that was now all over his face. Fuck. The side on his waist was turning in all shades of purple and blue, but recovery girl can take care of that.
On the walk to school, when he pulled out his phone, he noticed Izuku's text.

See you next week, gorgeous :) <

Which he replied with...

  >fuck off, just don't die

As he walked, he didn't notice someone standing in front of him. It was too late when he looked up, crashing into the guy. He cursed, looking up at the person he bumped into. The man had light blue hair with red eyes, and he was definitely older than him. He wore a hoodie over his face so the other features weren't much visible.
The guy was unfamiliar in this neighborhood. Katsuki knew almost every neighbor in his area, so maybe a visitor? The bad aura around the guy was telling him to just fuck off and run. This guy was deadly.
He spared the stranger a weird look and continued walking down the street. Shoto was waiting for him at the gates again. "So, how was the night with him?"
"Since when do you give a fuck?" It was a cold answer but he won't be giving details at the front gate with students around. "Since I discovered you are being targeted." They started to walk to class, side by side. "Sometimes I think you care more than my mom. Anyway, are you going to wait for me every morning like a lost puppy?"
"Yes, might as well get used to it." He flipped him off with his middle finger and stopped next to a window. They were early, the class starts in twenty minutes. "When are you meeting him again?"
He looked outside at the blue sky full of small clouds and the sun rising. "We won't see each other for a week. He is probably out of town."
Someone yelled his name across the hallway, making him and Shoto turn around. Ejiro was running their way, happily waving at them.
Another long day, he thought.
They had training today, and he could feel Aizawa giving him stares. It wasn't like he was doing something wrong, more like... concern.
The worst thing was, that girls noticed the love bites on his neck. The rumors spread between the girls, telling him the investigation started.
This was their last class, they wrote a few tests, and spared the rest of the class doing quizzes. The big test was coming their way, making everyone in his class nervous. It was supposed to be a combat one in one of the arenas. His class will be put in teams that will go against each other. That's all they knew.
"That's it for today, the class can go change. Bakugou, come here for a minute." Ejiro gave him a thumb up and left with the rest to changing rooms.
He met his teacher on the other side of the gym, writing something down on his papers before making his way to Bakugou. "Are you alright?" The question made him stop. His teacher was a good man, who knows what the guy went through when he found out one of his students is targeted. "I'm fine." Aizawa wrote something down on the paper, then tore it off and handing it to him. "Here's my number, if something's wrong or if you feel that something is wrong, call me." He nodded, thanking him, and left.
Shoto and Ejiro were the only ones waiting at him in the changing room. "Why the fuck are you still here?"
Ejiro was the first one to speak up. "We are taking you home." "We can't risk you getting hurt again." Shoto added. He put his costume away, taking his school uniform. "No, I don't need a babysitter to take me home." Ejiro argued, telling him all the reasons why they should go with him. All he wanted was a peaceful walk home, but no, not today. Eventually, he agreed. "Why did Aizawa call you?" He looked at the piece of paper, before putting it into his pocket. "None of your business."
"And what's with the bite on your neck?" "Something that you don't have to know." He bit back, walking out of the door, Shoto and Ejiro followed him like two guard dogs.
They were a few meters away when someone passed them. The guy looked familiar. "Why do I have a weird feeling." Ejiro asked, holding his stomach. "I do too."
He turned around to look at them when a shiver run down his spine.

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