Chapter 16 - learning

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                              Chapter 16
A/N got some posters, and I love them so much! They are going right next to my bed
(~ ̄³ ̄)~

Right after they entered school, Aizawa took them to the principal. They got some weird looks from students, the states made him clench his teeth.
Before their teacher could open the big door, he turned to them. "Todoroki, go back to class and tell them I'm going to be late. Present Mic will be there instead of me." Shoto nodded, giving Katsuki a confident look before leaving.
Aizawa opened the door for him after Shoto left, which wasn't necessary. When he walked in, he was met with more people than just the principal. Most of the heroes, including All Might were here, looking at him with calculating faces.
"Please, take a seat Bakugou." He looked at the chair that was in the middle. It looked more like a courtroom to him. But he wanted this to be over as soon as possible so he took the seat without complaints.
"Do you know why did we call you today?" A nod.
"We are here to discuss your safety, but we couldn't reach your parents." "They are on a trip, and their phones are unavailable. They should be back in three days."
With that information, the principal leaned back into his seat. "We need to make sure no other attacks are going to happen and to make sure you get home safe. Do you have somebody who is capable of taking you in and out of school?" Another nod.
The room fell silent. "Will we able to speak with him?" "No." The principal looked shocked but didn't push. "Alright, please don't leave the house for at least a week. We are already trying to get information from the villain who attacked you. We will know who is after you at the end of this week."
And that was the whole meeting. Katsuki was sent back to a class full of curious classmates. It took him so much self-control to not snap their necks. Nobody minded their own business, asking questions that he didn't want to give an answer to.
At least the lunch was peaceful. He sneaked to the roof together with Shoto and Ejiro. They enjoyed their meals, talking only when it was necessary.
When the classes ended, Shoto accompanied him to the gates. Dabi was already waiting for him, helmet on so nobody would recognize him. With a quick goodbye, he went to Dabi and took the offered helmet. "Do you have anything on plan today?" Katsuki titled his head to the side in confusion. "No, why?"
Dabi put his hand on the motorcycle. "Wanna know how to ride this baby?" His eyes grew wide, his body was filling with excitement. "Are you going to teach me how to ride a motorcycle?" He sounded like a child but right now, he didn't care.
Dabi chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Just so we can kill time. You don't have to be so excited." He put the helmet on but stopped in the middle of getting behind Dabi on the motorcycle. He could feel eyes on them, but they weren't so intense. In one of the school windows, principal Nezu was watching them, calculating every move he made.
Dabi had to notice too because the next thing he knew, they were speeding through the streets to his house.
Katsuki flew into the house, changing as fast as possible. Dabi didn't bother to get off of the motorcycle, already knowing Katsuki's intentions.
When he was back, he hopped back behind the man, trying to not smile like an idiot.
They stopped at a plain area. It was large, and nobody was around, so everything was calm and quiet. The view of strangers was blocked by the large trees, and there was a place to sit too.
He stopped looking around when Dabi moved away from the motorcycle. "Alright, listen carefully." Dabi started the lecture immediately. The man told him the basic information like where are a brake and accelerator or how to best keep your balance.
Then it came to the real shit. His first ride was messy, and his embarrassment only grew at Dabi's laugh. He was really trying his best, but there were still flaws.
"Try going faster and drift!" Dabi shouted behind him, it was almost missed because of the loud noise of the motorcycle. He did just that, it took him a while to gain the confidence to speed fast enough to actually drift. With his confidence up, he drifted to the left, his leg landed on the ground to support him from falling. Apparently, he leaned too much and almost fell, but the leg was good enough to keep him up.
He turned off the motor, letting himself relax. His body was tense but slowly starting to collapse back into the seat. "Just a few more rides and you will get used to it." Dabi said, and Katsuki only hoped it was true.
That was enough for today, Dabi said they will continue tomorrow, which he can't wait for already. There was still a lot of work waiting for him at home anyway.
It was the third and last day of his training. If he was good enough, Dabi would let him ride the motorcycle home, so he did his best. Katsuki definitely got better, Dabi was a good teacher after all.
With everything he got, he did everything Dabi told him. The man stood proudly on the side, looking at him with a small smirk.
"I will let you ride the motorcycle home, once there, I will be seeing you behind your house in the morning." It was the last day Dabi spend the day at their house. His parents are already home. He got a text from them asking where he is, which replied with a quick "with a friend".
If he was being honest, he will miss Dabi. Having someone like him as a big brother was fun. They didn't know much about themselves but still enjoyed being together.
With Dabi's permission, they went back home. Dabi put his hands on his shoulders instead of a waist and Katsuki appreciated it.
His house looked weirdly quiet, even though his parents were home. Their car was parked in the garage, but something felt off. "I will be around the neighborhood if you need me."
He walked to the front, glancing at Dabi one last time. The man waived and left. With a deep breath, he went inside and closed the door behind him. "I'm home." Nobody answered.

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