Chapter 17 - saved

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                              Chapter 17

It was dark, the curtains were drawn, but there was still sun peaking out. He took a step forward into the dark but stopped when he felt pressure on the back of his head.
It sent him into a sudden panic. He needed to breathe, breath was the first priority. Breath in, breath out. His mind started to function again, and his eyes were starting to adjust to the dark.
If he was fast enough, he could call Dabi but his parents were at the risk, so it's better to stay at put for now. He observed his surrounding, his eyes landing on the two men in black standing above two kneeling people beneath them. His eyes went wide when he recognized his parents. "M-mom?" His voice was shaky as he was looking at his mum muffled on the floor with tears in her eyes.
"Try anything funny and I will send you to heaven together with your parents." It was the first thing he heard from the attacker behind him. The thing at the back of his head had to be a gun because as soon as he moved, he could hear the trigger move.
"What do you want?" Katsuki was pushed to the floor with a force on his back, just like his parents. "Do you know Deku?" His eyes glared when he heard the name. Dabi told him that that's how Izuku called himself. "What is it to you?" The handle of the gun hit him at the side of his face, earning a wince from his mouth.
"Playing hard to get?" The guy laughed out, snapping his fingers. Another guy behind his dad stepped out, taking his father's hair into his hand before hitting him in the face. His dad's glasses broke on the floor while his dad laid beside them with a bloody nose.
"Fuck! Dad! Alright! I know Deku!"
"That's more like it." The man moved to face him. "Where did Deku go?" "I don't know." The answer wasn't satisfying, the man tsked, looking back at the man behind his mother. The guy got the message and kicked his mother.
"I really don't know! Stop it!" His mum fell forward with a muffled cry while the man hit her to the side.
"STOP!" He could feel tears at the corner of his eyes, making his way out. When the man in front of him raised his hand, the guy stopped.
"We got the right one." His arms were put in chains, and if that wasn't enough, they put one long around his neck too, like a fucking collar with leash. "Take him to the van, and kill his parents. We don't need police on our back now."
"NO! DON'T! LET THEM GO!" He screamed out. His throat hurt, but that didn't stop him. The chain around his neck tightened, making him gag. The guy tugged at the chain hard enough to sent him falling back.
His vision was blurred by the tears as he watched the two guys pulling out their own guns. Katsuki tried to look away, but a strong grip at his hair didn't let him.
Ha was met with his parent's horrified expression. They looked at him helplessly, trying to wiggle out of the rope holding their arms.
There was a loud sound of the gunshot at the exact time when their living room window broke. The sudden light blinded him, and with his tears blocked the little vision he had.
Screaming. Somebody was screaming at someone before another gunshot sounded.
His ears were muted at the sound of a gun shooting right beside his head. That means the guy behind him is defending himself from someone. Before he knew it, the chain around his neck was pulling him backward. He could see movement in front of him. More than just one man in black running around the room, shooting. Everything was just so loud. He wanted it to stop.
A familiar sound shouted at him, his chains jerked at the sound. Messy green hair was the first thing he could saw, as he tried to focus on it, the world came crashing back.
There were men with big guns shooting at the side where his parents were. His chest filled with panic at the thought of his parent's bodies. He pushed it down, looking at Izuku who was standing a few feet in front of him. Was he hallucinating? No, Dabi was there too, he could hear him. This wasn't an illusion.
Izuku wore a black dress shirt, together with black suit pants, his eyes screamed rage even though his face was neutral.
Katsuki looked at him with hope, leaning forward but the chains jerked again, choking him at the process. Izuku said something, but he didn't process it.
His head turned to the side where he could see the fight still going. There was his dad and his mum in the pool of blood. The chocked cry left his mouth as the tears started to blind him again. His heartbeat increased, and Katsuki was sure, he was going into a panic attack.
"-suki! Katsuki!" His head moved at the sound. "That's it gorgeous, look at me." "SHUT UP!" The man behind him screamed, coming closer to Katsuki and grabbed his hair. That was the final push for Izuku, he launched himself at the man behind him, knocking him back before he could react.
Katsuki was met with a chest and a familiar perfume. Izuku pulled out a gun with a silencer from behind, and he looked at it with a panicked look. "It's alright." A hand landed on his cheek, petting it before moving to cover his eyes so he wouldn't see.
The man behind them tried to strike again, getting up from the hard floor. But before he could reach them, Izuku aimed at him.
He didn't see what happened, but the silenced shot told him everything. Something warm slide down his face but it wasn't a tear. Izuku quickly whipped it up, his hands never moving from Katsuki's eyes.
The gunshot stopped, the only thing that he heard was Izuku's orders and a few footsteps. "M-my parents?" He struggled to let the words out, but thankfully Izuku heard him.
Izuku nodded at the man closes to the two bodies. Trying to find their pulse, the man showed three, then two fingers. "Take care of her immediately."
Izuku said then turned back to him. "Your dad didn't make it." It was too late to stop the tears falling down again, his head felt dizzy. The memories of him and his dad replaying in his head. Someone shook him, the hand fell off of his eyes, the bloody body was just at the corner of his sight. It was like the world stopped.
Somebody shook him again, yelling something. "Katsuki! Breathe!" Breathe? He wasn't breathing. The pain in his chest was like he had a knife twisting in it.
His body was quickly turned to the side, making him breathe in drastically. The sound and everything around him came back. Hands hold him down, but not too strong. The touch was gentle and caring. "Here, drink this." A guy with a purple fog around himself handed Izuku glass of water. Izuku gladly took it and pushed it to his bottom lip.
The cold water sent a shiver down his spine, and soon after he drank the whole glass down, his body relaxed. He felt sleepy, Izuku's presence made him want to cuddle and fall asleep. It was hard to keep his eyes open and before he knew it everything went black.

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