Chapter 26 - going away again

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Chapter 26

Izuku carried him to the bedroom, kissing his cheeks all the way there. It's not like he minded it, but it was getting on his nerve.
His throat hurt and he knew his voice will be raspy tomorrow, but hopefully, it will go away by the time they had school.
Katsuki was thrown at the bed, Izuku circled around it before sitting next to him. He turned his back to Izuku, inhaling the mint aroma from the pillow.
"Want to nuzzle with me?" Izuku asked, his cold hand traveling from his neck, going down his spine, stopping at his hip. Katsuki turned around, taking one of the pillows close to his chest while showing his tongue at Izuku.
"I'm nuzzling the pillow right now." Izuku's face twisted in jealousy as Katsuki hugged the pillow tighter and cuddled his head in it while his knees came closer to his chest.
"Put it away, you can only cuddle with me." Izuku looked serious saying it, sending a death glare at the pillow.
Katsuki laughed at him, throwing the pillow in Izuku's face, taking the man by surprise. "Are you seriously jealous of a pillow, Mr. I'm gonna kill for you?"
"Yes." Izuku said, throwing the pillow to the side, getting into bed with him. At this rate, they will become lazy from all the laying in the bed.
"I'm going to meet someone important on Monday and I will bring you a small gift." "You are going away again?" Katsuki said with a bit of disappointment. "It's the last time. When we change location again, all the discussions will be happening there."
With a pout on his face, he turned around away from Izuku. "Don't be like that, gorgeous." A hand on his waist pulled him closer to Izuku, the green curls tickled him on his neck.
With a sigh, he turned around to face Izuku, his hand landing on the man's cheek. Izuku took it into his own to kiss it on the palm, his eyes never left Katsuki's.
"I will kill everyone in our way." The sentence made Katsuki fall for him more, even though it shouldn't, he couldn't help it. Izuku put Katsuki's hand on his chest, Katsuki felt the fast heartbeat behind the ribcage. He couldn't help but lean closer to Izuku's chest and putting his ear closer to the beating. Izuku put his head into the blond hair while his hands put Katsuki into a hug.
On Monday morning Izuku left just like he said, of course not without kissing and hugging Katsuki every chance he got. When Izuku stood in front of the half-open door, ready to leave, Katsuki grabbed his hand and pulled him into one last kiss.
It didn't go as planned, Izuku shoved him against the wall, pinning both of his hands on either side of his head while deepening the kiss.
They nibbled on their bottom lips, Izuku's leg came between his and that movement made him let out a quiet moan. Katsuki's head looked down, out of breath. Izuku took the chance to attack his neck, licking one spot that made Katsuki's legs give up. The whine he let out made his cheeks redden, he looked up at Izuku with a glare, the man looked back at him with a satisfied smirk.
Change of tactic, Katsuki said in his mind. Somehow, he was able to get out of Izuku's grip, and when the man wanted to kiss him again, he put his index and middle finger on the corners of Izuku's mouth, licking between them. His chest touched Izuku's while his hands traveled to the man's belt, tugging.
Izuku looked a bit stunned that Katsuki showed a bit of dominance and that was all he needed. Katsuki ran off to the bedroom, shouting goodbye while grinning from his win. 
Izuku stood there, groaning at his stupidity. He cursed the word while leaving the house without getting a good bite of Katsuki, but they will have a lot of time when they get home. Katsuki was preparing his textbooks, he is leaving soon after Izuku, and Dabi was taking the bike today so he wasn't worried about getting late.
Ejiro asked him to bring some special lunch for him since his mother left and the idiot doesn't know how to cook.
He remembered Izuku annoying him while he was cooking. Connecting their hips, nibbling at his neck, and always testing everything, it was driving him crazy so he had to kick Izuku out of the kitchen, just to have a piece of quiet.
He showed the rest of the stuff into his backpack, getting up and going into the living room to find Dabi. The man was sitting on the couch reading news on his phone, but when he noticed Katsuki, he pushed it into his pocket.
"Ready pipsqueak?"
Katsuki looked at him with a dumb face before he realized how Dabi called him. "You fucker, call me that again and I'm gonna kick your ass!"
"Whatever you say, pipsqueak." Katsuki successfully kicked him in the ass. Dabi laughed at him, ruffling his hair and getting out to get his motorcycle.
When they parked close to school, Ejiro was already running to them with his big toothy smile, his hand was raised as he waived at them.
"Oi, Katsuki! Ready for the exam?" Ejiro asked while he put a hand around Katsuki's shoulder. "Yeah, Yeah." He put a hand on Ejiro's face, pushing him away.
"I will see you after school." They watched as Dabi rode off, before walking into the school property.
"You have lunch?" "I was wondering when are you going to ask, and yes I got it." Ejiro's smile widen. "What did you cook? Tell me! Pretty please?"
Katsuki walked faster, leaving Ejiro behind. "That's a surprise." "DUDE!" Ejiro whined loudly, catching up to Katsuki pretty fast. Denki peered his head from the classroom door at their voice. "Hey, guys! What's up?"
"Katsuki cooked for me and won't tell me what it is!" He hit Ejiro in the side, making the man hissed. "You cooked! I want to taste it too!" Mina was the next one to show up. "Katsuki cooked?" Oh for the love of God. He walked fast to the classroom ignoring the squad behind him. "Not fair, I want to taste it too!" Mina squealed. Shoto was looking at him from the back of the class. Katsuki sent him a glare that if he comes closer he is dead.
After a while, his squad left him alone because Ejiro found a solution that he will get everyone a bit of his food. It was stupid because if Ejiro will do that then he can count on going to the exam hungry.

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