Chapter 14 - bodyguard

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                              Chapter 14

"Kirishima!" Ejiro turned around, blocking the attack with his quirk. Shoto attacked with his ice on instinct almost missing the guy. The attack was useless, the ice broke into small pieces by the man's fists.
"That's the guy who attacked you at the park!" Ejiro screamed like Katsuki didn't know that already. He thought Izuku took care of it. Guess not.
Shoto was dodging the powerful hits, successfully getting some blows back. He watched as Ejiro covered Shoto's back from the man.
The door showed open with Aizawa. Everyone paused looking at his teacher like he grew a second head. The villain cursed aiming his attack on Aizawa, which was a mistake. The man was a pro hero that dealt with the ones like this villain.
Aizawa wasn't able to erase his strength but was able to stop the muscles from getting more powerful. They watched and learned how their teacher kicked the villain's ass. "Remind me not to mess with Aizawa," Ejiro whispered, still in amusement.
The villain was trapped in Aizawa's scarf, uselessly struggling to break free.
"We did it! Dude, our teacher is the best." He watched the villain struggle, but something about it was off. Aizawa turned to them, looking for any injuries. "Bakugou, " he looked up from the villain, " is he the one that targeted you?"
"Yeah." His eyes came back at the villain. It was just a second, a barely visible needle fell from the man's pocket right into his arms. An injection? 
"Aizawa sensei, look out!" The dose of the liquid from the injection was already in the man's body. A rapid laugh ripped out of the villain's throat. The man became bigger as his muscles regenerated. Even his teacher's quirk didn't work anymore. "Fuck! Get away, now! Take Bakugou with you and make sure he gets away safely. We will meet at the station."
Shoto was the first one to react, taking Katsuki's hand and dragging him away. "Wait! Stop!' He watched as his teacher was slammed into the wall by the monster that the villain became. "We need to help him!" They can't let his teacher alone, they needed help. Anybody, any pro hero from this school, fuck, even a stronger student would be good.
The window next to them broke. His body was pushed to the side, dodging a blue flame. Don't tell him there's another villain, not now!
In front of him was standing a guy with black hair, his turquoise eyes staring at him before turning to Aizawa and the villain. The realization hit him like a truck. This guy was the one who fought the Nomu and the same guy who attacked the school. If he remembers correctly from Izuku's call, his name was Dabi.
The room temperature suddenly rose up to the point he started to sweat. With his arm raised up, aimed at the villain, Dabi sent a spear-like fire that hit the side of his torso.
A scream tore out of the other guy while Dabi finished the job and knocked the guy out by hitting the side of his head.
He noticed Dabi pulling out a gun, but before he could shout for him to stop, Dabi shot.
But instead of a bullet, he shot a small injection that put the guy out completely. Sedatives, he thought. Dabi looked at him one more time before nodding and jumping out of the window he broke.
Katsuki took a deep breath, relaxing his body. The adrenalin in him was fading out. He watched as Aizawa got up, checking the villain's pulse.
When he was sure the guy was alive, he went to the teacher's office that was just a few doors away, looking for his bag. Nobody said a word, waiting for their sensei to come back.
"Police is on its way. Your parents are being informed about the situation, so you will stay in my office till then."
It didn't take long for the police to arrive. He watched the villain being dragged out of the hallway, still knocked out. Shoto was by his side, leaning slightly against his shoulder while Ejiro was practically crushing his arm.
"I'm not leaving your side from this day." Katsuki let out a laugh looking at Shoto. "Is that a confession?" That earned him a glare. Ejiro was looking at them with a warm smile.
Nobody asked them questions so Aizawa had told the details already. One of the police officers told them not to leave their houses today, and other rules he will have to follow.
They were dismissed when their parents came, well except Katsuki's. Ejiro's mother offered him a ride home. He didn't want to bother them but after he was dragged into the car, he didn't have a choice. If Ejiro's family didn't take him, some of the police or Aizawa would do it. What will happen with them is something he will discover tomorrow after his teachers and principal will have a consultation.
They took him to a bus stop that was close to his stop. He really felt like a burden, making Ejiro's family take him home.
So he thanked them and got out Of the car at the stop.
It would be a pretty day for a walk. There were a lot of people outside. Everyone was trying to enjoy the sun while it lasted. Near his house, he noticed a black motorcycle leaned against the brick fence his neighbor had. Next to it was Dabi with a cigarette in his mouth, blowing the smoke from his lungs.
He came closer with hesitation. Dabi worked for Izuku so he won't hurt him, right? The man threw away the cigarette when he noticed Katsuki coming, but before he could say anything, Katsuki asked. "Why did you save us?" "I saved you, not them."
Katsuki frowned, stepping a few steps closer. "That doesn't answer my question." Dabi let out a laugh. "Fucking brat. Since my boss left, I got an order to look out for you." That made sense. "So what? Are you going to stalk me until Izuku comes back?"
"Don't call him that in public. To us, he is now Deku. And I wouldn't call it stalking, but I will have to defend you from the ones after you, something similar to a bodyguard. So get ready, I'm taking you home this week from now on."

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