Chapter 41 - Spasibo

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Chapter 41

"How can you make ramen taste so good?!" Shindo almost yelled if it wasn't for his mouth full of noodles. "It already tasted good. I just made it better with some spices."

"Still! God, this is the best!" Katsuki almost laughed, his head leaning on his hand, watching Shindo stuff more food in himself. The guy looked like a chipmunk with his cheek stuffed.

He ate his portion already, purposely giving Shindo a bigger one. Now that the other was distracted from him, he used the chance to go grab the clothes.

"Which one is your room?" Shindo looked up from his food, waiting for Katsuki to explain. "I need to change." He said as he stared at the clothes Shindo gave him.

"I don't mind you changing in front of me." He smacked that idea out of Shindo's head immediately, making him choke on the ramen. "I'm gonna find it on my own."

Shindo rubbed the back of his head where Katsuki hit him, hissing when his hand started massaging the area. "It's the first one on your left!" He yelled at Katsuki who was already going from door to door.

Shindo's room wasn't as big as he expected. The bed and two closets barely fit there. At least it was clean. He ignored the pile of clothes on the chair on propose.

Looking out of a window, he noticed Shindo had a pretty view of the park they walked through. The words Shindo had said repeated in his head. "What did he say?"

Katsuki mumbled to himself as he undresses from his shirt. The shirt Shindo gave him was white with some weird drawing of a figure. It looked like an old hero that used to work in England if he remembers the hero costume correctly.

"Are you done changing?" Katsuki almost squealed but managed to hold it in him. Shindo stood in the doorway, his arms crossed while happily smiling at him.

"Do I look like I changed?" Putting the shirt on, Katsuki could feel Shindo checking him out while biting his bottom lip. The other wasn't going to look away anytime soon if Katsuki won't make him.

"Have you ever heard of privacy?" For some reason, Shindo didn't get the message. Instead, he moved closer, having Katsuki on arm reach.

He took a defeated breath as if Katsuki did something that can't be dealt with. "May I?" "May you wha-?" Before Katsuki finished the question, Shindo wrapped one of his arms around his waist while the other one went up to his hair, pushing his head into the crook of Shindo's neck.

"W-what... What are y-?" "Just let me have this... please." Shindo's words were so quiet. Katsuki could barely hear it since Shindo had his face in his hair.

For a moment, Katsuki leaned into the touch, letting himself be surrounded by the warmth. Shindo's hands shook, hugging Katsuki a bit tighter as if to prevent something. 

But it all stopped after that. Shindo let go, turning away from him before Katsuki could take a good look at him. "I will be in the kitchen. Call me when you're done changing." Katsuki grabbed his hand before Shindo could run away.

A quiet followed. Shindo didn't turn to him, still facing forward. "Shindo?" The other hesitated, but finally looked at him. Katsuki put his hand up to the other's cheek, wiping the tears away.

He made Shindo cry, the tears were there because of him, and watching the broken expression on the other's face, made his heart break too.

"I'm sorry. It's hard to hold back when you are right in front of me." Katsuki didn't know what to say to that, the last thing he wanted was for this situation to get worst. "It's alright. You can let it out."

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