Chapter 6 - he is back

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                                Chapter 6

"The villain followed you?" Oh, thanks, God. "You know it's rude to listen to others' conversation?"
Shoto looked amazed. He moved to sit next to Katsuki, trying to read his expression. "I'm sorry."
Katsuki rubbed his eyes tiredly and looked back at the sky. "You won't tell anyone, understand?" His voice sharpened at the end. "Is it safe, not to tell anyone?"
"It is. You heard the conversation, he is not coming back. What are you doing on the roof anyway?!" Shoto looked at him. "What do you think?"
He knew why Shoto was here. Socializing wasn't his strong side either. The time went on as the three of them just sat there. Ejiro was practically vibrating next to him, craving to ask questions. "Just spit it out, Shitty hair."
"It's just, you don't look so happy about your decision." That made Shoto look at him again. The thing Ejiro said was true. He wasn't happy leaving the villain. His heart squeezed weirdly at the thought.
"I'm fine." And they left it like that. Shoto promised not to tell anyone, and if something happens, they could always ask for help. Ejiro left soon after, but before he could leave he turned around. "Thanks for telling me dude, just know, you are not alone."
Yeah, he was not alone.
The school ended fast, and his way home was even faster. When he finally arrived at his house, it felt too quiet. He half expected Izuku to be sitting on the couch. Sadly he wasn't.
The rest of his day was spent studying and doing homework for their break. He went on a run like every other evening and wasted the rest of his night staring at the ceiling.
This repeated tomorrow, and the next day, and the next.
It was Friday night. Well, almost night. He ran a bit further away this time. Sweat fell down from his forehead, from the hard terrain he chose.
With the last bit of strength, he went to his house. His path was a bit different from the one he normally chose. It was close to the train station.
Not many people go here, so it was always more peaceful. His old classmates came here to smoke and drink. The thing most teenagers do.
He was close to the tracks when his instincts told him to stop. Right before him was a dark alley, but the shadow looked more like a man.
There were a lot of homeless people going around so that might be it. He walked around the alley carefully, looking at the guy on the floor. His eyes went wide at the sight of Izuku bloodied on the floor, holding his stomach. His arms immediately reached to help the other man. Izuku jerked forward at the touch, slapping Katsuki's hand away. But when he looked at the one offering it, his arm stopped in the air. "You look like shit." He put Izuku's hand around his shoulder, helping him to get up. It was harder than he thought, Izuku was heavy.
"Where are we going, you know I can't go to the hospital, do you?" Izuku's voice was rough. Somebody kicked the guy's ass good. "My place." Thankfully, his house wasn't far away.
It took him fifteen minutes and a few stares from civilians to get home. Opening door was a new challenge. Izuku took out a key that looked familiar to his. "Is that my key?" The guy just hummed and opened the door.
Turning on the lights, he moved Izuku to the couch. The man got a blue bruise under his eye, bleeding nose, and broke lips.
The bleeding on his knuckles needed a bandage.
"Wait here." Like Izuku will go anywhere, the guy let himself be pulled this whole way here.
Katsuki helped the guy bandage his hands and disinfect some of the wounds. The one's on his face were the most awkward. Izuku stared at him this whole time without a single word.
"How the fuck did you end up like that?"
He made a green tea for both of them, giving one to Izuku and sitting next to him.
Taking a sip, Izuku leaned back, relaxing. "There is another gang trying to get noticed in the bigger business. They tried to steal something that's mine."
"And what's that?"
Izuku laughed, putting the cup on the table. "Someone's curious. Don't worry your pretty head over it. They won't get it. Not until I'm alive."
He got the guy a side glance, taking a sip of his own tea. The tiredness hit him fast after his muscles relaxed, but he won't fall asleep like last time.
"I should be going."
"What! Where are you going?"
Izuku stopped but didn't look at him. "Don't you remember our talk?"
He got up from the couch and got in front of Izuku. "And what if I don't agree with that." A hand landed on his cheek, pulling him closer to the warm body. "You are playing a dangerous game." And I liked it. That's what he wanted to say back, but instead, he stayed quiet.
"Come to Shifudo bar around midnight tomorrow. Do you know where it is?" He nodded, leaning into Izuku a bit more.
They hugged for a while until Izuku kissed his forehead and pulled away.
"I will see you tomorrow, thanks for patching me up."
Izuku left quickly, leaving him speechless looking at the door.

A/N Hello guys!( ╹▽╹ )
I'm wondering if you want smut?(⸝⸝⸝´꒳'⸝⸝⸝)

I'm thinking of writing something spicy but wasn't sure, anyway I hoped you had a wonderful day and see you soon!♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )

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