Chapter 40 - i want to go home

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Chapter 40

He didn't remember going into the building. Someone opened his car door and the next thing he knew, he was standing in the middle of a lively hall full of rich people.

The memories from Tokyo flashed before his eyes, making him paranoid, but it was nothing he couldn't control. All he had to do was stick to Izuku's side, faking smiles and act like he wasn't about to have a panic attack.

The halls were similar in some things from Tokyo, except this place was bigger and more colorful. Katsuki gazed at the food they served here. It was mostly some kind of bread with wine. Nothing he was interested in.

Time flew by as he watched Izuku happily talk with people, his french a bit rough at the edges but still on a high level. Sometimes the conversation turned to him. Same question after a question.

People wanted to know who he is, and when they tried to talk to him, Izuku stopped them, saying he didn't understand, which was true.

It got more uncomfortable with each person. He shook hands with some of them, ignoring the weird stares he got. They probably thought he was a slut just like in Tokyo.

As they went from a person to person, Katsuki found himself loosening his grip on Izuku's arm. He was getting tired, and couldn't keep up with his surroundings.

"Can we go home?" He asked while they walked to meet yet with someone again. This was the only time they were alone before they moved into the next conversation.

"Just a bit longer, I promise." Izuku said but somehow the words sounded like lies. They were here for hours and Katsuki's patience with people was slowly fading.

The next one who talked with them was an elderly man with black hair and a beard. Katsuki guessed he was around his forties. A woman with blond hair similar to his, clenched into the man's arm, slightly giggling at something Izuku said. Her perfume was strong, the red lipstick matching with the long red dress that showed too much.

He knew the conversation shifted to him when the man gave him a polite smile, his hand raised for Katsuki to shook it. Taking a deep breath, Katsuki took the hand.

Instead of shaking it, the man pulled him in an embrace giving him a kiss on the cheek. He felt the man's fingers travel lower, touching just below his belt. It felt so disgusting but Katsuki was in too much of a shock to pull away.

Why wasn't Izuku doing anything? Why was he letting the man do this? The man pulled away, giving Katsuki a wink before turning back to Izuku.

The woman gave him an ugly glare, holding more into the man as to say that he was her's. Katsuki stood there, sweat dripping down his face while he confusedly stared at Izuku.

But Izuku's attention was all at the man and his woman. He wanted and reach for Izuku to tell him again that he wanted to go home. However, he knew what the answer would be.

He calmed himself down, his hands close to his body. This was it, if Izuku didn't want to go home, Katsuki will go alone. Without a word, he turned around to the staircase, not bothering to turn back to look if Izuku was following.

His heart was racing as he moved around people who gave him a strange look. He didn't care, all he wanted to do was go outside and be alone, he didn't want to be here in the first place.

Soon, he caught sight of the big ruby door that led to the exit, heading straight towards them. Somehow, the room became quieter as he moved closer. His ears rang as his steps became faster.

The door swung open, Katsuki moving through them into the empty stairs. He moved down the big staircase, his steps muffled by the red carpet.

Just a bit longer and he would be free. The front door came to his view, relaxing his screaming mind. His hands reached out, almost touching the wooden surface...

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