Chapter 28 - villains

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Chapter 28

Shoto watched them intensively, he didn't miss the suspicion on Katsuki's face in the camera but his teacher would surely say something. If anything was about to happen, Aizawa sensei would be the first one to know.
The only thing that worried him is that if something
happens, he wouldn't be there to help. All he could do was watch through the camera how his friends are struggling against something bad.
Fuck, his senses were on high alert and it was driving him crazy. Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm himself down, they can do it, he was just pointlessly worried.
Katsuki took another turn, hidden behind a building. Ejiro waited for any type of signal, and when Katsuki waved at him to go, he ran past Katsuki, hardening and covering his flag.
When nobody was in sight, he turned off his quirk and gestured Katsuki for him to come.
His steps were careful and quiet, watching as Kirishima smiled at him.
His eyes widen as a faint air ruffled his hair. "EJIRO!" Something like a red blade stabbed Ejiro into his right shoulder, making him bleed instantly.
Katsuki moved like on autopilot, running to him, tugging him by his already harden body back behind the building.
The alarm went on, warning everyone they had an intruder. His earphone made a static noise before he heard Momo's voice. "What is going on?! Are you two alright?" He reached to touch his ear, and before he spoke, he took a long breath in and out. This was his fault, they were after him and now his friends were in danger because of him.
"Someone attacked us, but it's not one from our class. We have real villains against us." Ejiro hissed, making Katsuki flinch. "Shit, are you alright?" "I've been through worst." They looked at each other for a moment before Ejiro started to laugh.
"Don't look so worried, it's just a cut, we should focus on the fight now." "No." The immediate response shut Ejiro up. "We need to take care of you and find Momo so she can make some bandages."
It was obvious Ejiro didn't agree but they didn't have much time. "Alright." Katsuki helped Ejiro get up, both of them moving to the more shadow parts of the city.
"Momo, can you hear me?" He asked onto the device. Only a few seconds later, he could hear her quiet yes. "We are somewhere near the older part of the city and need you to come near us. Ejiro has been wounded and needs care." "Alright, we are near you, take cover and stay in contact. We will be there in minutes." Katsuki nodded, realizing she can't hear him. That one was done so Ejiro will be taken care of soon.
"Oi Ejiro." The redhead turned at his name back at Katsuki. "Stay here, I'm going for a watch."
"What?! Dude, are you crazy?"
Katsuki ignored him, moving from behind the building they were hiding and walked back where they were first attacked. If the villain is after him, then hurting anybody else would be useless.
It didn't take long for him to get to the spot. The small drops of Ejiro's blood on the ground were unmissable. He was so glad for his reflexes. If it wasn't for them, he would have a hole in his head right now.
The red blade missed his head by millimeters, but he still didn't dodge fast enough. The red line of blood dripped down his face, telling him just how lucky he was.
He turned at his attacker only to find a woman with long shiny red hair and bangs that covers her right eye, blue eyes, and pale skin. She wore a purple blouse with frilled cuffs, over it was a navy blue dress with a long collar. A black mask covered her face, while high socks covered her legs. "You came back? I'm surprised." She said in a mocking voice thrilling Katsuki to attack her.
"Nine? I got him." Katsuki looked at her as she said that to a similar device as he had. "Katsuki! Come back!" Momo's voice sounded in his ear. So Ejiro already told them he left. "Not now, don't come. They are only after me so you are safe." Taking the earphone out of his ear, he destroyed it in his hand. Better make sure they won't follow him.
"What do you want?" He got the woman's attention, smiling at her like this was some kind of tea party. She smiled right back. "I'm Slice, and I would like you to come with me without protests or we will have to execute you. The choice is yours."
'We' was the thing repeating in his head. So there are more of them.
"Fuck you." Was the last thing he said and it wasn't probably a good idea cause the next thing he knew, he was slammed into the wall by someone much bigger than him.
A purple beast-like guy was towering over him ready to snap him in two at any moment. "Don't kill him just yet, Daigo."

A/N I put together the villains from the first and second movie, so none of them is my OC. I'm not pretty good at describing so it's just so you know. (◍•ᴗ•◍)

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