Chapter 9 - what was that

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                              Chapter 9

He woke up in a white open-framed bed with his clothes off, wrapped in comfy sheets. This had to be a second floor. He looked around, still sleepy.
The room looked like it was cut out of the magazine. The only source of light was the night lamp next to him, giving the room a nice warm look. There were a few plants around making the place more lively, together with some posters of someone he didn't recognize. The only thing out of place was the gun on the nightstand closer to Izuku.
He ignored it for now, why should he be surprised anyway?
His clothes were next to the bed, with his phone and everything.
He noticed a card next to him on the floor. It was an ID. With cautious movements, he picked it up. His eyes landed on the name Izuku Midoriya. So that's his full name. He put it back, carefully not to wake up Izuku.
There was a clock on the wall, telling him it was 5:16 am. Damn it! He had school and his parents are surely home today.
The bed shifted next to him, notifying him that he wasn't alone. Izuku turned around, searching for something with one hand. Saliva went down the man's face as he lightly snored. When Izuku didn't find what he wanted his eyebrows squeezed together.
He let out a laugh, watching Izuku trying to get up but failing miserably falling back into the pillow.
With his jelly legs, he got up, almost falling forward, and reached for his phone. He texted Ejiro a quick message that he was alright and pulled the phone away. His clothes were dirty from their activities so he went to Izuku's closet, looking for something that would fit him. Half of the things were suits, but with his luck, he was able to find a black t-shirt with a pair of shorts. He will change into the school uniform anyway when he gets home.
Two arms wrapped around him when he was putting the shorts on, making him squeak. "Did you try to leave without me noticing?"
"I didn't want to wake you up. Now, let go, I have to get home." Izuku nuzzled into his neck, tightening the hug. "I will give you a ride. Come cuddle with me?"
With a huff, he put Izuku's hands away, taking his stuff. "I live far away. The ride there will take half an hour." Izuku didn't like that answer but nodded anyway.
"Let me just put something on, I will be with you in a minute." That's when he noticed the only thing Izuku wore were boxers. He never saw Izuku naked before, but damn, the guy was muscular.
Katsuki went to the living room, waiting for the guy on the couch. The memory of what happened replayed in his head, making him blush. That was fucking embarrassing but at least it felt good.
Lips landed on his neck, waking him up from his thoughts. He turned his head to the side looking at Izuku. "Let's go, gorgeous."
The car was parked in the same place as before. Izuku opened the door for him, closing it when he sat in. The sky was getting a nice indigo color, the city was quiet and the street lamps were still on. The only sound was the motor of the car and his breathing. His head was leaning against the window, looking at the streets.
If he didn't have school, he would fall asleep without a second thought. "I heard you went on runs around the evening." He glanced at Izuku, the guy now having his full attention. "Yeah, why?"
"Would you mind if I join?"
"Sure, I'm going around five."
From the corner of his eye, he saw a quick movement from the window. Must be his imagination. "Text me when you go."
"I don't have your number." Izuku smirked, looking innocently at the road. "Are you sure?" With a confused look, he pulled out his phone, looking through his contacts.
"Really? Did you call yourself daddy?"
Izuku laughed, speeding the car a bit. "Well, it's my kink." Katsuki looked at the road ahead of them. Just a few more minutes and he will be home. "And that's why I'm never going to call you that." "We will see."
A buzzing interrupted them in their conversation. Izuku reached for his phone, but before he could pick it up, something like a monster showed up in front of them. He didn't have time to properly look at it but from the silhouette, he could make out something big, not human-looking.
"Look out!" It was too late. They crashed into the thing, sending them both flying forward. The car hood was totally destroyed, the windshield was shattered into small pieces cutting his face.
"Fuck! Katsuki!"
"I'm fine! Just a broken nose. What was that?!" He wiped the blood from his nose, looking at Izuku for answers. They were lucky nothing serious happened to them. Yeah, maybe Izuku will have to buy a new car, but why should he give two shits about that?
"Can you get out? We need to move." Izuku's voice sounded alert like he knew what was happening.
He tried the door, and thankfully it opened. Both of them crawled out of the car. Izuku didn't seem to have any serious injuries. The guy's head was bleeding but that was it.
There was a scream behind them, but it wasn't human. It sounded like a monster from a videogame. Izuku cursed underneath his nose, taking katsuki's hand and leading him to the alley where the light of the lamp didn't reach them.
Izuku's phone buzzed again and this time Izuku picked up.
"Hello! Izuku-kun! Why didn't you pick up the first time?"
"Toga, send Dabi to my location, we have a problem, why did you call me anyway?"
"Toga?" He asked next to Izuku, leaning into the old wall. "Oh, I see you had your sweet thing with you. I'm jealous."
"Just tell me what you called me for, I don't have time for this!"
There was a giggle on the other side of the line. "The one that stalked you in the bar was one of Shigaraki's men. The guy is still on your tail so be careful." The girl ended the call.
"Who's Shigaraki?" There was so much he didn't know and his whole being craved to know more. But before Izuku could open his mouth, there were footsteps of something big coming their way.

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