XII) "A new warmth"

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Fukuoka, Japan; 2005.

After leaving all the memories & her broken heart behind in Kanazawa, Yurika started a new life in Fukuoka as a full-time worker in a cafe named "Cafe Explora" near the metro station. After coming here, she thought maybe she has to sleep on the streets or starve on the roads- but luckily she met Mrs.Jo, the owner of the cafe while she was sitting hopelessly at the metro station. She came like a divine angel in her life & even let her work in the cafe. Yurika found a little hope for a good life.

It's been already 5 years she had been working on "Cafe Explora". She has become the most trustworthy staff of Mrs. Jo due to her loyalty, hard work & dedication. She even let Yurika live in a small room near the cafe with low rent. For Yurika, Mrs. Jo was indeed a fairy.

Yurika was cleaning the tables, it was around 11 am. She looked at the calendar, it was 5th December 2006. With gloomy eyes, she stared outside the cafe-

"It's been 5 years already. Hiro-san must have been married now! He must have been living a good life with his wife. Maybe he has already become a father now!", she told herself with a sigh. " Why do I think of him every day though? Why do I still want to see him? Forget about him Yurika. He belongs to someone else now!! Forget everything as a sweet dream--"

She flinched with the sudden call, it was Mrs. Jo.

"Ye-yes Ma'am!", she regained her senses.
"Yurika were you talking to yourself?", she was staring at her with curious eyes.
"No Ma'am, I was just thinking of the works I need to complete today!" She tried to come up with an excuse.
"Oh, dear! Yurika, you have been working too hard. Don't be so harsh on yourself. If you are not feeling well take a day off!" She said.
"No Ma'am, it's fine! I am perfectly fine! Thank you for worrying so much about me. I really have no one in this world to rely on! Thank you, Ma'am!" Yurika's eyes were teary.
"That's fine. You can ask me anything dear! You will be the most trustworthy person for me here!" She patted Yurika's head.

It's been a few days. A tall, good-looking gentleman has been coming to the cafe every day. He generally sits there & works on his laptop for hours. But every day he will ask for the strong coffee made by Yurika only, even Mrs. Jo also observed that. Yurika was not specialized in making strong coffee though, but it was clearly visible that he has been coming every day for Yurika.

Yurika was quietly making the strong coffee but her mind was filled with many questions.

"Yurika, this man has been coming here almost every day and he has been asking for coffee made by you! I think he likes you or something like that!", Mrs. Jo whispered to her.

Yurika felt uneasy, "ahh no Ma'am, how can he like me! I didn't even look at him once or smiled at him! How can someone like a person with this expressionless face!"
"Hmm, I think you should ask him Yurika! Don't be too harsh! He is our regular customer!", Mrs. Jo smirked at her.

Yurika slowly went to his table, he was still working on his laptop with the utmost concentration.

"Mister! Your strong coffee!" She called him.
"Ahh, tha-thank you!", the man replied with a soft smile.
"Um, Mister! I think you have been coming here almost every day from a few days and you would ask for strong coffee by me! Can I ask what's the matter?", she asked him with a dense voice.

He was silent for some time, "umm because I like your coffee!" He replied slowly.

"Please don't joke Mister! My strong coffee is the worst! Almost everyone has complained that it's too bitter! But why do you ask for it every day?"

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