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Yurika's Point Of View:

I woke up all of a sudden and found myself in a completely strange place lying on the ground. Confusedly, I stood up.

It was a huge garden veiled with many cherry trees. There were cherry blossoms drifting all around the garden. It was too pretty.

But, I fell from the cliff with Hiro-san! How did I end up here? And how did I survived that deadly fall?

I was quite puzzled while thinking about everything.


I startled by the sudden noise and saw a small kitty was fondling my legs. That kitty... It's Na-ri!

I held Na-ri very tenderly on my arms while patting its head. "Oh my Gosh, what are you doing here, Na-ri? Where are we now?" I was speaking with her nonchalantly.

"Found you!"

A familiar voice called aloud to me from behind.

I turned behind and to my surprise... It was Hiro-san, smiling at me! What the heck is happening here?

He approached me slowly with a gentle grin on his face. "See, Na-ri let us find each other again!" He responded to me abruptly.

"Wh-What is happening? Why are we here? Did we survive the fall?" I was too puzzled while asking him with my frown face.

His face suddenly darkened with my question. He politely shook his head and mumbled, "no."

"Then where are we? I want to go back to Irie! He must be worried sick now!" I grumbled at him as I was getting insane from the situation.

"We can't go back Yurika. We need to move forward now, to the afterlife." His voice sounded very gloomy as he responded.

"Af-Afterlife? Means we are..." I couldn't complete my words as I was frozen in fear.

"Yes, we are dead. We are in the great beyond which will be leading us to a new life." With a sad smile, he explained to me.

A huge blow tremendously hit my heart. I am dead? I can never go back to Irie?

My legs were all staggering and I couldn't stand anymore. I fell down being completely grieved.

He was gazing at me intensely and slowly walked to me while kneeling down before me.

I couldn't hold back my tears and helplessly broke down. "Why? Why did you all these to me? Why did you cause so much pain to me? I will never forgive you, Hiro-san! I can't forgive you! I hate you!" While sobbing bitterly I cursed him to vent out my frustration. The thought of leaving my little son all alone was tormenting me from inside.

He knelt down before me with a gloomy expression. After a moment of silence he spoke, "I acted recklessly this time. But I desperately wanted to have you by my side once in this brutal life.
I have caused you a lot of pain... You don't need to forgive my sins this time, but at least please give me a chance in the next life! I will deliberately find you and never let you go, Yurika." Tears roll down his eyes when he was speaking to me with a heavy heart.

"Why do you talk about the next life? What if we are born in different countries? Different backgrounds? Different faces? How will you find me then? How are you so sure about the next life?" I shrieked at him while gazing at him all infuriatingly.

He quietly looked down for a moment. "Our hearts will be the same. They will definitely find each other again. Our story had a tragic end this time but in the next life... We will have our own happy ending. I will pray before the deities for my last wish in this life." He replied.

"What if I can't forgive in the next life too?" I asked him sharply in a deep voice.

"Then I will keep waiting for you, Yurika. But I won't ever love anyone, except you. That's my last promise." He stood up slowly while speaking to me with his poignant gaze. "Do you see that bridge after those cherry trees? That is the bridge to the afterlife. Let's go." He told me while turning back.

I stood up and wiped my tears as I accepted my harsh truth. I am dead and I will wish in the next life, I want to be happy. I hope, the deities will grant my last wish...

Both of us started walking slowly towards the afterlife...

Both of us started walking slowly towards the afterlife

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